Hello Ladies has anyone gone though dose-dense weekly taxol but had to miss two weeks? Did this have any effect on your overall treatment/prognosis/remission? Thank you.
Weekly taxol-missed session: Hello Ladies has... - My Ovacome
Weekly taxol-missed session

I did in my first three cycles, about half way through - had to miss one as got a bug and was throwing up so much I was hospitalised for almost a week. After that it took another week for my levels to come back. I was assured by my oncologist it would make little difference in the long term and she was right, ca125 downward curve didn't alter actually. I guess everything moved back a couple of weeks all down the line since - the op, recovery break and then restarting chemo - but all is on track so... It seems not to have been an issue, and everything is looking positive at this point, just finished cycle 5

Thank you for your response Sue.
I had weekly taxol/carbo with 2nd surgery in the middle where I missed 4 weeks, and later had to miss another week. My oncologist said that with weekly chemo people often have to take a break because of low blood counts etc and she wasn't worried. At the end of chemo my ca-125 was within normal range.

Thanks for coming back to me Monique.
Hi, I am getting chemo now for stage 3 OC: carboplatin every 3 weeks and weekly (dense dose) Taxol. just recently missed two weeks due to low blood counts. I now take daily injections of Neupogen after each treatment in order to boost my bone marrow and it's been working well.
Good luck! I hope you feel better and stronger soon!
Hi Erika
Thank you for your response. Sorry if my question was misleading but I am not sick. A close relative of mine is ill and as she doesn't seem to want to research/find out more about this disease, I became a member and boy, am I glad that I did. Everyone here is so warm and knowledgeable about the disease. I have learned so much. Again, thank you for your response.