Fatigue.: It will be five weeks on Tuesday since... - My Ovacome

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fendweller profile image
39 Replies

It will be five weeks on Tuesday since my last cycle of Carboplatin and caeleyx , I still feel exhausted weak and drained , I also get breathless when doing anything , getting dried after a shower ,light dusting for example, has anyone else had this after Carboplatin and caeleyx ,I'm thinking if I'm no better next week I'll phone the chemo suite for advice.


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fendweller profile image
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39 Replies
Caleda4 profile image

Sorry you feel like this Cheryl,as it does sound not good at all. I had my heart checked before I start caelyx,as my Onc. said it can affect the heart muscle. I only had an echocardiogram because I have a leaky mitral valve,which seems to be ok. My heart muscle is strong. It is worrying though if this does not right itself and you get back to normal. A good idea to check with chemo suite,or your specialist nurse maybe. Thinking of you and hoping you recover very soon.xx

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Caleda4

Thank you Caleda , I had an echocardiogram before I started and after cycle four ,both were ok , perhaps it's just taking a long time for me to recover, I found Carboplatin and caeleyx very tough ,but I will give it until after the weekend and if I'm no better I will phone .Cheryl .

Caleda4 profile image
Caleda4 in reply to fendweller

I hope that you feel better soon.x

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Caleda4

Thank you .x

OvacomeSupport profile image
OvacomeSupportPartnerMy Ovacome Team

Dear Cheryl,

I am very sorry to hear how exhausted and drained you are feeling after your last cycle of chemotherapy. I am also sorry to hear that you have been feeling breathless. I would encourage you to contact your chemotherapy hotline number today so that they can give you advice about this.

We have a booklet about managing fatigue and I will share a link to this here if you would like to take a look: ovacome.org.uk/fatigue-booklet.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can help with any information or if you would like to talk. Our support services are available Monday – Friday 10am - 5pm and you can contact us by calling 0800 008 7054, by emailing support@ovacome.org.uk or by sending us an instant message through our website.

Best wishes,


Ovacome Support

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to OvacomeSupport

Thank you Cathryn ,each cycle I had affected me more than the previous one, so I'm hoping that it is just that the sixth is taking longer still to get over ,I will phone on Monday if I'm the same ,if it gets even slightly worse I will phone the ward . Cheryl

SUE7777 profile image
SUE7777 in reply to fendweller

Cheryl your reaction is typical it gets harder as it goes along. Sue xx

Lovedogs41 profile image

Hi thereHave you had bloods done recently?

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Lovedogs41

I last had them done day before my sixth cycle ,1st March ,I was wondering about that , my bloods have been ok throughout but six months of chemo may has had an effect on them especially the last one .Cheryl

Lovedogs41 profile image
Lovedogs41 in reply to fendweller

Definitely,I would arrange to get them checked

Realistic profile image

Phone you team they are the experts on your situation.Although l can honestly say l was completely exhausted when l finished my chemo so drained all the time think thats normal .But just get it checked out ,best to be safe. They usually have a 24 hr help line they will give you some advice sending love SheilaFxxx

delia2 profile image

Hi Cheryl. Sorry you feel this way. It sounds like anemia. I would call sooner rather than later. I hope they can address it. Xx

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to delia2

I was wondering that , if I'm the same Monday I'll phone ,I'm trying not to ruin the weekend with my daughters ,I have seen one for three months,they're cooking so I've nothing to do .Cheryl x

Lind58 profile image

Wishing you a speedy recovery! It takes time 💚

27-359 profile image

Yes, I got extremely breathless on this regime. Even short walks needed frequent stops to get my breath back. I suppose I just got used to it!!My breathing is much improved since I have finished that course of treatment, although my cancer is not!


27-359 profile image

Forgot to add, my last scan showed fluid round the heart, could that have been the caelyx? Perhaps!


ZenaJ profile image

Hi, I must say I felt like that for ages. I think it takes some time for the chemo to get out of your system. I had to have help getting out of the bath for weeks. Don't forget your body has gone through a lot and I expect we all vary but it takes time to settle down again back to normal.

I wouldn't worry too much but if you're really can't stop worring, give MacMillan a call. They're very good with advice.

I hope you start feeling yourself again soon.

Best wishes,

Zena x

Trickysite profile image

I was breathless and sleeping a lot and it turned out I was VERY anaemic. Had 3 blood transfusions in 4 days. Get your blood checked. Good luck.

SUE7777 profile image

Hi Cheryl, I felt like that while on chemo and it takes quite a few weeks after finishing before I started to feel better, I also had a blood transfusion towards the end. Would definitely talk to your team and emphasise just how bad it is, because unfortunately they hear it all the time and only act when the blood counts are very low. All the best Sue xx

Barmycharm profile image

Hi CherylSorry you’re feeling so poorly. I felt like this after chemo, my neutrophils were 0 so they took me in and gave me a blood transfusion. Would definitely ask for your bloods to be checked again. I hope you can enjoy the weekend with your daughters, sit back and let them look after you, I’m sure they understand what you’ve been through and that you will take time to pick up again.

