Hello All
We've been contacted by researchers at the University of Liverpool who are looking for participants to take part in research. This is the information they have asked us to pass on:
"We are currently looking for partners of individuals undergoing cancer treatment to hear more about their experience.
We are interested in the role that worry plays in the experience of being a partner supporting a loved one undergoing cancer treatment. We appreciate this may be a difficult topic to discuss; if you feel this may be too distressing for you, please do not take part.
The study requires completion of a short questionnaire to screen for eligibility, followed by a 1 hour interview. As an appreciation for their time, participants will receive a voucher.
If you are interested, more information can be found in the poster below, including the inclusion criteria.
If you meet the criteria and wish to register your interest or ask any further questions, please email: emilyhol@liverpool.ac.uk"
Best wishes
Ovacome Support