laparoscopy : Anyone have experience laparoscopy... - My Ovacome

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Ova104 profile image
36 Replies

Anyone have experience laparoscopy to remove mass on one ovary, removal of one ovary and Fallopian tube. Would like to know if you had this surgery and how you are now and if there are side effects, what to watch out for and if you had good recovery or very slow recovery or are still suffering. If you are over it how long did it take healing and we’re you in good health for the surgery? My cyst is 7.4cm and waiting repeat scan July.

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Ova104 profile image
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36 Replies
Schnauzer19 profile image

Hi Ova104, I had laparoscopic surgery twice and I recovered fairly quickly. My only side effect was bad constipation really, but kiwi fruit sorted that out. You’ll be fine I’m sure, good luck 🍀

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

are you very young? I am an old bird 53

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

I’m an even older bird, I’m nearly 55 😂

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

did you have any scars. Lady recently told me she got infection belly button and her belly button not the same. Could never wear a bikini again :( scared

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

I have tiny scars that barely show, the belly button one took longer to heal but it’s fine now, the only difference is that I can feel a bit of scar tissue inside it but nothing visible. Don’t be scared I couldn’t believe how tiny the scars were x

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

was it complex cyst I can't recall and did they take ovary and fallopian tube?

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

girl that told me her's got infection and now looks funny she couldn't show it..:(

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

I am scared my healing could be poor, my health isn't great. Stress caring and other stresses had redundancy and not back to work caring at moment. Just full on...

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

I had ovaries and fallopian tubes removed first as I had an ovarian cyst and they found cancer in the ovary without the cyst so it was found by accident and a complete shock. The cyst was benign. So I then had to have more surgery to remove my uterus and omentum so I have 4 tiny scars (2 on either side of my belly button) and a small scar on my bikini line, and inside bellybutton. If I’d had everything done in one operation I’m assuming I would only have 1 scar either side of my bellybutton

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

oh no, they told me they are leaving left ovary alone. Was there anything found TV ultrasound on the ovary without the cyst? How big was the ovarian cyst. I am terrified to be honest and if I could avoid I would. How are you doing now? Oh sorry all the questions...

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Ova104

I see in your profile it wasn't found...omg frightening. You poor thing. I was only thinking of the one with the 7.5cm complex cyst on right.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

but how did they find cancer in other ovary, they found cyst there and removed it and it was cancer? My heart goes out to you and me asking you all the questions. I am petrified.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

so have I got this right they were removing one ovary fallopian tube and cyst took that out it was fine benign. So later on they found cancer in other ovary and went back again removed that uterus and omentum?

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

No worries I know you’re scared. So, I had an ovarian cyst for years, which was just a simple cyst but it started to get bigger so they said to have it removed as if they get too big they can cause the ovary to twist. As I’m in my 50s they said I may aswell have both my ovaries and tubes removed as it would prevent anything else happening in the future. I was already on HRT anyway so I agreed. When they tested what they’d removed they found a tiny cancerous lesion in my ovary that DIDN’T have the cyst. NOTHING had ever been detected on the ultrasound scans as it was tiny and the surgeon couldn’t even see it when she removed it. So obviously I was devastated to hear the results which ultimately meant a CT scan to check for advanced disease (which showed none) another op to remove uterus and omentum and then chemo. I was initially diagnosed 1c3 but after second op to remove uterus and omentum they found microscopic cancer cells on my omentum which upstaged me to stage 3A2. So nothing can be confirmed until they test everything under a microscope unfortunately. Nothing showed on ANY scans as it was all microscopic spread. Obviously if it hadn’t been for the cyst I’d never have known I had cancer in my other ovary so things could maybe have ended up a lot worse. It’s all very scary but oncologists need to know exactly what they’re looking at so it can be treated correctly. The chances are you don’t have anything nasty, most people don’t, they’ll remove the cyst and you’ll be fine. X

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

Oh my goodness and how are you now? They said my cyst on right is also at risk of causing the ovary to flip/twist - ovarian torsion I think they call it. I am 53 so again so telling me best to remove ovary/fallopian tube and cyst but I think they cant' isolate cyst from ovary anyway or fear it would come back on ovary who knows. Not in full menopause at all estrogen high last bloods. Always had endometriosis but they are not saying it is an endometrioma just complex cyst multi walled. To be honest I think it is the same one found 2015 and it grew from then but they can't confirm this. I didn't look at it from 2016 until 2022 and then it was found accidentally MRI pelvis as was having a lot of bloating and pain back. So nothing is certain until they do operation :(! You must have been so shocked.

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

I’m ok now, as far as I know. I’m on Niraparib for 3 years all being well 🤞

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

I just said prayer for good things for you xxx you helped me today.

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

Thankyou 😊 xx

Kimballsam profile image
Kimballsam in reply to Ova104

I just had this happen to me 4 weeks ago. I had no idea. I had no idea I had a 13cm cyst on my right ovary until it twisted and I ended up in severe pain. They removed my ovary, and both tubes. Everything came back non cancerous, but it so frightening. Big prayers to you both !

