My dear mom left us yesterday,after a brief but courageous battle,and she showed dignity and bravery I could only envy,during her final moments mom could hardly speak,she did manage to say `no several times and "light" but as the battle was beginning to be lost she expressed "MOM",her own mother passed away in 1987,we asked if she could see her mother,and told her to reach hard and hold her mothers hand,,,,,my mom was not the type to mention the afterlife or heaven or stuff like that so to see in front of my eyes all this happening was surreal,I know now that your loved ones do come for you,they are there and wait for us,it was a moment despite being the most horrid in my life the most devastating it was also the most lifting I have ever experienced,mom would of chatted to you all for hours on this site and I can only thankyou all once again for helping me in my hour of need,xx
"They do come for you": My dear mom left us... - My Ovacome
"They do come for you"

Dear Shaun
That's lovely and I hope it brings you much comfort in the days ahead.
I lost my own mum to OC 10 years ago and felt exactly the same. Now I have my own fight to contend with.
I'm so glad you found support and comfort on this site. Keep in touch.
Love Linda xx
Dear Shaun, Thank you for sharing this with us. It does seem your Mum died peacefully and that is a good end - or perhaps beginning depending on how you think about death. Hopefully this has given you strength to get through the next weeks and months as you process all you've been through.
Your mum was a lucky woman to have such a loving family. x Annie
Shaun, I also believe as you do, as the same thing happened when my father in law died, he was talking to his wife (who died a few years earlier) and was trying to relay messages to us, so as you mixed feelings sad yet surreal. You have been such a help to your Mum, I hope you can keep strong. Love Sue
Dear Shaun
It sounds as if your Mum left the world surrounded by love. It does sound uplifting, though of course there is deep sorrow too. I am sure you know that your Mum's love will be with you for ever.
Monique x
Thanks, Shaun. I felt that when my Mum in Law died at Christmas 2010. She talked to her Mam and my father-in-law. There are so many mysteries surrounding the end of our lives, and I definitely don't think it's the end. Just a different stage. As you say,mit's a surreal time when we lose someone we love so much, but I feelmit's a privilege to go through it with them.
She will be with you always
Love Wendy xx
Dear Shaun,
I know you'll miss your wonderful Mum so much, but in your words I felt she had given you the gift of knowing that there is something very special after this life. At some time in our lives, all of us will be at that place and it's a comfort to know that our loved ones will be waiting for us (on the other side) reaching out to help with that transition.
May your days ahead be full of peace and wonderful memories of your Mum.
Dear Shaun,
It must be such a comfort to you knowing your Mum has gone to join loved ones. We had a similar experience when my father died in March this year. He was very close to death and started to sing! This was amazing in that he'd scarcely been able to speak for days. None of the family recognised the song but my husband fed the words into Google and we were flabbergasted to find it was a song about a courting couple who were very much in love. After talking to older family members we found out that my Grandmother used to sing the song to my father when he'd been on a date with my mother. It made us all feel so much better as we felt our mother and grandmother had come to get him and help him through his final hours when we were no longer able to do anything.
Love Liz XXX
Thank you so much for sharing details of your Mum's parting. It's very similar to how it was when my dear Mum-in-Law died. It's also comforting to read other folks similar stories . I'm so pleased that you were able to be with her at the end. One of the biggest sorrows in my life was that, having sat with my own Mum for days, and all the previous night, I allowed myself to be talked into going home for some sleep the next night, and to see that my husband was managing as he'd just had a foot op. and couldn't get around. She died 2 hours laterand I still feel the anguish I felt three years ago.
Keep your chin up and be comforted by knowing she knew how loved she was.
Best wishes, Solange