Has anyone had shingles but through the inside of your body?
Shingles: Has anyone had shingles but through... - Pain Concern

I’ve had it twice, first time from my arm pit down to my hip and then across my stomach to the other hip, terrible pain. Second time just across the stomach and not as painful.
They do say carriers keep it inside until it reappears, so maybe if your carrying you get symptoms as it affects the nervous system.
I had it three years ago which manifested as a flat purple rash on my foot which was spreading I finished up in hospital for five weeks as it resulted in a dropped foot which I still have, and have been told since that I had shingles on my sciatic nerve ! Not to be reccommended !!!
Possibly. I only had two small spots, but pain round waist and up spine (back in 2004) up to bra-height. Since then I've developed pain around my upper right and now also experience pain around eye sockets and sides of head. It's certainly a maladaptive response to the HZ virus but exactly where it went in my spine I don't know.
Yes inside mouth