Big hugs Claire xx

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Barmycharm

Thank you Claire,if I'm no different Monday I'm going to phone ,my plan is to be waited on this weekend .😄Cheryl x

Mumsie13 profile image

Hi Cheryl. Sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly. I agree with the other members to get this checked out with oncology as soon as you can. In my experience on this drug combination I was chronically tired, prone to dizziness and breathlessness. I dithered about getting it checked out but eventually contacted the chemo rapid response who told me to come in. They discovered that my magnesium levels were very low. This can cause a lot of tiredness and my Onc was 99.9% sure this was caused by the carboplatin. I was taken into hospital for some magnesium transfusions and while I was there my Onc visited to tell me that they had found a pulmonary embolism on my halfway scan. Probably explained the breathlessness. So glad I phoned them up as both conditions were caught and treated. I don't want to sound alarmist (we all have different responses to chemo) but my point is, if this is worrying you, it is best to get it checked out as you never know. I hope you can get this sorted and and start feeling better soon. Meanwhile, enjoy your weekend with your daughters - I know how important that is. Jackie x

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Mumsie13

Thank you for your reply Jackie ,if I'm no better Monday I will phone ,or sooner if I get worse , think I'm slightly better today .Cheryl

Tabor profile image

Hello Cheryl, I believe this is normal I know I was somewhat same way. Please call chemo nurses they can advise you on certain foods to eat that may help. Best to you and God Bless You 🙏🏻🦋

Pat from US

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Tabor

Thank you Pat ,I'm going to phone them Monday if I feel the same .Cheryl.

AuntyOrange profile image

Hi Cheryl. I was exactly the same after finishing carbo/caelyx/Avastin on 15/2 (only managed 5 rounds & now on Avastin only every 4 weeks). My oncologist told me to soldier on as the worst thing I could do was to do nothing. Exercise, even though it was exhausting, actually helps. Also I agree with others about checking bloods. My magnesium & potassium were lose & needed topping up. All of this helped & I'm now walking much better & managed 2klms yesterday without much trouble (no hills). Every day is a challenge isn't it but definitely worth it. Especially when you get visits from your daughters.👭Check it all out on Monday as the fear & not knowing is often worse than the condition. You are amazing & I look forward to hearing about the next stage of your recovery journey.

Love, Irene 🥰

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to AuntyOrange

Oh thank you Irene, you've made me feel better , I think I feel a bit better today, will see how I feel Monday,it's eleven o clock ,the latest I've been up for six months,thank you for advice , pleased to hear you are improving now , hope it continues .Cheryl x

Hi Cheryl, you might have to get your blood checked out. I had a blood transfusion a little over a year ago due to low hemoglobin. I was getting out of breath, especially when I had to stand up and walk a short distance. Hope you feel better next week. Donna 🥰

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Pianoplayer731021

Thank you Donna ,I do feel better today, bit more energy and not so breathless, hoping my bloods are recovering ,but I'll phone tomorrow if I'm not good.Cheryl x

It’s always the right decision to ask for advice. I found that it took many months to get over that feeling after my chemo. Be easy on yourself. Rest lots and watch lots of TV for distraction. Eat good food. Chemo is a huge assault on the body. Take good care of yourself. 🤗

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to

Thank you, I think I'm feeling a bit better today , I'm impatient .Cheryl x

Harrygirl profile image

Hi Cheryl,I can relate-was very breathless by the end of my chemo, had to catch my breath going up stairs which is something I never had to do before. My blood tests showed I was anemic, but my oncologist was reluctant to give a transfusion since I was 'on the borderline'. It took 2 months after treatment before I noticed improvement. You are right to contact your clinical people and see how they can help. I think treatment in the UK is more supportive than here in the US, so take advantage of support available. All the best to you!

Christine x

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Harrygirl

Thank you Christine, I'm going to see how today pans out ,then if I'm no better tomorrow I will phone my team for advice,I feel my break from chemo is dwindling away quickly without me being well enough to do anything. Hope you're doing ok .Cheryl x

Lizzieanne profile image

Hi Cheryl I was like this after last carbo end Dec early Jan. Weeks after I didnt seem to pick up so rang oncology and saw a lovely doctor who really went over me with a fine tooth comb. She found nothing untoward but said get back in touch if I was still worried. It did take a while but have picked up but then got Covid but surprisingly got over this fairly quickly. If you have been thoroughly checked out it maybe that your body is pretty exhausted and you just need time. Do hope you feel stronger very soon but keep on at doctors if you feel something not right. Let us know how things are going. X

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Lizzieanne

I will let you know , don't feel so good today as I did yesterday ,I'm going to give it until tomorrow ,if I'm no better I will phone,I'm fourth line and just finished six months of Carboplatin and caeleyx, perhaps my body has just had enough.Cheryl x

Lizzieanne profile image

Think you're right it has taken a battering. See how you are tomorrow. Think worrying also exhausts you so being reassured by a doctor that helps. Would you be able to see someone quickly. X

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Lizzieanne

Doubt I'd get to see a GP , haven't seen one at my surgery since I was diagnosed,but I can phone the chemo suite,they are brilliant, if they thought there was a problem they would ask me to go in to be checked out , I could also phone my CNS who I'm sure would come up with something .I'm impatient ,I think when I have a bit better day I try and do more at home then wear myself out ,don't mean a full spring clean 😂 just a bit extra pottering, will see what tomorrow brings ,we do a lot of seeing what tomorrow brings don't we .Cheryl x

Lizzieanne profile image

I didnt see GP just rang our Acute oncology and they arranged for me to see their doctor practically straightaway. Hope you are a bit better today or have been able to see someone

fendweller profile image
fendweller in reply to Lizzieanne

I am better today , not so breathless,I think it's just taking me longer to get over it, going to go for a short walk after lunch and see how I feel then .Cheryl x

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