Introduction from me.: Hi, I am a father of... - Pain Concern

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Introduction from me.

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7 Replies

Hi, I am a father of 5. Married 14 yrs. I Have a son with ASD ADHD and daughter with Type 1 Diabetes. I have had back problems since my teens. I had 2 motorcycle accidents and this furthered my back problems, pro-lapsed disc, neck spondylosis. I had to leave my work and now teach my son with ASD from home. Life is tricky. I have a very good wife who has helped me with my difficult times. I take so many tablets I rattle. NHS won't fix my back as they say an operation could make it worse. Martin

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7 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Welcome Martin. You have come to the right place if you need any help, advice, support or a rant.

Lovely to hear your words about the support your wife gives you. All too often i husband/wife/partner doesn't understand my pain etc. We may not feel your pain in the same way you do but we do feel it in so many other ways and hard to see that person hurting when little we can do.

I presume you have been to a pain clinic? Pain relief isn't just about taking pills. So many alternative therapies can work in conjunction with those meds.

Hope by now with 5 children you no longer ride a motorbike? Need a very big sidecar!


PainTablet profile image
PainTablet in reply to Bananas5

Hello !! Yes I have been to pain clinic, had chiropractor, osteopath, physio, China acupuncture 3 mri scans. I am sure many people on here have also had similar events. I still ride a motorcycle !! I cant give it up. Even tinkering with it helps reduce stress and lets me unwind. I have been introduced to trim caps and although they do help relieve pain in a differant way they boost my insomnia. Strange I Know. Martin

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to PainTablet

I have a husband who, over the last 30 years, has gone through everything. They did operate which is what they did all those years ago. Like you have been told - it made things worse. Of course they rarely operate these days but medicine has progressed.

So what did you learn about pain management at the pain clinic?


PainTablet profile image

Hi, it was a while ago, exercise was key, losing weight, having some physio and doing set stretches etc. Trouble is most of the clinics i have been to are about paperwork and filling your pain levels out on a sheet. 1-10 etc. I didn't find it particularly helpful. Times can be hard with managing pain, exercise and a very autistic 12 yr old boy.

Ariadne1925 profile image

I have a bad back, although did have surgery and partial success - I can sit down more comfortably now. I also have a child, age 6, with ADHD, well still waiting on the first appointment for diagnosis but it's obvious to her teachers and us. Sadly my husband also has (recently privately diagnosed) ADHD and is mildly autistic - he wants to help but struggles to understand or empathise. A bad back and an ADHD child is a bad combination. Not being able to play physically as much or go out for long.

PainTablet profile image

Thanks for the reply. Yes, he needs exercise t help relieve ADHD and this means football. I struggle and have increased pain after but its a lesser of two evils really. I'd rather suffer than him. Your absolutely right. Empathy emotion and how others feel are not really in his locker. There seems to be a massive increase in ADHD and I wonder sometimes if it was all the numbers in food during the 80's. Its not the MMR jab as some believe I think as Sean had symptoms of ADHD and Autism before this. There is medication available, It was offered by the Specialist and we trialled several types before settling on elvanse 50mg. I can tell you it keeps him calm but the side effects are mild depression, loss of appetite and he can be very snappy. I hope you receive a speedy diagnoses. Regards Martin

Jenles profile image

Hi PT (Pain Tablet)

Although I fortunately don't have children with health problems or other issues I can certainly relate to your situation in other respects. Having moved fairly recently and therefore changed GPs, one of them told me that 'no-one needs to take this many tablets.'Hehad no knowledge of either my various health problems or of me personally. The first GP I saw wanted to randomly stop some mess and change others - without ever having seen my notes - on my first visit. I am now seeing the only other GPin the practice and although she seems much more empathetic, she also is cutting back on the Gabapentin. She wants me to stop it entirely (it had recently been raised again by the consultant) but past experience tells me that I need at least 300mg a day. This info is really just to say 'I know .' I have had 2 spinal surgeries and although they improved my mobility, at least for a time, prior to the 2ndop, a fusion, I was told that not much could be done for the pain. Now, 12 years later, Ian reliant on a mobility scooter when out and can only stand for short periods.

Please try to see the value there is in your being able, and available, to teach your son. It is important, valuable and significant. Congratulations.

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