some of you will know the plight of my mom val,having been diagnosed on 7/8/12,she had missed appointments,lost blood results,wrong diagnosis,and then was told its terminal you have it 6 places,and we were told she has only days,she has been vomitting bowel contents for a week now,she has had however 2 super days after the docs agreed to send her to St Richards Hospice,so today my sister did her hair and eyebrows and nails,sat her in the chair and was waiting for the ambulance crew to collect her,they have only just attended her hospital room only to tell her its too late today we may do it tomorrow,can you imagine how she felt,...this is just another error by redditch hospital and their team,why does this go on,how many more tears must my mom shed before they just do there jobs,?
let down again: some of you will know the plight... - My Ovacome
let down again

Shaun I am so sorry...what a terrible thoughts and prayers are with you love x G
Dear Shaun
So sorry to hear that your mum has been let down again. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. X
So sorry to hear this story Shaun.
Sending lots of (((((((HUGS)))))) to you and mom.
luv trish x x
Oh Shaun
I'm so sorry to hear your mom has been let down once again.
Love to you and your mom.
Love Marilyn
My word, you've all suffered enough without such a lame excuse from the ambulance team. You mum must've been devasted. I do hope she can get to St Richard's tomorrow. Many hospices have lovely views and or/gardens. I hope this is the case for St Richard's so your mum can enjoy the lovely spell of warm weather.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed you'll post some good news tomorrow. x Annie
Dear Shaun,
Although i dont post on the site often ive been reading about your mum alot over the last few weeks. Im so sorry the hospital has let her, and your family, down again. After everything this is the last thing she deserves. Keeping fingers crossed that they sort transport out for her as soon as possible and not come up with another lame excuse. Thinking of you all.
siobhan xx
It is really awful what your Mum has had to put up with. Don't these people care?
I can feel her disappointment - to be looking forward to going to St Richards, only to be told it's too late. Hopefully her mood picks up and she can look forward again to going to Hospice care tomorrow, where her immediate needs will be dealt with on a one to one - and she wont suffer. It will help her spirit to fix up her hair and wear something pretty and comfortable. It's great that your sister did that for her, because in doing so your Mum will have felt the love coming through your sister through the gentle touch. You Mum is blessed to have you both care for her as much as you do.
Tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will be better for your mum.
Take good care ... Sandy.
thankyou all so very much,its been a help,just to let you all have a giggle,thinking things couldnt get worse,on the way out of the hospital last night I tripped and landed on my arm,am now back home in plaster,seems its a broken wrist...omg is he really pelting things at me this week,hope mom can have a giggle.....finally the ward say 10am today shes off to hospice,wont celebrate too much,not there yet,mom seems happier in herself now,getting worried too,she is very weak,but still gives me a wink when i walk the best suffer eh
Hi Shaun,
Sorry about you wrist (men will do anything for attention haha) seriously though I can sympathise, I broke my wrist in the past apart from it being painful it is inconvenient as well...all the best for you all wishes love x G x
Shaun, so sorry your Mum has been let down, yet again, especially when she had been so nicely "Glammed Up" by your sister. I do hope she is safely and happily settled at thr Hospice now.
I've just seen that you've broken your wrist now. You are having a bad time, you poor man!! Hope it doesn't hurt now. Take painkillers REGULARLY if it does. My GP says don't wait until pain has built up as it's harder to beat it then.
All the best, Solange
You must be feeling so downflated. It's hard, I know myself. I was vomitting bowel contents myself last year and I was in a very dark place. it's sometimes to do with a bowel blockage and the way the abdomen is working and coupled with other things. I was in a very dark place but made a sort of recovery where I still am. Hospices are usually places where things are very positive and life becomes better not worse. My love goes out to your Mum and to you and your family...