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13 Replies

Hi, I'm Ian Devlin

I am a Canadian teaching in China. I have a pars defect, or spondylolthesis, and some bulging disks and moderate dull back pain.

13 Replies
Celtic profile image

Ian, I was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis many years ago (vertebra 4/5) which one consultant, when reading the scan, said it was similar to the sort of injuries seen in patients who have fallen from horses. Whilst some consultants recommended spinal fusion, he prescribed a made-to-measure surgical corset and recommended guided exercises from a chiropodist and swimming but only on my back. I joined an aqua fit class and years later when I grew out of the corset(!), during bad pain episodes I have donned a simple support girdle which has worked its magic after just a few days, plus ensuring that I always have a firmish, supportive bed and chairs. After many years, just recently I am experiencing bouts of leg weakness/numbness (possible nerve compression) and am awaiting results of an MRI scan. Feel too old for surgery now especially after avoiding it for all these years so hoping for specific exercises instead - I’m blaming being stuck isolating/shielding indoors for 4 months due to Covid for a hastening of symptoms (damn China!!)

Perhaps some sort of supportive belt to ease your pain, plus certain simple and personalised exercises and swimming on your back may help alleviate your pain, too.

LesE62 profile image
LesE62 in reply to Celtic

Hi, I am new to the site and interested in what you are saying in your post.

I was diagnosed a few years ago with spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis and a sequestered disc fragment at L4/5. My issues really impacted all aspects of my life and my Consultant, who I have to say I have confidence in and have a good relationship with, recommended a bilateral decompression and spinal fusion which I had in Oct 2017.

I followed all instructions and strived to recover and resume my life to what I had frustrated and despondent I still am. My pain is worse now and more widespread, I have been told I have nerve damage and also chronic pain. I have also been told by same Consultant after further tests, scans etc that I also have Sacro-iliac problems and has referred me to his colleague to suggest a fusion for this. Not sure I will be able to go through with this however.

I have gone through a Pain Management Programme recently and have "tools" to try to manage my pain. I have now been forced into early retirement. I have never been mentioned corsets etc or swimming on my back.

Before Covid 19 I had started swimming as a PMP goal and really enjoyed this immensely, however as I slowly tried increasing the amount I was doing my pain shot through the roof. To compound matters, I have also developed similar problems in my neck. This really impacts neck, shoulders and arm pain. So once there is some form of "normal" back, I will try the swimming again but on my back.

I wish perhaps I had been told this before surgery as I definitely feel I am much worse since my surgery and would be very wary of agreeing to have anymore.

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to LesE62

Oh dear, Les, so sorry to hear that you are still suffering after going through spinal fusion. I saw so many consultants with differing views at the time of my diagnosis and I guess I chose to take what I thought was the easiest way out at the time. A friend in Australia has gone through so much spinal surgery to try and relieve her pain over recent years but none have proved successful and now she has a numb foot and uses a walking frame. Having said that, it obviously proves successful for some - in fact, a Yoga teacher I once met had gone through fusion and was back teaching.

Perhaps when the pools reopen you could just try swimming on your back but pace yourself and don’t overdo it. The idea was to flatten the curve in my back and not over end my neck. I have now developed scoliosis and lost height as a result of the long term slippage (and, no doubt, a touch of anno domini as well!). I’m not really a swimmer but used to use a long foam tube under my back (a woggle?) and float or just kick my legs lightly - aqua fit, at my pace, proved great.

I’m not sure if you can get a prescribed surgical corset on the NHS any more - even my second one wasn’t as good as the first one. But there must be some support belts/girdles for men available. Lots of good luck wishes whatever route you go down.

LesE62 profile image
LesE62 in reply to Celtic

Thanks for your reply.

It does seem to vary with respect to spinal surgery. In contrast to myself, my hairdresser had similar issue and she is great, back playing badminton and working again. Yet, someone else she knows is awful....walking with an aid and has bladder/bowel issues. Just goes to show its a bit of a lottery.

Thanks again and hope you're ok.

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to LesE62

Thank you, and good luck.

robin41 profile image
robin41 in reply to Celtic

Hi all . I was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis when i was about 59 years old . I saw a Private Consultant via the Company Health Insurance and also had the MRI scan . My pain at that time was Sciatica down one leg which was excrutiating when it struck. Consultant wouldn`t operate, he said it was to dangerous .He recommended a Course of exercises etc at a Private clinic ,on day release from work .It would have meant me driving about 40 miles on a day basis .Anyway ,the Insurers said they would pay for an operation(£8,000 at that time ) but not for Exercises which couldn`t guarantee a cure !( £3,000 at the time ). Hence i had neither and suffered for many years until i realised one day that the Sciatica had really diminished without any treatment or pain killers. I`m almost 80 now and still have the back pain serious .A recent MRI scan showed that the fault is exactly the same as it was 20 years ago, still no treatment .Worse still i had a Blue Badge for 15 years down to my GP who considered that was the least i needed for the walking ,which was taken off me 4 years ago ! New system ignores medical advice apparently. Now i avoid walking anywhere which is more than about 200 metres ,as i know i have to walk back again(to the car) plus i can`t satand for more than a few minutes so the new shopping conditions don`t exactly help me .

