I am stuck on a long waiting list and my GP says it could take months before I see a specialist. I am suffering from long term back pain and am considering private treatment as I really would like help. I have seen a few private pain clinics offering online appointments such as london pain clinic, physiotherapy clinics and the online pain clinic that I have seen good reviews for (leva). I was thinking of trying leva clinic as it has a free first appointment. Has anyone tried any? Any recommendations?
Has anyone tried any private pain clinics? - Pain Concern
Has anyone tried any private pain clinics?

Hiya crowcliff,the waiting to be referred is annoying.Ive had mine about 13 years,its constant as well.Obviously,if you can afford to go private,that's 1 thing.but most cant.You could push your gp for a course of physio which will keep your back supple and the physios will be able to advise you more also.Personally,I choose to not take a xariety of painkillers as they will impact on my regular mess.but try a few yoga type stretches daily to add some strength to your back and to keep moving as much as you can manage.All the best.
Have you tried a local osteopath or sport injury massager? I have muscular bsck pain and have found both to be useful. I had ultra sound shock wave treatments from an osteopath and it was really good. Treatments like these are a lot less expensive than a private clinic. My daughter has spinal back problems and takes the supplement Lions Main mushroom powder. She says its very good for pain relief and helps with sleep.
I was advised to see a consultant anaesthetist as they are generally in charge of most pain clinics and the treatment offered. I only had to pay for the first consultation as I told them I was unable to afford private treatment and they then referred me to their NHS clinic, but first made sure they advised me on the drugs I was already taking. I found this a very good and worthwhile cause.