just a whinge!: Hi all just wanted to whinge... - My Ovacome

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just a whinge!

ladygooner-uk profile image
8 Replies

Hi all

just wanted to whinge about everything really!

This year has not been the best so far- and yes I know that others have it far worse than me, and that I am lucky in comparison.

so far this year I have-

been told that I have my oc back on the liver after 3 years clear (17 jan) with an urgent referral to liver bods- completed CT,PET and MRI scans but no appt with liver bods in sight, and no contact with the hospital about it.

had to cancel a holiday booked, lost all the money- stupidly booked without insurance- let that be a lesson to you all!

my poor old( 21 yr old) cat has been put down

tummy bug

told my job in the NHS as a therapist may be at risk.

yup just whinging really!

sorry for bringing the mood down, needed to vent



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ladygooner-uk profile image
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8 Replies

Good whinge, Sue.


Isadora x

spanishanna profile image

Hi Sue,

When my problem went to the liver I never saw a liver specialist nor a kidney when it spread to that area. My chemo was just changed and thankfully halved the size of the tumours.

What can I say about your cat, 21 years a good age. I know just how you feel, you have lost your baby. We have 4 cats, one is coming up for 15, two rescue from here in Spain and another 'found' us a number of weeks ago and we hadn't the heart to put him in rescue.We also have George our Goldie.

Shame about the holiday, but yes a lesson to be learnt and the job well that's not good news, can't you set up on your own ?

The tummy bug will go, keep chirpy. Last week I was in bed, could hardly walk and couldn't eat with side effects of chemo. One blood transfusion and a daily steroid jab and I am a different person, not sleeping but that's the steroid.

Keep whinging, that is why we are here to take the load from your back.

Love Anna xx

MargaretJ profile image

Whinge away dear! If we can't understand who can? I know what you mean about feeling guilty when others are worse, I feel like that! I look well so I doubt if friends realise how stressed I can get in private!

Good luck with the liver probs and I hope the tummy bug goes soon.

Losing your cat must seem like the last straw.

Love Margaret.

TinaWright profile image

Its so good to vent darling and who best to whinge than people who understand.

I notice you posted this several hours ago so I am hoping you feel a little better today.

OC returning is the worst news ever, liver too, ain`t so good! I think I`d be screaming from the roof tops with your news. Why, oh bloody why does this affect so many nice people? But hay ho, if it wasn`t this it would be something else.

Don`t feel guilty darling, there will always be people worse off than us right now but those very people have been where we are today so they will understand why you may want to cry, they have been there, done that and wore their T-shirt out. All they can do for us is teach us the best way forward and hope and pray they find the power to empathise and leed us.

I cry often for our friends who are worse off than we are but I never feel guilty and never say why me! I say why them often enough, but never why me! We all get our turn eventually, that is a sad fact. so, guilt is a waste of energy, energy you need to get better than you may be right now. rest plenty, plenty of TLC and for goodness sake don`t think or worry about work.

I often wonder why we get a cluster of things to make us so misearable, as if one set of bad news isn`t enough to knock us down. I was in as many bits losing my cats as I was with the OC diagnosis, seems silly but there we go, we love our pets and we grieve for them because we loved them.

Of course having a tummy bug won`t help, you must be feeling lousy, but yes indeed that will pass soon.

Love from Tina xxxx

ladygooner-uk profile image

Hi all

thank you so much for all of your support and understanding! finished whinging now- mind you never slept last night, but was determined to sort it out today, so got stroppy on the phone and guess what- I have an appt with the surgeon tomorrow!

thanks again guys will let you know how it turns out.



in reply to ladygooner-uk

Hi Sue

Hope hospital appointment goes well. We all know how you feel. I always feel guilty when I'm feeling hard done by. Hey, and you weren't stupid booking your holiday without insurance, we did the same a few months before my diagnosis. We booked independently, so the loss was only the flight costs (hotel had a cancellation policy). We couldn't even get the extra costs paid back for pre booked seats on the plane!

Take care

Chris xx

bosue profile image

Sue, good luck for tomorrow, my appointment tomorrow also, so fingers crossed for both of us, like you feeling down at the mo. Hope your feeling better, and I do know how you are feeling about your cat had the same a few years ago, our holiday to italy cancelled on first diagnosis only lost deposit. We are all in this together.

Love Sue x

Hi Sue,

Whinging is good, but I hope you are having a better day today and the news is good, not bad, but isn't it true that when something goes wrong, it all goes wrong.

Sorry about the cat,(but he'd had a good life) and the holiday, but sometimes you can good 'last minute deals', so perhaps when you know what is happening you can get something else booked on short notice. That is how we always do our holidays now, last minute, when things are good and I'm feeling ok.

Love n hugs


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