Spine severely degenerated in last few years ... - Pain Concern

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Spine severely degenerated in last few years because consultants ignored my diagnosis....can I sue?

Annalouk profile image
9 Replies

So over the last nine years I've been to various consultants trying to work out the causes of my pain in my spine, hips, pelvis, muscles and other joints. Over the years they have changed my diagnosis and added others but now it turns out something that was picked up on an MRI four years ago was brushed off as "that doesn't cause pain" and no advice was given on how to look after my spine etc. That thing was Scheuermanns disease. So for the last four years or so they have been treating my other symptoms and diagnoses but ignoring this one. I had a new MRI last month because I felt my spine had changed and pain worsened and on the report it states "significant degeneration and thoracic kyphosis caused by scheuermanns". Years ago they told my yoga would help my symptoms so I threw myself into it and even trained as a yoga teacher.....now I am told the yoga is the likely cause of the deteriation from scheuermanns!! They told me to do it!! I'm so angry, upset and confused, not to mention in a lot more pain now and I feel I am due some kind of redress.

I cannot work, lift anything heavy or Hoover or do housework. Some days I can't even get out of bed.

Any advice on what I can do to get redress or even compensation would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

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Annalouk profile image
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9 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi it sounds like you have a good case so why not see one of those no win no fee solicitors? Or you could ask for a free half hour with a solicitor as many of them do this. You would probably only see a legal exec though and not a solicitor. Good luck. x

Hi. This is sad to read. I think there is a case and I would for it. On a positive note, think all those people that you have helped with your Yoga. That's very useful for some people and can prevent serious issues in the future. It's not helped you but you often find, we get most out of life for we do for others. What has happened to you is wrong and I hope you get what you deserve. Hugs.

cyberbarn profile image

Have you contacted your local Healthwatch? They usually work with voluntary organisations that can help you make a formal complaint. That would be the first step before suing. And in that process they will be able to look at the complain and decide if it is worth suing. The bar is pretty high for that, so the evidence will have to be sound. It isn't easy suing, it takes years and years so it would be best to start with the formal complaint.

Delzek profile image

Hello Annalouk , I t took a team of visiting South African Drs in a mobile MRI unit to give a proper diagnosis of my degenerative skeletal disease! I had been seeing Dr after Dr here ! Not one gave a diagnosis that was correct! The visiting team of DRs also referred me to a specialist dealing with Anklossing Spondylitis, I t took fifteen years,and a vast amount of pain and suffering ! I could have sued IF I had two different Drs as professional witnesses stating it should have been dealt with fifteen years ago,But where are you going to find one DR never mind two that will stand against one of their own?? My Mother died due to Negligence in hospital and because of the hospital a Dr prescribed Penicillin she died a couple of months later after going into a coma and never coming out of it! I would have sued Solicitor told me I would win my case against the hospital,but I didn't my reasons were simple

1=Any financial gain to myself would be a loss to the NHS (they are Underfunded enough without me making it worse)!

2=the hospital lawyer and consultant lied to the Coroner! A DR,and consultant both told the coroner that they had treated her yet northern had attended meetings between my family and the hospital?

A Dr friend of my daughter (also a DR) both read the full hospital records of my Mother's stay Northern the Consultant or the Dr at the Coroner's Court were mentioned in any of the files until she passed away!again as my Daughter lives in the USA as does her Dr friend their advice was it is not worth the pain I would go through and the difficulty in getting two UK DRs to back me I would never win! So all I can do is state my Hatred for the two drs/consultant who lied along with the lawyer for Coventry Wallsgrave hospital and hope they try to sue me! It would give me my day in court and I would hope the the Dr and consultant get barred and the lawyer debarred! I hope with my answer you will see why it's worthless during them unless of course you come from the USA

johnsmith profile image

If you are in the UK you are unlikely to get compensation. This is because of the Bolam test.

Is the Bolam test still a significant part of medical negligence? read the following article.


I am not a solicitor. Speak to someone from the AVMA. avma.org.uk/

In other countries you need to speak to lawyers.

