I’ve had an herniated disc since Christmas L5/S1 and unfortunately have not made much progress. Still in lots of pain etc. The specialist has phoned to say after looking at my MRI it is a large disc that has herniated and after 4 months doesn’t look to be shrinking 🙁 It’s looking like surgery so just wanted peoples experiences with this operation. Thanks everyone.
Discectomy Lumbar L5/S1: I’ve had an herniated... - Pain Concern
Discectomy Lumbar L5/S1

Hi I had 3 discectomies and then a fusion. The ops are straight forward usually. It tends to be a one night stay on the discectomies unless there are complications. I had an unusual complication of my leg going numb, the first time. However it resolved itself after a while but had to stay 10 days instead. The other two were straight forward repeats and required 2 night stays. You get the first day to relax and then you have to get up and walk. It was hard the first day but got easier after that. It’s a major operation but if you follow the instructions afterwards and don’t overdo things you are back to fairly normal after 3 months. Just make sure to not bend or lift anything heavier than a kilo or so for the first 6 weeks.
Wow......... snapAlthough I’ve had 3 Discectomies & 2 laminectomies=fusion
The operation is painful, similar to having a horse kicking you in the back.
My ops were successful although I now ave degenerative spine. Mine was also L5 S1, can’t remember the rest.
I had my last Discectomy done on my neck. Can’t believe they went in through the front, last my vocal cords etc
I got up 2 days after, your back will feel like snapping in half.
OMG poor paininthebum bless her, she gonna be running for the hills knowing all this, although u may get a morphine pump for the pain.
I had 20 good years but now my back is very fragile. Before my new symptoms I could do almost anything that a person without a spine problem Can do. BUT....... I always had in the back of my mind that I was being silly risking a few manual tasks at work. My back grew strong muscles to compensate
I did however find it very easy to pull my back, just doing the wrong angle turn, it goes straight into a spasm and unable to stand up straight for days
Like you I couldn’t lift anything heavy.
Good luck and if your in pain ask the nurse for stronger meds xx
I had a laminectomy higher up at the same time as my fusion. Have to say I would not worry about the pain too much after a discectomy. It’s not too bad, it hurts but is bearable. Would not like to go through a fusion again though. That was something else. Cannot imagine a discectomy in my neck, sounds horrible. Anyway pain in the bum the majority of discectomies are straight forward and require only a 1 night stay and are very helpful. Let us know how it went 😃