I have oseoarthritis in my right hip and severe coxidynia. I have tried steroid injections, Ibuprofen, voltaren, and other anti- inflammatory medications. They take the edge off the pain but it never goes away. I have also visited a chiropractor, osteopath and physiotherapist. Nothing seems to help. Any suggestions as to how I can receive some relief?
At my wits end.: I have oseoarthritis in my... - Pain Concern
At my wits end.

The best person to see in my opinion is a podiatrist as a lot of pain in the knees and hips and back starts right at the feet, do you have an arch in your feet? thats a good place to look as if you dont it means that your posture is wrong from the feet upwards. the ankles have rolled in putting the whole body out of balance . Thats what was causing me lots of pain. I noticed that my feet were flat with no arch, of course thats when it was pointed out to me. whats the point of sorting your back when the problem may be cause by something lower down. wishing you well i understand how bad it is to suffer pain and not be able to get any relief.This is something to think about and be aware of. love grace xoxoxo
Did you have a fall which caused coxidynia? Have you had scans or exrays and did it show anything? Go back to doctor and tell him your not coping. Ask to be referred to a pain specialist who can hopefully advise your doctor what pain medication to try. Also look on the web for special cushions made for coxidynia sufferers. A friend of mine suffers from this so I know from what she's told me how painful it is. Hope you get some relief soon but don't give up. X
Lots of info on coccyx.org. I use a Tempur medical memory foam cushion to sit on. Well 2 or three these days as I've had this problem for 20 years. There's a special X-ray you can have which is mentioned on the coccyx site above. My coccyx was pulled out of alignment with surgery. Did you fall on yours ? Lots of people have posted with all different experiences on coccyx.org some people use a cut out cushion. I can't use that type because of my other health issues. Sitting on a hard chair totally not advisable. I take my cushions everywhere I go.
Coxidynia is also known as Tailbone pain ? I was told by my Doctor there was two types of tailbone pain and I would never get rid of my type tailbone pain. I had to shift from cheek to cheek to relieve my tailbone pain. By experimenting with vitamin D3 I found that taking a high (safe) dose of vitamin D3 of 5000iu the pain and other pains I also had all went away almost overnight. 1000iu of D3 was not enough, it helped but all pains came back again within a few days.
vitamindcouncil.com for info and safe doses of vitamin D
Is there a reason that you can only take anti inflammatories??
I have severe osteoarthritis in my hips, herniated discs and fibromyalgia. I cannot take anti inflammatory drugs because of stomach issues.
I've had the best pain relief from butran patches (like morphine), max dose gabapentin and paracetamol and codeine 500/30 for breakthrough pain. I still have pain but it's bearable most of the time
Hope you find something that works for you