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Kimballsam

oh you poor thing. I dread that happening to me as haven't got carers yet for my mother and a million other stressful things going on. I am at 7.5cm and scan next week to see again size. Did you have no pelvic pain. I have nagging pelvic pain all the time like a low grade period pain. So used to it now. Did you have endometriosis. So lucky everything came back clear for you. Thanks so much for your prayers. How is your recovery going?

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

did your benign ovarian cyst get big quickly which made them think suspicious? I am scared as thought tv ultrasound picks up all.

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

It got bigger whilst I was on HRT it went from 2.5cm to 6cm but it never looked suspicious, always was a simple cyst and that didn’t change. I feel deep down it was HRT that caused my cancer but the Dr doesn’t agree, he said HRT could aggravate the cancer but not cause it, he also said I can go back on it eventually, but I never would.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

I believe too high estrogen is driving growth and causing hormone imbalance. The consultant did listen last time and asked for bloods to be redone hormones, was it combined hrt you had dydrogesterone? So I wouldn't be a candidate for hrt and the first consultant wanted to remove both ovaries and both fallopian tubes send me into menopause and do hrt but I wouldn't be able to do hrt. My cousin had breast cancer mastectomy but could not do hrt as estrogen dominant cancer.. I read 1% of ovarian cancer cases are linked to HRT. I don't believe all medics, I take with pinch of salt... If I had gone with first opinion I would lose both ovaries and both fallopian tubes, I had 3 opinions...

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

More research is necessary to determine if HRT directly raises the risk of ovarian cancer limited enough research so jury is out. I believe estrogen dominance and progesterone resistance is driving mine to grow. I am 53 I wish my estrogen would balance. My periods came back after the last scan for one month endometriosis since 15.. undiagnosed until 46.. load of waffle from doctors that it was stress or ibs...

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

I think you know your own mind. I don't know what future will hold. I want to stay alive as my mum is 87 and needs care. Not thinking of me at all really and hate idea of surgery and what that brings. Just frightening me. If there was any chance it would stop growing I would leave well enough alone such is my faith in medics.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

Doctors cannot say for certain so they shouldn't comment until enough studies done.

Ovarian cancer

Experts are not sure if HRT can increase your risk of ovarian cancer. But if there is any increased risk, they think the risk is very small.

A recent study found that for every 1,000 women taking HRT for 5 years, there will be 1 extra case of ovarian cancer. Any risk of ovarian cancer is thought to decrease when you stop HRT.

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

Please let me know how you get on

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

I will do. You stay strong and stay in touch. You helped me prepare in my mind today. I can't always be scared I need to man up or woman up... Haven't back up plan yet for mum if anything goes wrong. Have you good support for you? I hope so xxx

Schnauzer19 profile image
Schnauzer19 in reply to Ova104

I’m glad to help, I think you’re gonna be just fine. Yes I have thankyou, I have a 2 year old grandson and another on the way so I don’t get much time to dwell on the crap that’s happened to me 😂😂. Take care xxx

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Schnauzer19

thanks for trying to help me. You are great. Stay in touch xxxx. Ah that's lovely grandson and another on way...will definitely take your mind off things.

Stormtrooper4 profile image

I am awaiting a surgery date. I have a 7cmx5cm endometrioma on my left so they are going to remove my left ovary and fallopian tube. My cyst was picked up when I had an MRI on my back. I have had no symptoms whatsoever.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Stormtrooper4

and they could tell it was endometrioma? How? They are just saying mine is a complex multi walled cyst with septations but haven't classified it as endometrioma. They said they didn't think endometrioma so what is it then... they didn't tell me just complex cyst. Have you pelvic pain?

Stormtrooper4 profile image
Stormtrooper4 in reply to Ova104

Following on from my MRI, which at the time was only classified as a mass. I GP then put me on the two week cancer pathway and I was sent for a CA125 blood test which came back slightly raised. I then had an internal and external ultrasound where the sonographer said she believed the mass was an endometrioma. I then had an appointment with a Consultant who reviewed the results and did an examination and he agreed this mass was an endometrioma (phew). I have had no pain whatsoever, regular periods etc etc. The Consultant then arranged a CT scan to check more carefully and that all came back ok so he said that because I was not trying to preserve my fertility that it would be best to just remove the left ovary and tube which I am happy with.

I will be having another ultrasound in the next few weeks followed by another appointment with the Consultant and then I will wait for a surgery date. It has all been very proficient really.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Stormtrooper4

what features on your results make it endometrioma. I do have pelvic pain like period pain all the time. One opinion said mine was endometrioma a consultant, an oncologist said not endometrioma. I have had a few tv ultrasound, last one said they didn't think endometrioma yet other consultant said could be.. You seem to have a smooth plan

Stormtrooper4 profile image
Stormtrooper4 in reply to Ova104

I have no idea, I guess the Dr is an expert and they just know from looking at the ultrasounds.

Ova104 profile image
Ova104 in reply to Stormtrooper4

wish the opinions weren't different and I knew exactly. Maybe they don't

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