here I am again, it’s 3 weeks since I was in A &E with tummy pains , CT scan , ultrasound and MRI tomorrow, Christie’s on Tuesday with cyst on overy , it’s all so quick been told have to have hysterectomy so I know it must be serious , I should be thankful it’s been found and not waiting but worried it’s soon !!!! Does that sound daft
over thinking again : here I am again, it’s... - My Ovacome
over thinking again

Give yourself a break Cazy1010, no one sails through all that you are going through without worry.
Be your own best friend and keep reminding yourself that you have put yourself in the right place, having the right procedures that will provide answers and in the worst case, help to save your life.
Of course you are worried but put your trust in the process.
I am pleased that your op has been scheduled so quickly, lots of deep breaths. I have everything crossed for you xx
What I recall clearly when my cancer was first diagnosed was the speed with which everything happened - I felt like I was a hoop being bowled along at a tremendous pace with no time for me to assimilate or think about what was happening, kind of like being in a state of shock. I think this is common to us all, but all I can tell you is, go with it - I realise now that, if you've got OC, hanging about to adjust to the idea is not really an option. I did, though, carefully consider whether to have adjuvant chemo after surgery, so you get a bit of window there to think about things, assuming you will be having surgery first. Good luck with it all...
my situation was similar. In these cases, I think the sooner the better! 🙏
Good Luck Cazy1010. You will be in good hands at the Christie - it's the hospital I go to. Gwen x
Hi If this is any comfort to you I was diagnosed with a 23cm ovarian Cyst in 2011 and was told it could be Ovarian Cancer.
I had a hospital appointment 2 days after seeing my GP and had surgery 5wks later, it felt like a dream everything happened so quickly.
Thankfully because I had a large cyst this uncovered ovarian cancer which could be caught early.
My surgeon told me I had been very lucky as another 4wks and I wouldn’t have been cured. I had chemo 6wks after surgery and must admit it wasn’t easy but it’s now 2023 and I am still here with no recurrences🤞I know I have been very LUCKY.
Stay strong and think I will be OK after all this is over.
You could very well only have a cyst so fingers crossed for you
Take care
Lynda x