Has anybody taken the drug Danazol for endometr... - My Ovacome
Has anybody taken the drug Danazol for endometreosis as I have. I have read that this can increase the chance of getting ovarian cancer
Hi MrsHill, I think most of us go through a stage of wondering what we've done that could have caused us to have cancer, or what we might have done to have prevented it. In some ways I think it's helpful to think this is where I am now and what am I going to do about it rather than looking back and worrying about things you can't change.
I have read that some ovarian cancers are linked to hormonal balance and I guess only the oncologist or your GP would be able to tell you if this is the case for you and how that impacts on the treatment you should receive. I don't suppose any medical professional would begin to suggest that taking a prescription medication triggered it in the first place.
Hopefully others will have good advice for you too.
love Annie xx
Thanks for the advice. I am sure everybody is told the same thing that nobody knows why you get this cancer, my Gynae doctor told me the only way to catch it early is through luck and often it is only spotted when you you are being examined for something else, but you can't help wondering. Moving forward it is important to keep healthy and stress free and live your life.
Unfortunately your oncologist is absolutely right. It's good to raise awarenss but it's only in a very few cases going to make any difference and currently the most likely way of detecting it is if you are being examined for another problem.
You're absolutely right about keeping healthy and stress-free and living life to the full. I've only just discovered GP Fitness Referrals. You can ask your GP for a referral and you'll quality for a very discounted membership of a sports centre near you for 15 weeks. This gives you access to special exercise classes designed for people who have ongoing medical conditions but want to improve their general health.
I have every belief that a cure is just round the corner. If not for me, then for thousands of women who might otherwise follow my path. For this reason I support charities that undertake major research into Ovarian Cancer as well as Ovacome which gives me personally so much support.
Take care, be well!xxx love Annie