You say: "...on the report it states "significant degeneration and thoracic kyphosis caused by scheuermanns". Years ago they told my yoga would help my symptoms so I threw myself into it and even trained as a yoga teacher.....now I am told the yoga is the likely cause of the deteriation from scheuermanns!! "

There is yoga and yoga. Yoga done in a correct manner taken into account your body's structure is unlikely to have caused the deterioration. Yoga done in a manner ignoring your body's structure could cause deterioration. Legal people for the defendant's will find experts to blame the condition on your lack of ability.

See a sports therapist to look at any micro-cramps you may have developed. See an Alexander Teacher to help you look at how you are misusing muscles and find ways of not mis using muscles.

Hope I have been helpful.

HearYou profile image

Hello, I did practice law in the US for a number of years. Even if you have financial basis for the condition you have now, I have no idea where you would start In the US, I would be talking with a THE MOST RESPECTED lawyer about your case.......to be certain if you may have one, and whether even if you have a case if there is really liability involved, rather than going through the months and months of legal matters only to learn a rather modest award i will be offered.

After the attorneys fess, court and specials fees, the medical and legal expects needed, are there may no mch left for your in the based case scenario.

Court and litigation are not a pleasant , but is wise to keep as much to yourself about your details as possible......If you decide on litigation, I suggest you do not leave anything further on this venue. Never let the opposing side be able to learn anything free.

I hope you are able to think this over and speak with one time an attorney fees; as well as another attorney and don't sign anything until you are certain you have made up your mind.

And it s critical for you to speak with all the doctors to find out if there is medical care program to assist you and significantly improve your medical condition before you seek, legal path.

You want one of 4 things:1 your botched medical condition corrected for a decent life life............................................2 medical corrected for a decent life (if possible) and financial assistance................................3 if only minor medical available to help, as much financial settlement as possible...........$.if all else fails "shoot for the moon".

Any attorney worth her/his salt will understand what i have tried to explain to help you in the British system. Just do not write ,post or talk or whatever or anybody about your situation until your attorney says ti's ok.

Hopefully this bt of insight into the legal possibilities is of help to you. Wish you the best in all ways. As it appears some administrators may or may not be reading PM, i wouldn't suggest you use PM or post or make replies on this venue regarding your situation until you have checked with your doctors and possible attorney first.xxx

hilary1842 profile image

I too have spent the last 10 years trying to get help for pain in my back and left leg. I am now waiting for my appointment with the pain clinic. I learnt to teach yoga through Wheel of Yoga in the 1970s and have dropped in and out of practice / classes in the intervening years. In the last 5 yearsI have attended medical classes with at the Instiute of Iyenga yoga in Acocks Green, Birmingham and graduated to ordinary classes where so long as I dont stand on my left leg I can keep up. During this time I have found that the Iyenga method of teaching yoga will keep me flexible but requires other forms of exercise to help build up the muscles. Muscle strength in yoga is built up by holding an asana in the perfect alignment for increasing periods of time.

In the last year I was refered for physio at Walsgrave Hospital and was eventually assigned to the 'Spines Class' that is run by one of their senior therapists. Much of what was tought in these classes was similar to yoga or pilates but there were fresh exercises which I could take away and do at home. I particularly found the soft large gym ball to be a beneficial prop.

The physios and doctors I have seen have all said that that without the yoga I could be a lot worse. At 67 with a deteriorating spine that has lumber kyphoscoliosis causing left leg pain I am still able to maintain an upright posture with level shoulders and with effort level hips.

I have had a pacemaker since I was 50 so MRI is out and I believe the Mylogram I was given was botched so the doctors cannot tell where my pain is coming from. I am not expecting any great improvment from my forthcomming visit to the Pain Clinic. I (my bladder) cannot tollerate the drugs I have been offered by my GP and TENS is out because of the pacemaker.

I belive that given the amount of information that is available to us via the internet we should all learn as much as possible about our body, be open minded and learn what works for us personally.

Before you start any battle look at what the out come will be. Your body cannot go backwards only forwards. Could that energy be put to better purpose?

Good Luck

6092177588 profile image
6092177588 in reply to hilary1842

Thanks , I agree.

6092177588 profile image

I feel the same. If it wasn't for the right orthopedic who said it is coming from your spine. Then I had many who said you need surgery, 4 told me . I then found a good neurologist at Cleveland clinic and in just one visit I had answers. How many saw leisons on my spine? I would like to notify pain management and doctors to get info update on their research and methods of identifying. Thanks,have a good day.

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