For 3 years my CA125 has been 9-12.5. Last October it was 16 and last week I heard it’s 31. My oncologist says it’s still within the normal range but will test again in early May. He says it could just be inflammation in the body. I have no symptoms and feel well. Of course I am freaking out. Any advice ladies?
CA125 Rising Again: For 3 years my CA125 has been... - My Ovacome
CA125 Rising Again

Hi lovely,
Maybe ask for a scan at the next appointment if it’s still up just to be on the safe side or before if you’re feeling too anxious xxx
Hi Sarah, sorry to hear this, and I do sympathise. I saw my consultant today and got the same speech, it’s within the normal range, fluctuations etc. Mine was 12 in November and is now 17. I almost wish I didn’t know it. Mine was never in the 1000s but I am only 6 months since chemo and it feels like it is creeping back up.
I was told to come back in July and to not worry ☹️ But I could have a test in a month if I wanted to but it was not a good idea ☹️
Anyway I wanted to since you a virtual hug, this is a rotten disease. Xxxx
Ih Sarah,
So sorry that you have to worry.
But, please get on the phone with your CNS and check to see if a scan has been arranged.
When mine started climbing, albeit from 11 to 69, I had to wait 6 weeks before I could get a scan.
I felt like a million bucks, too.
But I suspected the worst and had my GP check my CA-125 twice before the scan, while it climbed from 110 to 223 and 473 at the time of my scan.
I don’t believe in waiting for symptoms and felt fine throughout this first recurrence, but no invasion of organs or lymph nodes,
So I encourage you to ask for that scan!
Best wishes,
Whoops! I just read the post from Ovacome and figure I have been too bossy! Please forgive me. I have the best intentions and hope that you are okay and are dealing with your team successfully.
No, you haven’t been too bossy at all. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply xx
I wouldn't be reassured by that either I'm afraid. Ask for another CA125 in 2 - 4 weeks. Then you will get a better picture of whether it's rising steadily or just a one-off blip.
It's not the normal range for YOU. A scan is reasonable.
Hi Sarah48,
Firstly I know it’s hard but try to stop freaking out. You know it has risen but is still within the normal limits. It really could be anything in the body causing it to raise a little. I would however ask fo4 a CT scan with your next appointment (or just after), this will hopefully reassure you.
It’s terrible when we get these little bumps in the road especially after what we have all been through, but try to stay positive. Mine rose and a year but I knew something was wrong, my body felt different and I began to feel full again and bloated.
Sending you lots of love 💕 hugs 🤗 and positivity xxxx
I know how you feel, and you're not alone in feeling it, but when I had a freak out a little while back about a rise in the CA125 (it went from 22 to 38 in four weeks) I was told not to worry, that they tended to go more by symptoms, so if I presented with symptoms AND a raised CA125, they might have offered a scan immediately. They repeated the CA125 two weeks later and again two weeks after that, and it hadn't really changed, dropped by a couple of points, went up 1 point or something. What they look for is consistent doubling, so if the reading doubles, they check it again and again within a month to see if its still doubling, and at that point they will arrange a scan. The trouble with CA125 is its not a rock solid guide for OC, its just a cancer/inflammatory marker, and can be raised for other reasons, even if you just have inflammation in the body with other, non cancer causes. Its also used as a test in women who've had breast cancer after their treatment, which sort of shows how unspecific it can be - they check it because there's nothing more specific they can check. So what I'm trying to say is worry ye not, not yet anyway, no need to panic and have another scan immediately - but another CA125 test shortly would be useful.
Don't be alarmed...mine was 6000 when I found out I was stage 4 and a year later after operations, treatments the lowest its been is 1140 (Dec 2018) but now on immunotherapy has been creeping up...last read was 1806! normal is 35.
This is happening to me too x
How are you Zena?
Hi Hun I’m good bowels still water but not complaining, have my scan in June 🙏. But first I intend to go to my ibiza long awaited holiday that got cancelled last year. I feel great full of energy. How are you ? Xx
Poor you with your bowels. Have you had another CA125 since the 33 result? I hope you have a wonderful holiday and that the scan goes well in June, ie nothing there. I will have my blood test on Friday, result Monday, so I am apprehensive. I feel a million dollars (apart from the worry!). xx
Hi girls me too ,but starting to get pains in pelvic and back and more frequent use of toilet tiredness too got ct last wed not due back to oncology till the 25 April heard nothing about ct yet so taking it as no news good news even do my c125 never stood still since chemo finished last may it was 35 now it 68.9 keeps rising had full debulking surgery in Feb 18 so I can't understand why I'm feeling this way
I am in a similar situation. My scans have been clear for over a year and this week my ca125 elevated to 39; if has been increasing over the last 4 months now. Oncologist recommended I be evaluated to make sure nothing else is going on. Liver, diabetes, thyroid, etc. All tests are normal.
I feel for you too. Keep in touch with your results. Big hug x
I would be scared too. Did he say he will do a scan? I had clear cell OC and my oncologist only goes by CA 125 tests. Makes me also wonder if scans show anything. For 4. 1/2 years its been at 4-5.