Hi everyone - just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with having a portacath denied? My mums been asking for one since her diagnosis - we were told the process for getting an appointment booked in was underway but she's just heard it's been 'turned down'. We don't know why - has anyone had this and still managed to get one or get one done privately? Mums quite upset about this. xxx
Portacath denied: Hi everyone - just wondering if... - My Ovacome
Portacath denied

Hi Georgia,
I have never heard of such a thing. Your Mum needs to ask for an explanation - and maybe get a 2nd opinion or go to another hospital. I can’t think of a health reason for refusing her a Portacath but maybe there is one, maybe you could let us know what the explanation is, please - when you find out.
They've just replid and said they'd refer her privately... so it sounds like maybe its a hospital capacity thing rather than anything else. (Still no explanation!) We're going to keep pushing and will keep you posted.
Hope you're doing well Iris? xx
I am sorry your mum is having a problem. Of course if your hosp do not have many onco nurses who are trained on Portacath that could also be an issue as she will only be able to have treatment when they are available. The other problem I found is that as my portacath was under a very thin layer, unless they had the smallest needle (not readily available) they would not be able to get a flow. So I used to keep a spare 1.5 sealed needle, so I could give them one. I had both of my portacaths removed privately. If you can find a private hospital I would go for it. Best wishes
Never heard of such a thing either, though I have heard that they don't exactly encourage it because of the resources involved. Are you at a major cancer hospital?
I didn't get mine done till quite late on in my journey. I asked my consultant directly as I had been finding cannulation increasingly difficult.
Anytime something gets denied it's usually the manner in which the dr wrote the orders. Have them rewrite and explain the necessity
Sorry to hear this. I'm in Portsmouth, Hants and just had mine fitted last month, so not sure if it could be a local issue. Worth asking on what grounds and by who?Jax
that’s unbelievable! It helps the patient, the nurses, and saves the patients veins. I would make some noise about this!