The MSP were discussing a petion submitted by a Lady who suffers Chronic pain like a lot of us. I thought Pain Concern would have put a post on the site.
The MSP,s were talking about getting a centre in Scotland to treat CP instead of sending the patients to Bath at a cost of 250.000.The session lasted 3hrs and they all aggreed not enough was being done for us.We were not permitted to talk in Parliament but could talk at the next meeting.
AT 5pm we went to a Cross party meeting with the MSP,s, Labour Tory and SNP.I asked several questions eg Why did the RIE not replace a Muskulo Skeletal Specialist when he retired. the Orthopaedic Department use the money, The Top Brass are going to look into this
Jackie Baillie Labour, said we and the Dr, should share information, I told her and the others that a Maxillo Facial Surgeon an Neurologist an Neurosurgeons do not work together, I had asked this Question of the Max Fax Surgeon and he told me that you only see him when the others are finished with you. Dr Steve Gilbert a Consultant Anaesthetist and Pain Specialist in Queen Margaret,s in Fife said he found this situation to be true
A Lady MSP suggested a site at the Homeopathic hospital at Gartnavel because it could save some money
There were several members of pain organisations there and several from Pain Concern, Lots of people had things to say,
We as stakeholders, users fo the services and suffers of pain have to take on the polititions and I find they do not want to listen
There were a few MSPs in the chamber for the debate and near the end the parliament filled up with the rest of them including Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon who walked in like Royalty, smiling at each other and took their seats, They were all given Voting papers ,filled them in and the ushers collected them in , They did not debate but voted so that they could be paid, I was led to beleive this ???
I asked about money fot this new venture and was told it was available.
It will be interesting to see what coms of this
If you go to the parliament practice your Gaelic esspecially if you need the loo
If any one reads this. Thank you,
Soap Box Moggiemay