Lidocaine Infusion-two weeks on..... - Pain Concern

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Lidocaine Infusion-two weeks on.....

Janepepper profile image
15 Replies

Well everyone, despite my initial excitement, it was not to be. I tried to talk myself into believing that it had worked. But the truth is, it hasn't. I've been so miserable, but, as you all know, we can't let these things knock us out. So I've picked myself up and I'm forcing a smile on my face and I'm ready to start the daily fight of keeping going. The daily, no, strike that, the minute by minute fight to stay upright and behave like a human being is back on. Obviously, I'd rather curl up under the duvet and howl like a wild animal caught in a trap. But that doesn't help with the pain either! So I'll put on a face full of make up and carry on as though I'm fine. I'll give my usual response to the "how are you?" question, which is, "never better"! It always amazes me, when I meet a friend or acquaintance when I'm out and they comment, with huge astonishment, at how well I look. I'm not sure what they expect to see. Maybe they think I should be wandering the streets in a hospital gown, pushing my drip as I go. Unwashed, unkempt and looking near to death. They seem surprised that I have retained a modicum of self respect and always make sure, whatever my pain levels, that I'm dressed appropriately, hair done, make up on and smiling. Only other chronic pain sufferers along with any other people with chronic health issues can understand the need to "be normal", even if it is all pretending! But I did want to say how grateful I am for all the support you gave me. It made such a huge difference. You are absolutely brilliant and I want you to know that each and every one of you touched my life and made a positive impact on me.

I'll be meeting my pain consultant on 22nd September and will find out then what the next move is to be.

Be in touch soon. With love

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Janepepper profile image
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15 Replies

Hi well done Janepepper I don't really no what's behind your pain.But I suffer chronic pain so have some understanding what your going through.Its amazing how many people say to me ( your looking well ) when I'm in such pain even my husband don't realise when I'm in in pain because you can't really keep saying all day long I'm in pain. So just take a deep breath and try and live your life as best you can.Well done and a big HUG from me.

Bananas5 profile image

Rotten that it didn't work. gace it a try. Best foot forward and meet the next chanenge as we all do.

Pat x

Curlygirl54 profile image

Oh janepepper, I'm so sorry. I met with my pain consultant last Friday and he talked about 'getting me off the hope / despair cycle' so I think I know what you mean about wanting to howl like a wild animal caught ina trap

Calceolaria profile image
Calceolaria in reply to Curlygirl54

I wonder what is so wrong about the hope/despair cycle. If we don't have hope, what do we have left? Ok, despair ain't so good but surely both are a natural part of life. The alternative is total acceptance and for me, that would mean despair 24/7. Easy for these specialists to say not to have hope!

Curlygirl54 profile image
Curlygirl54 in reply to Calceolaria

I guess what he was saying was that he doesn't want to leave me with false hope

Calceolaria profile image
Calceolaria in reply to Curlygirl54

Your hopes are not within his gift. Never give up. Its your body, not his and your body will do what it does in the best way it can. Best wishes. Mary.

Calceolaria profile image

Well done Jane. That's the spirit!

sharelle profile image

I love your comments about life as a chronic pain sufferer x

Marky profile image

So sorry the lidocaine infusion failed to give relief. Hope the pain consultant comes up with something else for you. God bless and hang in there.

superannie profile image

Hi, sorry to hear the treatment didn,t work. I know exactly how you feel as I had a steroid injection into the spine a while back. I also had great expectations of a pain free time for a few months. Even the guy that did the procedure was expecting me to hop off the table and dance a jig around the room. He told me that in a lot of cases the results were instant. Not for me, only very slight relief and wasn,t to last longer than a couple

of weeks. Back to the grindstone. Good luck in the future. Ann

Kerryjess profile image
Kerryjess in reply to superannie

I have had pain injections into the spine for many years and I never got an instant reaction! It always took a week or so to take effect, and sometimes I got more relief than others, usually after 8 /10 weeks I began to notice it wearing off.

I didn't realise you could have a lidocaine infusion. My dr out me on lidocaine patches before my last op ( spinal surgery) I was not coping well with the pain. The patches were great although they could only be worn for 12 hrs at a time and off for 12 hrs. Unfortunately they were stopped because my GP was "pulled up" for prescribing them for something other than shingles which is their most common use. The pain clinic dr said if it worked for me, my GP should have argued the case and kept on giving me them.

Kat3 profile image

Sorry to hear about the Lidocaine not working. That's something I've been wondering about trying, but maybe it doesn't work for everyone. I had a few epidural injections that didn't do a thing. Your comment about your astonished friends saying you looked so well made me laugh, as I get that ALL THE TIME and it drives me crazy!! My family also say this to me accusingly, 'but you look so normal!' 'you don't look like you are in pain' – as if their saying this, could somehow make the pain not exist. It's horrible having an affliction that no one can see. If you were on crutches or had a huge bandage on your arm, then people would understand that there is something wrong, but when they just have our word to go on....

Good luck with everything. Don't give up. There will be something that helps.

mitziblue profile image

So sorry it didn't work sweetheart!!! Hope your pain doctor can find something to help you from suffering so. Please let us know how it goes. Hang in there darling, I know just how you feel!!! xxx Mitzi

paulapips64 profile image

I'm so sorry it haven't worked janepepper I've got my infusion on Monday I will keep you posted my doc said if it doesn't work they will try ketamine infusion I don't like the sound of that sending hugs your way x

USAhousewife profile image

I am so sorry it didn't work for you, sucks, don't it? I went down that road, while it was great for the nerve pain from my chest surgery, it was useless for my neck/shoulder pain. After doing some research. . I asked my pain management man to try a few levels of facet steroid/lidocaine injections. Made a world of difference :)

Being a wild chid of the 70's. . Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll, I say go for it! I have been seeing it mentioned more and more for pain management. And let's face it, there should be something good come out of it. I'm in my late 50's, so my attitude is much more liberal. And I'm to the point, I'll try most anything that has a chance of working. I'm not sure if it's because I'm just damm tired of hurting and feeling like crap or if my body is telling me that something has got to give.

Good luck to you and I am sending you loves and hugs


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