Asking for my dad, he had been talking Tramadol for over 2 years due to his chronic back and neck pain. What’s stronger than Tramadol he could try?
What’s stronger than Tramadol? : Asking for my... - Pain Concern
What’s stronger than Tramadol?

Usually after tramadol it's morphine usually in a patch form first it usually starts paracetamol, cocodamol gabapentin, pregabs same leve then tramadol then morphine
Hi there. I took tramadol and Pregabalin but after a while I was switched to Pregabalin and dihydrocodeine as tramadol had less effect. It’s working ok, Pregabalin more for the referred nerve pain and the dihydrocodeine for the back pain. After my operations they gave me oxycodone for a week which is stronger but not by too much plus you don’t want to go stronger and stronger all the time as it is counter productive in the end.
I was on Tramadol for many years and found it was less effective over the years. I was asked by my Gp if I would go onto a Group study that involved coming off Opiates. It was the best thing that I have ever done! It involved me reducing my Tablet input over a 6 week period and using distraction and wellbeing techniques. I will say that now I manage my pain on a far better way than I ever did. I was and still am amazed how my pain has not gone but is not any worse than it was on opiates. All I take now is paracetamol!
I will add it was not easy and some of people on the course failed! I would look at the way USA is been affected by opiates? Then you can see where it is and could lead in the UK