Hello I'm scared about so much my heart,the c word..everything I'm suffering with headaches and doctor has said it's tension headaches but I'm scared it's the c word and I've suffered with my chest and stuff for ages had so many ecgs and stuff
Fed up with always being scared: Hello I'm... - Pain Concern
Fed up with always being scared

Wow, know the feeling of not knowing what's going on (scared/worried about if the medical issues are/could be the c word), know it' shard to deal with (and easier said then done)...I've got mega medical issues from lungs at the c stage only now sure how far gone cause I'm highly allergic to the dyes (which all my doctors believe it's actually better for me & so much harder for the doctors), have also got my whole system is trying to shut down (in this week I have a post op tests & on Wednesday I go for a biopsy on my bladder & my Urologist is going to see if he can do/use the scope going into my kidneys-because they are trying to shut down-and cause of being highly allergic to the dye it may be the easiest way for him to get answers......All my doctors are trying not to fully open me up do to spreading the c word from my lung---of which my doctors already believe it is spreading further inside of my body ---due to my system trying to shut itself down...yes, my system is fighting itself...so for me it's dealing with just day to day trying to not worry/stress, but/yet it is so hard...I do the adult coloring books, watch tv, here on the computer, and spend time with family when possible (winter time I get grounded to the house-only allowed out for doctor visits---due to my lungs & allergic to the phenmona shots), & especially can't go around any one that is sick...so just day by day & hoping when I hear the c word I can fully handle & deal with it (yes, in my mind I figure everything is happening due to the c word, how I handle & deal with it will be real easy because I look everything up, trying to get as much information I can),....yet a family member today mentioned she's worried if the doctor does say the c word that I will go down hill mega fast (so yes in ways I take offense to it), but then it really makes me think how will I really handle & deal with it??? Guess taking day by day is all we can do, we can try not to stress or worry but little things set it off & we begin to stress or worry....so stay as busy as possible, take all the time with friends & family....no regrets & everyday is a new adventure.....hope it helps & sorry so long (it's not normal or usual that I write this much, just feel that I need to get this out or it will fully eat me up & yes, it's amazing I feel better)....
Just like to say hello Terri324 I think it's great you let it all out you should be able to do that all the time as there's nothing worse keeping it all inside as it turns rotten and the stress of it makes you feel a whole lot worse. I see you are going through a lot of medical issues I wish you all the best and I hope an answer is found and the medical staff do as much as possible to make you well. Please stay strong in mind and as well as you can in body I do honestly believe that keeping strong mentally will get you a long way sending my best wishes x
Hi there Heather-Bee3. mega thanks and learning everyday that I need to talk things out (grew up keeping things in a journal and not talking things out), just makes things even harder is where I'm at (I don't have the full trust to keep a journal-without the risk of someone seeing it---especially a medical journal)....But mega thanks, will keep everything in mind and try to keep medically strong & know there are friends to talk with....
See an Alexander Teacher. They will help with posture and muscle control. These have an input to anxiety caused by tight lung muscles. It will also help with tension headaches caused by a heavy head not balanced on top of the spine.
Alexander technique will not cure the physical problem you have but it will help you manage it better. Keep the doctor in the loop. A few lessons of Alexander technique may cause you to go back to the doctor for a second opinion.
Hope I have been helpful.