Im Kathy and im new here. Been in pain a long long time. It's Sunday and I had An EMG done wed. In which it made everything worse. My hips, lower back and left leg swells when I walk any distance. I have Scotia, fibro, and a small bulging disc almost with authoritus . Normally a busy body. Very depressing.
Hey y'all,: Im Kathy and im new here. Been in... - Pain Concern
Hey y'all,

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you have been in pain for so long. Being in pain can be depressing but depression can also be caused by other things like inflammation.
Have you been referred to a pain clinic yet? In the mean time you might find the Pain Tool kit helpful. It has come good ideas on how we can take control of our pain and live with it.
Dear Kathy,
First of all, and probably most importantly, welcome 'aboard'. You will find us a friendly Bunch, by and large, and that we don't bite- excepting at Full Moon naturally!
Seriously though you are meeting Friends here. (We are all exactly the same but completely different, or is it, completely different but exactly the same?) We do have, between us, a wide range of experiences though, it has to be said, that not many of us are Medical Professionals. I am a Member of this 'Forum' along with Vasculitis UK (Vasculitis being my condition) along with 'Action For Happiness', which I recommend you DO Check out.
In the mean time I hope that you find relief, from your pain. I trust that you have mentioned it to your Doctors/Consultants? This may seem obvious and, it would be, the first Thing that I would do, so sorry, if you already have. Sorry that there is not anything that I can actually 'Do', to help you Kathy. I will Pray, for you, that I promise.
Warmest Wishes