Top arm pain and feels sore to touch - Pain Concern

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Top arm pain and feels sore to touch

kat898 profile image
24 Replies

Hi just wondering if anyone else has had the same, iv had Pain in the top of my arms, it feels bumpy and its sore to touch. I no no one's a Dr etc but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this? Would this be due to nerve pain/damage?

Thanks kat

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kat898 profile image
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24 Replies
Amk31 profile image

Sounds like muscle knots. Need gentle massage to loosen up.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

Thank you for your reply, im seeing my sports massager on Friday so will mention this. Iv never experienced this before. How can it happen? Sorry if I sound stupid lol.

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

It is just tense muscles. If your neck or shoulders are stressed. I get them sometimes in shoulders. I have loss the curve in my neck so puts extra pressure on my shoulders and neck.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

Wow thank you so much that does make sense alot to me. X

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

Did you have mri yet? Sometimes shoulders can cause the same issues as well. Unfortunately it's all connected.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

Gosh it's just never ending isn't it. Have it on Monday so will let you know what the result is, although I'm sure it's sent to the Dr first then they let you know? I just hope it's something that in time will heal back as I feel completely miserable and useless at the moment. X

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

Well in Ireland. I was orivate so got results in 2 days. From what I have been reading if you are nhs, takes a while. You with the bus?I know the feeling just see what the results are. Pain is complex thing.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

The scan got put through a week into June so have been really lucky in those terms as the wait for it has been a few weeks if that yes on the NHS, I pay for sports massage as physio on the NHS is awful, I got given a link for YouTube and got told it's mind over matter, no examples of stretching for me or reassuring. I think you have to fit into a particular bracket to receive adequate treatment. I'm going off subject now, I'm grateful nonetheless for the scan and my dr's support. X

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

That's good. I didn't realise the amount of people in pain until my accident. I've also joined Facebook groups as well so get some info.

People also recommend natural products to try and supplements.

This cbd oil seems to be popular. I haven't tried it myself but it has to have thc in it.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

Same here, my heart breaks reading posts, the pain and quality of life that people endure is just awful, what accident were you involved in?I have learnt a few things along the way, i suppose you don't really know about chronic pain until you experience itself, just like Anxiety etc you can't fully understand it untill you live with it.

Yeah iv picked up a few, magnesium seems to be a good one for muscle,will need to look in Holland and Barrett see if there's anything quite cheap.

My son's dad got me some as he vapes aswell, I thought it was ok took the edge off. Iv asked for some more so will let you know what the product is and where he purchased it from. It was just a small 10ml bottle though, it can be pricey. X

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

Let me know. I will try it once I can.

Last year, I was cycling near my house and car knocked me down. Didn't see me etc. Totally his fault.

So left with chronic pain. I'm pregnant so the pregnancy doesn't help the body as well. I hope be pain free but from these forums, it seems most people arent. So i dont know.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry that happened to you X congratulations though on your pregency, so exciting and something too look forward too, do you receive plenty of help and support? How do you manage your pain? X

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

Yep get support from my partner and family. I am lucky that my partner he experienced chronic pain for 2 years with a herniated disc. He is fine now after surgery so he understands.

Just manage it with;

-hot and cold therapy

-panadol when needed but doesn't touch the pain

- massage

-foam rolling and exercise

At this stage i dont know how I have put up with the pain. Once he born I will go to orthopedic surgeon, pain consultant to help manage it. We shall see what happens. Before I believed peoole can heal. Now I'm very sceptical.

Are you still able to work with your pain?

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

Oh gosh, your very strong to keep going and at least you can get the ball rolling after baby is born, I wouldn't be too skeptical then I suppose it depends on how far the damage is etc, I do hope it is able to be sorted through surgery of some sort X how awful for your partner but at least he can really Truly understand how much pain in your in that's great you have a good support network round you. Since Feb this year, doesn't sound long but it is and has ruined my life, it's do isolating aswell. Summer holidays are due in 4 weeks and so feel stressed about that too.

Keep me updated,how long have you got left until your little arrives. X

Amk31 profile image
Amk31 in reply to kat898

I know the feeling. Have been dealing with all this since last year..hope you get some relief soon.

7 weeks left so nearly there...

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to Amk31

You too X not long left now! Hope your labour isn't too long, best of luck X

johnsmith profile image

When we get past a certain age the brain's control of muscle behaviour is not as good as it once was. The brain for various reasons can cause muscles to over contract. This in turn applies stress to body parts which dislike this stress. Because nerves can be stressed you can get referred pain and discomfort.

The over contraction can come out of nowhere. There may be a cause, but cause occurs at a different time than the noticed discomfort problem.

Muscles have nerves which can tell them to contract. There are no nerves to tell a muscle to uncontract. The uncontracting of the muscle relies on other muscles, ligaments and fascia to do this. An over contracted muscle may be too contracted for our own body mechanisms to lengthen the muscle out again. Hence the need for a therapist to uncontract the over contracted muscle.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to johnsmith

Thank you for your response, I have taken that on board and will ask more questions about it.

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi there , don't think nerve pain would just be sore to touch but everyone perseves pain differently and we all have different pain tolerance. I had upper arm pain & stiffness some time ago which responded to upper arm exercise unfortunately I had a fall and broke my shoulder for a second time so had to undergo more physio but the pain is gone again after 12 months. Some tablets can have side effects of muscle pain and soreness so worth checking the patient leaflets for any drugs you do take. But even for exercise relief you need to see your GP.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to katieoxo60

Thank you so much, I did tell my GP and they just checked my arm reflex's. I will bring this up again though. Will you tube the arm exercises. Thanks again for the information, everyone is so helpful on here.

6092177588 profile image

I think so. I have had tightness in upper arms for a long time. I was in pain management when they took and gave steroid injection in low back. They then found herniated discs in cervical. Not sure but genetics and where nerve damage is. Still searching. Thanks

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to 6092177588

Sorry to hear about your nerve damage and discs it must be extremely uncomfortable and distressing for you especially if your still searching for pain relief of the damage?

katieoxo60 profile image

If you go onto NHS website and put in upperlimb exercises they will come up on your computer OK

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to katieoxo60

If course I hadn't thought to do that thank you x

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