Preparing for carbo/caelyx: I am experiencing my... - My Ovacome

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Preparing for carbo/caelyx

Loorunner profile image
28 Replies

I am experiencing my 1st recurrence and am getting ready to start carboplatin/caelyx in a few weeks time. I want to make sure I'm prepped and ready for the side effects- particularly of caelyx which I haven't had before. I believe it can give you mouth ulcers and peeling skin. Any advice please and thoughts of things I should have ready/start using now to ease them ? Thank you everyone

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Loorunner profile image
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28 Replies
Caleda4 profile image


For feet and hands I used E45 cream everyday,fortunately I did not have that side effect. For ulcers which I only had two, and used Oraldene mouthwash,which is quite an old one but I found it does work when necessary. The other thing you can use is gengigel which comes in a tube.

I hope that your treatment goes well for you.

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Caleda4

Thank you so much

LesleyGB profile image

Hi! I had both for first recurrence and found it no problem at all and had no side-effects. I hope you are as lucky and it works well for you. x

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to LesleyGB

that's really encouraging Lesley - hope all is going well for you at the moment. xx

Reksio77 profile image

I've had 5 infusions with that "combo". No side effects at all, but no effectiveness neither (after the 5-th of IV my marker started to go up). Good luck for you!

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Reksio77

I'm sorry to hear that and hope you found something else worked. Guess sadly this is always a possibility with treatments. But have to give it a try.

Reksio77 profile image
Reksio77 in reply to Loorunner

Today I started 4-th round of chemo: Gemzar + oxaliplatine. I guess this is the last option left for me. Today I had Gemzar infusion, tomorrow will get Oxaliplatine. I hope it will stop my cancer progress but I'm not very optimistic.

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Reksio77

sending you every best wish and hope for a good outcome. xxx

Leniko profile image
Leniko in reply to Reksio77

remember, the mind is a powerful tool. It helps your body i f your mind in onboard.

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Leniko

Very true. I've had my ups and downs about it but feeling generally mentally positive and ready. Will be aiming to get outside every day which helps me a lot

Reksio77 profile image
Reksio77 in reply to Leniko

I'm trying to be optimistic, but I'm above all I'm realistic. I know that medecine has its limits.

NewtonEmma1900 profile image

I had my last round of carbo/caelyx 2 weeks ago. I had mouth ulcers on a couple of occasions, doctor prescribed Difflam, also dry skin on my feet and I bought flexitol which worked for me. My finger nails are a complete mess: they layer, chip and break and I have not found a remedy that works. I have felt more nauseous than when on taxol so i had to increase anti sickness. No new neuropathy or hair loss this time. Other than that just quite tired but I have managed to work 2 days per week and always have a long walk with my dog on the other 5. The good news is that my CA125 is down to 7 and I have just been told that my latest scan is NED. I am now waiting to find out ‘what next’. Good Luck💐🦮

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to NewtonEmma1900

That's really helpful xx I suspect my nails might suffer as they didn't like carbo/ taxol much ! I might try vaseline on them.... And I'll be armed with the antisickness. Fantastic news you are NED. Wishing you the very best going forward.

Melnie profile image
Melnie in reply to NewtonEmma1900

wow that's great and thanks for sharing as i've got my combo next week of that

Doglover1410 profile image

I’m having my 3rd session of this on Friday and my 2nd lot of it. I have quite painful peeling hands, I use Aveeno, and am a bit tired but managing an hour+ walk with the dogs each day x

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Doglover1410

really good to hear you are managing to walk everyday. wishing you all the best for this Friday and the rest of the treatment xxx

Lookingahead profile image

hi , I had good advice from my oncologist and managed without sore feet etc .

She recommended Udder Cream ( I bought it from Amazon ) -and also to wear loose clothing . Wherever clothes rub, you will get a red rash . I bought some thin cotton socks and slathered my feet in udder cream day and night . It’s an excellent moisturiser ! I didn’t have a problem with my feet .

Suggest a loose fitting cotton pull on bra — again wear at night or you get a rash under your boobs !! No underwired bra as that causes a rash .

I used Difflam mouth wash plus Iglu gel for ulcers . This is very sticky and you need to press it into any area that starts to get sore . Again , you can keep putting this on at night .

Good luck and I hope all goes well for you


Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Lookingahead

thank you! hope the rest of the treatment goes well x

Tealgirl7 profile image

I had a second round of carbotaxil in the summer. I had severe leg pain. I was advised by the oncology team to take a medication like Claritin which has 24 hour antihistamine factor. It seemed to work for me but I would check with your oncologist.

AuntyOrange profile image

I had carbo/caelyx for 1st recurrance & started rinsing my mouth with bi carb soda from day one so no problem there. I never had any problem with skin but yes Udder cream is good. My nails were also ok but I sometimes massaged with zinc cream. The only real side effects I had were just feeling "not right" & constipation so I started on a combination of Movicol & Coloxyl with Senna. Helped a lot.The main thing that got me through was my positive attitude, meditation & yoga. My sister had said to me "Don't think of chemo as poison, think of it as your friend", that helped greatly. Good luck. Love & hugs.

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to AuntyOrange

Great advice - thank you and hope alls well with you

Melnie profile image

Ooh sorry to hear you're about to start Chemo, I am too :( next week and this time I am on the same concoction as you and also dreading it - thanks for sharing these tips which I can take on board myself too, thank you xx

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Melnie

Hope it goes well xx from what several people have said to me, they didn't find it as bad as carbo/taxol, so fingers crossed that's the same for you xxx

Melnie profile image

Thanks guys I do hope so - good luck with yours too x

Realistic profile image

Bless you, hope it works one of the girls mentioned positive mind and l truly believe in positive thoughts always l know it doesn't always work.But it really helps to keep me in the right zone, and most certainly helped get my husband through his Pancreatic cancer. And hopefully

helping me with my journey with ovarian cancer. God bless and good luck sending love & hugs..SheilaFxxx

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Realistic

Lots of love and best wishes to you x

Davonian profile image

I had Carbo/Caelyx for 1st recurrence. Hair thinned, a couple of mouth ulcers and oral thrush but nothing else. Difflam for the ulcers and Nystatin for the thrush.All the best 👍🙂

Loorunner profile image
Loorunner in reply to Davonian

thanks so much and very best to you x

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