27 yr old man with multiple long term health ... - Pain Concern

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27 yr old man with multiple long term health conditions. Help me?

KKnight007 profile image
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I'm 27, M. With 9 medical conditons i... - Functional Neurol...

Functional Neurological Disorder - FND Hope

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I'm 27, M. With 9 medical conditons including FND. Whens it going to end? Help and advice 🙏

KKnight007 profile image


8 hours ago•0 Replies


Below is the list of my diagnosis, but I have a story rather than conditons. I'm 27 year old man, 6ft 3, weird that I have a wingspan of 6ft 6 1/2. I'm 17 stone and try to maintain weight by health eating. I've recently quit smoking cigarettes. Day to day I struggle with standing for too long sitting in one position too long. I have back pain everyday, I have cramps that fluctuate depending on activity or not. I dont know any area of my body without pain. I struggle with walking and often have falls. I wasn't always like this, I had used to be able to play a full 90mins in an 11 a side football game. Afterwards I was in severe pain but brushed it off. I struggle socially with friends and any relationships. I struggle with moods and processing of emotions and stress. I've been getting worse for the past 10 years. My doctors keep looking at 1 conditon at a time. I'm being messed around by the national health service. I'm looking for any guidance or advice on any or all of my conditions. Also looking if anyone else in my age group has similar issues or long term conditons. I'm being piled up with diagnosis and no support afterwards. Just medication. Can anyone help?...

ADHD 2008

Bipolar 2012

Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome 2015

Anxiety Disorder with Panic 2016

IBS 2017

Folliculitis 2017

Functional Nuerological Disorder 2019

Autism 2020

Fibromyalgia 2021



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KKnight007 profile image
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4 Replies
Thetealharp profile image

I'm 18, I am autistic and am medically complicated with multiple diagnosis and things under investigation. I also am under investigation for possible mental illness. I live with chronic pain, am a wheelchair user and am a medical diet because my gut doesn't tolerate solid or certain food.

cyberbarn profile image

Hi Kurt

That's a lot to cope with, but some of those diagnoses are just descriptions of clusters of symptoms, they aren't the causes.

Have they looked into connective tissue disorders? Marfan is one where the wing span is larger than expected. Another that can cause several of those things is hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It can be missed in men because the men are sometimes stiffer than women are so don't appear to be as hypermobile, but it also affects tissues through out the body, and can result in GI tract problems, neurological problems too.

Many people diagnosed with fibro are actually misdiagnosed, and eventually find out that they have EDS.

I am not in your age group but my son is. He is 25 and has hEDS and autism, and that has lead to chronic fatigue, pain, problems with his digestion, and what could look like 'anxiety' but is actually just his heart doing silly things that people label as anxiety. All this impacts on his social life as the pain, in particular in his feet, means that he struggles to be out and about. But he is very grateful for the internet as his entire social life (if you can call roll play games a social life! LOL! ) is online.

Jessica Eccles is a researcher that has done a few videos on anxiety and the other sorts of things that can cause it, you might want to look into that to see if it rings true with you.


Coastwalker profile image

Please check all your vitamin and mineral blood levels.Lack of vitamins and minerals can cause all that you have listed, sadly no money to be made from Drs prescribing just powerful vitamins and minerals.

High dose Vitamins and minerals have turned many of mine and my husbands conditions/symptoms around. Even something my Dr said I’d never heal. 😅😅

The only things wrong with our NATURAL body is that we are either vitamin and/or mineral deficient or over toxic (usually brought on by wrong foods, alcohol, prescription pills and vaccines)

Idea only - Get these bloods checked for starters, go online and do home finger prick bloods at home and a private (for only your eyes to see) Drs report.

*Vitamin D

*Vitamin B12 (active vitamin B12, not serum vitamin B12

* Iron

*Ferritin (stored iron)


( Thyroid bloods too)




Pte82 profile image

KKnight007, I think Coastwalker is pointing in the right direction. The brain and body needs activated thiamine (vitamin B1) for proper function. Thiamine needs adequate magnesium to activate it. There are anti thiamine factors that diminish thiamine. Search on "stuttering anti thiamine factors" for a comprehensive list. Likewise, loss of magnesium can be caused by pain and stress. Additional causes can be found by searching on "krispin magnesium" There are different forms of magnesium. One form of magnesium threonate easily crosses the blood brain barrier. Another, magnesium malate offers another set of benefits. Check out the pros and cons of each form. Krispin offers a formula to calculate your daily magnesium needs. Mixing forms is one approach to consider. The fat soluble forms of thiamine, Benfotiamine, TTFD and Sulbutiamine offer higher absorption levels in the brain and body. Search on each of the conditions you have listed and see if the magnesium and the activated thiamine benefit that condition. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.

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