I got diagnosed with scoliosis about 20+ years ago. They didn't know how to help me as scoliosis was an unknown I illness then. The doctor who diagnosed me also told me , my top bone in my neck was missing. I coped as best I could and slowly the pain got worse so I went for some physio on my back. Only to be told that I have a second curve at the top and that the curve at the bottom is noticeable. That was a couple of years ago.
Since then I have been to different hospitals but they all say that I could learn to stand up straight or do exercise and my scoliosis will disappear.
I have now found a scoloisis specialist in Manchester with the help of the scoloisis association but my doc is hesitating sending me there as he thinks my scoliosis isn't severe enough.
The pain I suffer is unbearable and most days I can hardly move as my back has locked.I'm on strong painkillers but they are not working as well as they used to.
Any suggestions about dealing with the pain and trying to change my doc mind?????
Please can anyone help???? As you can tell I don't sleep much.