'85% accessing help' - top is help with pain - Pain Concern

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'85% accessing help' - top is help with pain

Splooly-01 profile image
6 Replies

Another post, concerning what help I could get with managing my pain.

I have seen the GP multiple times, and I would like to know, the types of help, this site or other things, are suggesting. I have been dealing with it, for more than 6 out of 7 days a week, and it has effected my 'daily activities' as mentioned, and explaining this to others who -, GP and phramists-, says that can support me - I find it hard to explain what I am finding issues with and dealing with already. I have tried, multiple times to be honest - year by now - It does wear me out (a lot). Plus, I do not like to show when I am feeling unwell/in pain/getting upset about it, which is a personal issue too. I feel like I am not getting the support, to know how to cope, deal with it, etc. To clarify, it has been a struggle for a while (timestamp: 2004 - 2019, multiple health issues, blended into each other). As I try to explain it, when I feel courage to, I find, when I am able to listen, it doesn't get addressed as much as I would have liked for it to. As I know there is only limited time, in a day, appointment wise/getting seen to, only half I get, the correct help, for short-term uses. I am only seen in one day, than the 6 of 7 days, if I am open to think about, when I have bad to a good day. I honestly feel alone, most the time. For now, I have been dealing with it, as it suits me. Should I be reporting this everyday, or explain in one sitting? With my GP, as recommended. To this, I have missed plenty appointments. At the clinic, and support places. With this, it is hard to explain, what happens that day, because I am sorry, for people who could have had them appointments. Through the pain, I struggle to get my personal feeling, pain, to explain to the people I should be seeing. To be honest, they get mad and that is why, I ask if there is a way to explain, and get my personal, feelings of pain experienced, explained clearly, to others.

Right now, there is no constant help for myself, but to address it, is always a step. Although health has been changing, as in seeking support, and I try to see the support, it may have to offer. Thank you if you read this.

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Splooly-01 profile image
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6 Replies
Itsallinthehips profile image

Have you been refereed to a pain clinic?

insanetigger68 profile image

I know how you feel, there just seems to be no support for those in long term pain. Its a sad state of affairs when they say one in 3 of the community suffer from long term pain of some kind but then dont support those suffering. With the recent call of withdrawal of pain meds etc its making things worse. Im actuall crying my eyes out as i reply cos i feel so alone and so fed up. It just seems like ive been begging for answers for yrs now but just hit a brick wall. They tell me its chronic pain like its nothing. They arent the ones that have to live with something that is all consuming, totally annihilating, destructive to self and relationships and totally alienating> I do hope you have better luck than i have of understanding and some support

Billyboy2u profile image
Billyboy2u in reply to insanetigger68

I feel your pain. After an accident at work I got put on Morphine. With it I could work and play as a normal healthy human. (170mg a day). With the cuts I’m now housebound. Can’t walk without the grinding from my neck and lower back.

I feel I’m now forgotten about. Just a doctors gold star on his report as getting my Morphine down. They don’t care I don’t sleep without my meds. They don’t care about me now not part of society.

I now feel what’s the point in my being at all now. So I feel every word you say yet nothing seems to be getting done about it ?

johnsmith profile image




and read what Aligil said in reply

Hopefully this will answer part of the question you are asking.

Please reply if you have questions.

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello there, I understand what you are trying to put over. I have had chronic pain for nearly thirty years now, this is the first year I have been to a pain management clinic. I have just agreed to be assessed for Arthritis Research on pain relief. If you have just been muddling along pain management might help you, many GPs are taking this option now for chronic pain. For the patient they get the chance to share tips with other patients or you can opt for one to one discussion, which gives you more time to state your individual problems and the clinic relays them back to the GP. I know I sound quite confident but on bad days I worry about falling due to pain in the lower limbs and the fact that the pain is often not controlled by pain relief alone. Worth having a chat with Johnsmith who has posted as he as lots of info on chronic pain management ,of which some might help you. Best wishes for getting what is best for you.

Hi, I've been in chronic pain since 1995. I completely empathise with your situation. The first thing I suggest you do is to start a pain journal. You can then use it at appointments to demonstrate to the health professional your current situation.

Secondly, and this is going to sound harsh, you must attend all appointments. I understand that you are in pain but unless you're demonstrating this you will not get the help you need/are entitled to. Get a friend or family member to come with you so they can help you express yourself and listen to the response.

I do wish you well and agree with the other comments. I'm finally on a trial that may help (or could cripple me) but it's a long haul. You have to be a nuisance and/or find a tame GP who will actually get things done.

Get referred to a pain clinic in the first instance- threaten legal action if they don't. You are entitled to be seen by a professional in the pain field.

Good luck, let us know how you get on. You are not alone.

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