Maybe you can help me on this one too !! - My Ovacome

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Maybe you can help me on this one too !!

8 Replies

Hi my friends hope you are all ok ! This may sound like a stupid question but i will wait and see what your response is before i decide that !

Do you think its worth making long term plans for the future???? I want to go back home to Wales to stay and the process (by the time we,ve sold up and sorted out business) takes a little while. What im scared of is ''What if''( famous phrase eh?) something happens to me in the process of going home.

Please advise me as best you can. I am in remission and really would like to retire back home !!HELP!!

Love and hugs always,


8 Replies
spanishanna profile image

Hi Lynn,

Not a stupid question at all. You don't mention where you are presently living. Have you family in Wales? I don't know your age, do you have kids and where to they live ? I think all these things come into the equation.

I personally know my kids are very important to me and I miss them like hell, but I can't move back to the UK, as this is where my treatment i.e, Avastin is.

I always make a list of the pros and the cons and look at them against each other when i want to do something major.

You are in remission, well done you, what ever you decide you must never think about your cancer coming back, you have to look to the future and make plans and if moving back to Wales is what you really and truly want - go for it girl. Be positive not negative.

Love Anna xx

kitjules profile image

Hi Lynn,

Its not a stupid question but no one will be able to put your mind at rest because there are no guarantees with anything in this life. There's not one person in this whole wide world who knows what is going to happen tomorrow, and it makes no difference if you have OC or living a illness free life!! And even if you consider OC, well I know of ladies that have been in remission for over ten years, you only need to look on here and you can see the proof!

I know its hard to make decisions when you have been through so much, but you cant put your life on hold with the 'what ifs' have to keep going forward living your life the way you want to...

So I would say, make you decision based on anything else but not on OC.

Good luck!!

Julie x

sarah1963 profile image

Dear Lynn

Go back home to Wales.

Love Sarah

Well so far girls im thrilled with your answers!! Think i just needed a bit of back up if you know what i mean! Anna i do have family in Wales its where i was born . Im 61 and have 3 grown up kids here in RSA but that is the hard bit ! I want them all to come as this place is getting bad. Im so wanting to go back have done for years before i ever got cancer. Love and hugs to you all Lynn XXXXX

Hi, My son is outside Cardiff area, am waitingto be diagnosed, then perhaps will move near him and wife. Was told it was I.B.S. for backache and abd., probs. But have now had post menopausal bleed and spotting. Not making a move untill diagnosed if possible. The sooner the better. x

wendydee profile image

I say go for it! If your heart is there and you are well at the moment, you will be happier if you have tried to follow what you feel you ought to do. Wales is good for the soul, and we have had experience of the health care there .... all very good ..... with my mother-in-law. My hubby's a Welshman through and through. We love being there!

All the best with your decision, but it sounds like you're nearly there!

Love Wendy xx

Aw thank you so much all of you !! So you married a Welshman Wendy? Good for you ! Afraid i married a scouser but he,d lived in Wales for years !! What part of Wales do you go to? Im from Wrexham actually otside Wrexham between there and Llangollen(where they hae the Eisteddfod) I really want to go back its my dream! I go for check up on 22nd and im a bit jittery but feel good so wish me luck ! Thanks again for your reply Love and hugs always Lynn XXXX

spanishanna profile image

Hi Lyn,

Yes can now fully understand that living where you do, the call of Wales must be very great indeed.

All I know is that living away from my kids is hell. Every time I say goodbye to them I worry is this the last time they will see me in a relatively healthy condition. The times I long to have them put their arms round me and give me a cuddle. I miss them so much.

I had a very dear friend who sadly died of breast cancer almost 4 years ago, she lived in the same town as both her girls. The one thing that meant the most to her was, if she'd had a bad day, she would just text the girls to pop in on their way home from work for a cuddle. It meant so much to her.

I miss my kids, it tears me apart being away from them, but on the other hand we actually spend more quality time together. Instead of the odd 2 day visit my son comes for a week at a time. My daughter comes over regularly, so we actually see more of them now than if we lived in the UK. It is just that distance across the water and always having to get a plane when I have been taken seriously ill, or we just need to see each other.

Also how long is it since you went back to Wales ? We have only lived in Spain 9 years but could never go back to the UK, the place has changed so much in such a short time.

Good luck with your check up, let us know your results.

Love Anna xx

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