Pain coping strategies list for the bad times. Help me make a list!
What coping strategies do you use on the bad ... - Pain Concern
What coping strategies do you use on the bad days? Self soothing? Distraction? Music? Journaling? I'm asking you to help make my list!

I try and meditate and try and relax as much as I can. Clive

Thank you! I have those strategies, but have stopped using them. Much appreciated
Hi there, what about swimming or the hydro pool if you can swim😁

I love the pool! Sometimes the bathtub is the best I can do. But even floating there is helpful. I will look into the local neighborhood pool and see what they offer. Now, if I could just float there without my feet touching the ground....
Mindfulness meditation and movements using headspace app . And I attempt Tai chi , I do aqua a couple of days a week . I find the more I move even when in pain it helps I find by not moving reg I get too stiff to move and then the pain increases .
Thanks! Was using headspace and stopped. Not sure why. Will reinstall.
I would LOVE to do Tai Chi. Do you go to a class or watch on the television?
I rest. I lie down and do Reiki meditation with crystals in my hands.
I also do bowel and pelvic touch therapy to calm spasms in my rectum and bowels.
I listen to music to distract myself from
pain ( while lying down ).
I’m 62 and my legs are very sore from all standing I did pre ‘decompression surgery’ AND from the many falls I had.
I don’t believe anyone is meant to stand most of the day AND especially if nerve pain makes sleep impossible.
I still require many meds which all make me sleepy but when I try to decrease the amount I flare.
Thank you, all!
I will try some of those. I am 45 and had a bought of vasculitis at 29. Then nothing much. Then all of it starting about 3 years ago. We are reducing pred very slowly and appear to have a great plan. Right now labs look really good, for me. My doc and husband are super excited about my 'recovery'. I feel nearly as terrible as I did at the beginning of all this and dont really believe there is a future without flares. I do want to reduce meds, if possible and use some of these other strategies. Or both. Or whatever. Also, I would like to take more of a hippee approach 'Everything is good', 'Today is a good day.'
It's hard to get around with the nerve pain and osteoporosis in feet and ankles. I will see what I can do at the pool.
Konagirl, in the US, you can get lidocaine patches over the counter. (Like the novocaine at the dentist). These totally numb the nerves before bed. It has been so helpful to me on bad days. Up to 12 hours on, then 12 off, and only for as long as your doctor says. I know it can bother your heart if you take it longer. Whatev. Ask your doc. Thank you all for thoughtful and different ideas. Exactly what I am looking for.
Here's hoping you all have moments of relief today.
Soothing music. Funny animal videos.
ratoncita suggests soothing music. Apparently tests have been undertaken using classical music and that style seems to be useful. Not marching tunes etc.
Crochet helps to distract and yoga when able I find it helps to stretch.