First Time Using a Walking Aid in Public - Pain Concern

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First Time Using a Walking Aid in Public

chronically_steph_xx profile image
•12 Replies

Hiya, first time poster 😊

I have Endometriosis & Fibromyalgia, which means pretty much my whole body hurts all the time. I don’t often go out of the flat or walk very far but when I do it takes me so much longer than it should to get to where I’m going because my joints hurt so much & the fatigue is ridiculous. So I’ve finally allowed myself to acknowledge that I do need a walking aid & me being me, I bought myself a pink one 😂 But, I haven’t been out in public whilst using it yet. I’m going to a pain management conference on Friday so I thought that would be a good time to do so since I’ll be doing a pretty long bus journey & a bit of walking/standing. I’m anxious about it though. I’m 32 & when I go out you couldn’t tell much, if anything, is wrong with me. Starting to use an aid, essentially makes my invisible illness, visible & that is making me feel so many things.

Has anyone else been in this kind of situation? I’d be interested in other people’s experiences & any helpful tips for getting used to walking with an aid.

Love & hugs,


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12 Replies


I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. Me too!! I have many conditions causing me pain. Please don't worry about what other people think, your comfort and health come first. I was nervous the first time I used my walking stick but it was fine. I also have a three wheeled walker with seat which I use if we are to be out a while. We went to London last year and I was persuaded to hire a wheelchair, not thinking I would use it, I hired one. Best thing we did, I was never out of it!! Hope this helps you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Cat33 profile image

Yes been there with a walking aid

I had to buy myself a walker and the first time I used it I was so self conscious As we got it out of the car a lady came over and asked me where I had got it as she needed to buy one

It took a few trips but now I never think anything of it you see loads of people using them and I couldn't care less it's how it helps me to walk pain free that matters

Good luck I'm sure it will make you feel so much better x

Joanne20 profile image

Hi I’ve been there too! I use a walking stick if walking very short distances also I have a powered wheelchair for going out round the shops or it has allowed me to get out for days I even take it abroad with me it gives me that bit of independence. I know exactly how you feel because it took me quite a while to get my head around using any walking aid or wheelchair it took for someone to say to me would I rather stay in all the time or get out and live your life don’t let other people stop you from doing that. I too look as if there is nothing wrong with me just get out there it will get easier the more you use it but don’t let anyone stop you from getting out. Good luck xx

CanuckAnon profile image

Yes. When my pain gets really bad my balance is affected so I use a walker. I hated it but it meant the difference to falling or staying standing.

Make sure brakes are on when u try to sit on walker even if for a rest. No issues really as there are handicap-lifts already so no issue of escalators, auto doors were helpful because hard to not get knocked in the face with door when trying to open one yourself. The biggest thing I noticed people were way more courteous to me with walker vs when I wasn’t. I could struggle with doors without and people would stand behind me tapping their foot impatiently waiting but with walker only patience and jump to my aid... so good from that respect.. it was hard on me as I had to like u said make my invisible disability suddenly blink like a neon sign. Grocery stores at least have carts so I can still hide it there.

Best of luck to you!!!

AML80 profile image

I had not replied to any post before but I am 80 yrs old and have a number of painful conditions. I have had a mobility scooter for about 14 years. It has allowed me to do many things which I could not do if I walked. i would recommend a scooter to anyone who has difficulty walk.


Yas45 profile image

Hi yes I’m in a similar boat, I have problems with my nerves which causes my hips and knees to ache so I was given crutches when I lasted don’t to A&E. I’m 27 years old and when I walk in London with them in the streets and tube everyone stares at me and some people do a double take. It is extremely uncomfortable but I have to get used to it. What I noticed is that some people don’t even offer their seat on the train for you with the crutches on the train when the look at you

anaretta profile image

I know that walking aid will be my future, ending with the wheelchair. I have a few conditions combined and walking is already my worst nightmare, but I keep fighting the pain, clench my teeth and every day I work on the muscles so they could keep me as capable and as long as it is possible. But unfortunately, it keeps going worse no matter the efforts I put in.

I guess I am way too proud to let people see that I am in pain and gradually becoming disabled, so using the aid would be absolutely the final option for me. Which I know it may not a smart option but I would feel like I gave in to the pain and acknowledged that I cannot do everything anymore.

Does anyone is as stubborn as me despite the great pain?


Leelee49 profile image
Leelee49 in reply to anaretta

Hi I have chronic back pain and osteoarthritis of the knees, I cannot walk far at all, I use a crutch if I do go out, but it is only once a week to the shopping, I have been practically house bound since 2018, which has caused me severe anxiety and depression. I admit, I would be too embarrassed to use a walker or a mobility scooter, or wheelchair, not that I could afford those, but if I need to get my mental health better, in the long run I know I will need something.

anaretta profile image
anaretta in reply to Leelee49

May I ask how long was it from the time that your chronic pain started to the mentioned time in 2018?

I have chronic pain in most of the joints but I have to admit, the spine and both knees are the worst. Tho, I am young so it is just the long beginning for me. That is why I am curious about your case.

Leelee49 profile image
Leelee49 in reply to anaretta

I had to take time off work due to my knees, I ended up in hospital that’s when they said I had osteoarthritis that was April 2018, I also have restless leg syndrome which kept me up all night and the only way to help it was to walk about, but I was supposed to be resting my knees, couldn’t win either way, my back pain started maybe late 2018, due to the fact I wasn’t moving around as I should have and it just got gradually worse overtime. Then due to being housebound I developed severe and depression. It’s a vicious circle.

anaretta profile image
anaretta in reply to Leelee49

It is definitelly a vicious circle and I have noticed this pattern quite early in my pain adventure when it started from the knees. I was told by every doctor to rest my knees and unburden them and do the rehabilitation once in the while, swim, etc. But it was worse and worse when I stopped doing sports. I went hiking for 4 days - very painful but stress-relieving :) And as I noticed that after this exercise pain lessen as the muscle stability increased, I stopped listening to the doctors and I keep fighting the pain with training my muscle. Immobility is the killer for the joints, the ones with degenerative changes as well. Of course not to the point when it becomes harmless :) With joints degeneration we have to be extra careful as overdoing just accelerates the changes... never ending circle.

I wish you luck and a lot of strength to keep fighting for a smile :)

Leelee49 profile image
Leelee49 in reply to anaretta

Thankyou, same to you 😊

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