I was diagnosed with De Quervain's tenosynovitis due inflammation on my wrist with a lump Nov 2019...I've had numerous tests and ultra scan to find the cause of the inflammation however the results came back clear. Was giving a steroid injection that makes the pain disappear and swelling disappears, However the drug is meant to last for up 3 months according to my doctor but only last for 2 weeks on me...I was then given a drug Sulfasalazine which my body reacted badly to after 48rs. I was covered in bruises /skin changed colour, gum was sore/ bleeding and and slight aches on my torso so i stopped it immediately and reports back to doctors due to the side effect which i was told can suppress my immune system. However i had an appointment booked to see specialist again but due to covid-19 , Mine was cancelled for 4 months or further notice.
Ive since been self medicating on naproxen and paracetamol which has been of no real effect. Over this period, Things have got worse with the pain from day to day. Shoulder joints start to hurt, a big lump has developed on my hand under my skin, my knees/thighs hurt when i get up, My ankle swells a bit on the inside reduces my mobility and finally just in the last 48hr my neck is stiffing up and aching too. This has been causing my sleepless nights and just in the process of losing my job as i cant physical rely on my body to hold up for a day. Ive always being an active person and looked after myself with ever having wait issues.
So fellow human beings with heart of gold and willingness to help, I cry to you and plead to all for some medical advice or dietary advise so i can take control of my life and be able to provide for my family as I've always done. This has been really tough times for me with the family as i cant bare them watch me in agony every single day. makes wonder about my drive to continue with life itself. I will be so greatfull for any sort of recommendation or solution to fight whatever this is thats slowly attacking my immune system in my opinion and im losing it fast and painful. Please Help!!!