I've had pain at the base of my skull and up the side of my head. The pain radiates up my scalp. My scalp on my left side is tender to touch. I also have temple to jaw pain and pain behind eye. I cant get into neurologist for 3 months. I wake up with it sleep with it. Ive tried massage heat and cold packs and medicine. Nothing has helped. I also get a tingling sensation also on that side of head.
Neck and head pain for 9 months: I've had pain... - Pain Concern
Neck and head pain for 9 months

This could be caused by stress and anxiety
Hi sorry to hear you are in pain I have had typically for 5 yrs.. horrendous pain , aches, stiffness,tenderness, Ihave now wear a soft neck support for driving if able too! Also when its at it worst .. I use control gels.. cold, heat packs and taping technique which all helps.. I have been told caused by my fibromyalgia, and anxiety... off tobed docs again today as think muscle twitching has caused neck sprain... also I use warm baths with Epsom salts and rest when need.. though sounds crazy but Dec do a few neck stretches even though hurts stops muscles stiffness .. take care hope it eases soon gentle hugs x
You have muscle strain around your neck, it is the SCM muscle and your symptoms are what happens when you strain it. It is the worst muscle in your body to strain because it causes a whole lot of problems, it is not to hard to fix but it can take a while ....
Try using the exercises in the links that I have posted, read the instructions, but do the neck exercises for a couple of weeks before you add the shoulder exercises in. Try to do the neck exercises 2-3 times per day, it might be painful for the first couple of weeks but keep doing them. You should continue for about 8 weeks with them.
I hope they work for you, they did for me.
Oh and go look online about the SCM muscle and how it works, also look into your posture to see if that's what's causing your bad neck etc.

Thanks I'll look into this

Do you know if that would cause my tingling feeling on that side of face also
Yes, it did for me too, plus ear ache, sinus infections, head aches, sore jaw, pain at top of head, rear of head, under my chin. I had ears checked load of times, sinus treatment, pain relief etc etc.
But it turned out to be those muscles. When they play up they can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
Hi Eric, I've had similar pain and have been looking at the vagus nerve. Do you have tinnitus as well? I do think inflammation of that main cranial nerve is at fault. Of course, inflammation has so many causes it is still a dilemma. Sugar and gluten might be culprits.
I think it's a nerve as well. I have had a brain mri to rule out neurological causes. I have a follow up in a few months. The first appointment he told me he thought it was a neck issue which I was told by one ent it was a muscle strain but this has been getting worse and ongoing for almost a year.
I had it for over a year and I have a trapped nerve in my neck due to an accident. But the things going on with you might not be a nerve, it could be but it may not be.
The exercises I posted for you worked very well for me, at least give them a go and you might feel a difference, they worked really well for me.
Yes, this sort of thing is becoming more well known in the autoimmune area. From The Broken Brain and Longevity series it is proven that any inflammation in the body will cause inflammation of the brain. The mitochondria in the brain is very sensitive to damage. Personally I would venture into this as conventional neurology may not consider the real cause. Can you find out if you have brain antibodies? Also, the microbiome in the gut sends more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the body. In other words, the gut is very involved in our brain health.
I do take anxiety medication but this feels too painful to be anxiety
Eric, I think the anxiety and the pain are all connected. Consider a ketogenic diet or see if you have deficiencies or sensitivities that are causing inflammation. You might look into proteolytic enzymes and digestive enzymes which also might go a long way to help.
Worth having a check up at a dentist.
I go to neurologist in 3 weeks. Hopefully he can have answers for me as my symptoms are still the same. I wake up everyday feeling like half of my head is bigger my cheek jaw half of my head is tender and sore. Still have pain behind that eye. My neck hurts down to my middle back on the same side I feel like I need to crack it. I was scheduled to have a cervical neck mri but insurance said it was unnecessary. I'm so tired of feeling like this everyday.