gabapentin good but the weight gains a killer... - Pain Concern

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gabapentin good but the weight gains a killer.. or amyl trips in the day as i have them at night and dont have any problems feedback welcome

WAGS56 profile image
5 Replies

I had my first spinal fusion in november 2012 anterior approach at my c5 c6 level crushed discs in between squeezing my spinal cord a little .. Operation was a waste of time, i still had the same pains and they was worst in some cases also caused incontinence whothgich i never had before and my balance shot it more so than before the operation,i also had loss off feeling in my left leg and right side, both my hands and feet became so painfull at times i could not touch them it was like having paper cuts all over god i never new the human body could produce that pain, Terrible in the dark on my hands and knees as had no gauge or feelings in my feet still dont so if i cannot see them i automatically fall to the floor if i didnt get on my knees in time, Well xmas came and went and in late feb i was back to see my surgeon who proposed an MRI as the scarring should of subsided now and they would be able to see more on the MRI , early march i was back in surgery for a c5 c6 lamnioptamy posterior approach ie at the back of my neck,the plan was to go in and remove the bone spurs from the back of the c5 c6 levels to free up the pressure on my cord, Ok that was the plan well in they went and had to take out c5c6 levels to give cord room,i had definite damage to my cord was told before this operation their was and this was purely to keep you out the chair and stop you getting worse as they obviously had done from the 1st operation. Operation complete i have never known pain like it i was sent home after 2 days with no kneck brace or anything was told to use meds i already have and they will see me in 6 weeks for a catch up, well the following weeks were terrible and the pain unbearable at times with real bad headaches the only relief i got was if i held my chin up whilst walking with my thumb, Anyhows see,s the surgeon who tells me one or two things that i did not no pryor to this appointment not even when i was in hospital for 2 days after the operation, They had to take out c5 c6 c7 spurs and i had suffered a dura puncture which had been repaired at the time and had no effect on my symptons ? i also had a small cyst on my cerebellum at the base of my skull which they said is nothing to do with the operation ? yet when i read about them it gives you all of my new symptons,now after 3 yrs the only relief i get is from my medications which is quite a list and does include amill trips for pains and headaches and lots of gabapentin plus pain patches for other symptons,Will i ever be free of pain prob not, will i this year seek other pain relieving options probably will yes, all this in turn put a massive strain on my marriage and we are now seperated but thats another story on my anxiety posts .. Take Care Off You .. Lou

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5 Replies
Cb1963 profile image

yes you've certainly had a rough time of it,and when surgery doesn't work out,that in its self can leave you in a dark place,and it's terrible what pain the human body can inflict on us,pain influences every day of our lives and ultimately when in a long term relationship this can also fracture and fail,another hurdle to cross in life,it's so difficult to have a normal life,and yes we need hope and people who understand,so even though I don't have your health problems I totally understand your frustration and suffering,and being in constant pain makes you feel at your lowest point,I suffered with neuropathic pain and loss of sensation in my feet and legs and arms,and sometimes the pains are intolerable,and I've been told there's no cure,so then depression kicks in,so I've put weight on,which is another moan,and the list keeps going on,so sometimes you feel lonely and just want to discuss your problems which is the best thing about this forum,it's helpful and you get some lovely people offering advice,or even if its to let your hair down and have a rant,I don't think I've ever had a bad response so I truly wish you all the best in your quest to getting some of your health issues resolved and hopefully getting on top of your pain,might make you feel a little better,thanks

WAGS56 profile image
WAGS56 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you for your words of support cb1963,it is so so very hard and yes i am and do get kind words and support from this forum,My wife and kids were my world now its just as broken as my spine,will i ever be pain free i dont think so as i have definite cord damage,and cant come of meds,trying to work at life is hard enough never mind a marriage to repair with my illness x Thank you for your kind words and i will be needing this community to get me through..

WAGS56 did they use cadaver bone, or your own? My first fusion failed because it was cadaver and mt body rejected it. Second time they used my own pelvis. Amazing difference. Also. Have you seen more than one surgeon? Second and third opinions can make a huge difference. One more thing. My buddy, former Marine had artificial discs put in? Have you looked into that?

Just curious. Also. Feel free to ask me anything on this? I have had a few neck and back surgeries

Take care my friend!

Littlesheilacox profile image

hi 👋,,,it's unbelievable how the medical profession can leave us in so much pain!!! I have cauda equina syndrome in my words failed surgery,x 3 ,,,,I really can relate to the pain you're going through,,,,,Tbh I think the pain were experiencing will never go but - there are things WE can do TO Make OUR LIVES BETTER ,, one WHICH WE CAN LIVE WITH THE PAIN !!! Try hydrotherapy,,,acupuncture,and come to terms that anything we do we will be hindered in ,,,that doesn't mean giving up 👆,it means coming to the reality that pain maybe a daily basis but tryn keep a positive attitude towards IT,,,hugs xx Sheila

WAGS56 profile image
WAGS56 in reply to Littlesheilacox

Hi Sheila,Thank you for your kind words i have for 3 yrs now had to deal on a daily basis with the pain both from my spinal ops and my heart,This condition has gnawed away at me and made me a very different person,life at home will never be the same as my wife and i have seperated because of the pain and the bad anxiety attacks at times witch was all to do with my insecurities due to my condition how i had changed and how the dynamics had changed in the home,i am not working due to this condition and it has drew a very definite line under my marriage i have been out the marital home since febuary 2016 staying at my parents as i need someone home,i now have to accept by the sounds my wife is making that a divorce is on the cards.. BROKEN HEARTED AND IN A MESS IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT, Hate this condition and where i am at the minute in my head .

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