I am suffering from post surgical neuropathic... - Pain Concern

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I am suffering from post surgical neuropathic pain in the right groin after a hernia opp 15 years ago.

robertp profile image
11 Replies

Been to the pain management team in Leic and Notts, to no avail.Struggling to walk very far, anybody with similar problems.

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11 Replies


After fifteen years, I would advise a GP appointment, that could be anything, it may be not related to the hernia.


robertp profile image
robertp in reply to

Thanks for your reply, i have seen my G.P. a dozen times all the medication i get it is like putting petrol on a fire. I have had the lot morphine, patches, you name it i have had it.

in reply to robertp


Under the circumstances you should have words with your GP, or even a second opinion, for the complaint you had fifteen years ago

Now it sounds like something may not be right, so personally I would want it checked, all may be ok. You are only suppressing the pain not curing it

Realize I am not a Doctor, therefore he is your health professional


robertp profile image

Hi, Believe me i have had second , third and forth, op ion. been in hospital six times for this problem opp after opp.

to no avail.

The reason i put this question, to see if any one has got the same problem.

Nora1 profile image

I have peripheral neuropathic pain after chemo about 3 1/2 years ago. It's not in the same place, but is around the vulval area and spreads when it's really bad. I take OxyContin and Gabapentin plus Oxynorm as required. Most of the time they work reasonably well, but when I have a flare up, as now, nothing helps, though one cannot say how bad it would be with nothing.

I'm hoping to start on a Chronic Pain Relief Management course in April. They don't cure the pain, but try to find ways to help you live with it. Perhaps you could research something similar where you live. I live in Bucks.

robertp profile image
robertp in reply to Nora1

Hi i have tried Gabapentin all the medication i have had just like putting petrol on a fire, i have been on the pain management course, and i have been referred to a psychologist. Thanks very much for your reply.

Can you tell me what pain clinic you went to in Notts ? I suffer from chronic myofacial syndrome & the pain clinic i attended was useless so would be good to know about another one in Notts

robertp profile image

Nottingham Queens Medical, through my doctor, no different to Leic General.

in reply to robertp

Did u see mr hobbs he was very gd in beginning had accupuncture,injections &went 2 pain management classes didnt wrk he then lost interest in me as i dont think he cud give me any answers thats the most fustrating thing nobody being able 2give you answers and just offering 1painkiller after another& all you want 2do is live a normal life

robertp profile image
robertp in reply to

No i saw Dr Bone 10 yrs ago, then to see a Dr Anderson at Q M C. the least said the better, then i saw Dr Gopinath 2 yrs ago, he tried every thing medication 2 opps, i am wait for appointment to have acupuncture. I have got an appointment to see a psychologist. I had E Mail to asked me if i had tried Gallium Maltolate it is a cream, i haven't have you, it is from the U.S.A. I not to sure about it, looking on the internet it looks as though plenty of people over there have got the same problem.

in reply to robertp

I have researched myofacial syndrome on the internet & there plenty of reseach done over there on it but over here they seem to put myofacial syndrome in with fibromyalga my symptons are nothing like fibro when im not in pain(which over last 2yrs isn't very often) i am able 2 do everything other people do.Ive not heard of the cream you've been prescribe but it cant do any harm trying it (ive got 2 the stage where i will try anything if it gets rid of the pain & can live a normal life).if you feel like you're getting any side effects from it stop & go straight bck 2 you're GP

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