Hello ladies,
I want to let you all know that Ovacome is looking at new ways of allowing people to donate in memory or in tribute of loved ones. It is important to remember that this is also an issue of cost. We already pay for Justgiving, Virgin Giving and BT MyDonate. Each of these allows you to set up pages and leave messages, photos and donations which come directly to Ovacome.
I know HealthUnlocked is looking at adding a donation page link to our community page, but this will only take you directly to Ovacome's general donation page for whichever website we chose to link with(Justgiving, Virgin Giving etc)
Once you have clicked on that link you would still need to navigate to the specific page for the person for whom you wish to donate.
For instance, on Justgiving you can go to our main page and on the left hand column you will see a tab which says 'raising money in memory' which allows you to leave a message and make a donation; this is the easiest way of donating without having a specific in memory page.
Alternatively, when someone dies a page can be created and donations can be made through that page which add up to a total and allow friends and family to leave messages. You can see an example of this by clicking on the link: justgiving.com/AlisonFong
Ovacome does not set up individual fundraising or in memory pages, because this needs to be created by friends and family. Ovacome does write to the family to thank and acknowledge donations received.
If you set up a general in memory page it may become difficult to determine how much is donated in memory of an individual and their families may already have a page set up.
I hope this makes issues around in memory donations to Ovacome clearer and please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss further.
Best wishes,
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