Good luck to anyone who is suffering with this condition.

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to robin41

Robin, I’also experienced sciatica on about 3 occasions many years ago, the first bout lasting for a year before miraculously just disappearing.

I also had a Blue Badge which I found incredibly helpful, especially the wider parking spaces as I need the car door open to its full extent when getting in and out. On several occasions I found myself unable to get in on returning to the car and either had to wait until the owner of the offending car returned or take up the offer of kindly people who stopped and asked if they could get in and move it for me. Like you, my Badge wasn’ renewed on application a couple of years ago. With the latest symptom of me legs suddenly giving way, I doubt I will have confidence to walk far from the car in future. No doubt I will be referred to an orthopaedic consultant when he/she receives the MRI results.

I do hope you find an answer for your ongoing pain but do try a support girdle if you haven’t done so already.

robin41 profile image
robin41 in reply to Celtic

Celtic.My wife had a major back op about 5 years ago as 3 or 4 discs in lower back were trapping nerves. Great surgeon and great surgery ,she was able to walk pain free immediately afterwards! The scar is about 6" long and there is a Titanium bracket bolted inside ,to her spine but recently she has been getting back and leg pains again. I can`t see any more surgery being done on her back but ,as you say ,i bought her a back brace from a mail order catalogue and it`s been wonderful for her.

I don`t think the back brace would fit me as they only do 2 sizes and i`m quite big now ,via the dreaded Diabetes :(. My Blue badge refusal was based on thje fact that i could walk ,with a stick, 200 metres .On a perfect day; no wind ,not hot or cold ; perfectly flat ,hard surface at the test center ! Unfortunate that real life isn`t like that eh ? The nearest carpark to my Opticians ,for example,is about 200 metres away but after that ,if that carpark is full( and it usually is ) then the next carpark is around 1200 metres away and uphill on one way. I`m afraid i sent a snotty letter to the Asessement Centre to explain this but they still refused to renew the badge. I feel sick when i`m sitting in the Tesco carpark and see the people who use the Disabled carpark spaces getting out of their cars and walking without aid to the shop !

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to robin41

Robin, I so empathise and sympathise with all that you have said. The assessment criteria does not meet the needs of many who really need help. Now about to apply for a Badge for my hubby who has advanced aggressive prostate cancer spread to his bones - I hope for better luck than I had. I must admit I didn’t appeal at the time as I was too wrapped up in hubby’s problems.

Pity you can’t get a back brace like your wife has in your size, but perhaps something you could take up with an orthopaedic consultant to see if they can come up with something for you?

robin41 profile image
robin41 in reply to Celtic

Best of luck with your husbands application for a badge. He should get one . The MRI scan i had about 2 or 3 yaers ago now showed exactly the same condition of my spins now as it was 20 years ago,yet i am 20 years older and have a few more medical conditions which just add to it .No treatment was recommended for the Spine problem ; not even pain killers ! Two minor Heart attacks last year and i didn`t have any treatment for those apart from being told to "take things steady" .

What does frustrate and annoy me is that my neighbour & his wife each have big SUV type vehicles and they each requested a Blue badge at same time as mine was refused. each of them got a Blue badge even though we can see that they are capable of walking and even working .They are a few years younger than us but the husband is always out working ( he is retired) on others gardens and up ladders with chainsaw etc. His wife walks seemingly well until she thinks and then puts on a show of limping ! lol!. He told us that he`d threatened to put pebbles in her shoes when she went for assessement if she didn`t act like a struggle to get out of the car . I think there are a lot of "users" in the system and a lot who are obviously struggling who have to park in a regular space .

Best of luck for your hubby in all directions .

p.s. just had a phone call from a neice who says that she has been suffering with fierce Sciatica for a month now ;unable to walk or drive even. She has been referred for a back operation but obviously at the moment it`d not classed as "urgent". She `s been put on Morphine.

Celtic profile image
Celtic in reply to robin41

Many thanks for your kind wishes, Robin, and the same back to you and your loved ones. But perhaps not the neighbours........!🙄

robin41 profile image
robin41 in reply to Celtic

Hahaa Celtic.The neighbours are very good neighbours but it angers me to think how easy it is for some to get the help which others cannot . I wish i had the gall to "act" a symptom needed to get a Blue badge .

Manorlady profile image

Gosh thats along way away l would be terrified to get sick there no l have never heard of that substance what is it ? Chinese. Medicine . I think they are evil the way they treat animals calling it medicine .

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