I had my CT scan and blood test for CA125 today. I see the oncologist tomorrow having relapsed after 10 years. Currently on Niraparib maintenance. Really disappointed to see NICE decision too so not a good day. Sorry so pessimistic today.
Worried sick : I had my CT scan and blood test... - My Ovacome
Worried sick

Wow… 10 years! You have done so well but I suppose that means this recurrence has come as a horrible shock. As with your original diagnosis, it should get easier once you have a plan. I am not going to say don’t worry… you will anyway but I hope you get some answers quickly and get on to treatment so that you can look forward xx
How kind of you Lyndy I'm such a wuss. Thank you for this.
Certainly not a wuss , must have been a terrible shock after 10 yrs .Well you obviously responded well 10yrs ago so no reason why you shouldn’t again 🤗 What was your stage & grade at first diagnosis? Get through the treatment, you’ve done it before! Then set your sights on the next 10 years, you’re amazing 😊Sending hugs Dee x
Wow. Congrats on 10 years something we all hope for. Let's hope your luck continues but whatever you will find a way forward. Hugs from paris
Know how you feel mine came back after 18 years, it is such a huge shock one I have struggled to cope with . I read the posts on here and realise how lucky Ive been but still very hard. I have had more chemo which knocked bone mets on head but low activity in lymph nodes. Parp didnt work for me so start six sessions of carboplatin tomorrow. Am thinking of you x
Oh lizzieanne I'm so very sorry to hear this. A club that none of us want to belong to....I wish you every good fortune and thank you for your message. I'm thinking of you. Rita xxx
I was diagnosed in 2019 ,same as you grade 3 stage 1c so keeping fingers crossed for those 10 years ☺️.They keep telling me I’m likely to be cured but just time would be good! You take care.Dee X
10 years how amazing are you, please don't despair. You've done absolutely amazing and will again things are improving all the time. You can do this your an inspiration to us all. Hopefully get the right treatment for you and put you on the road too recovery once more. Here's to your next 10 years. Love & hugs SheilaFxxx

Dear ritabon,
I'm sorry to read how worried you are feeling. I can see that you have had many supportive comments from members of the forum already. If it would help to talk things through or if there is any information that would be helpful for you, please do get in touch with us. We are here to support you. You can contact us through this forum, by calling 0800 008 7054 or by emailing support@ovacome.org.uk.
Best wishes,
Support Services
Let’s wait to see what the doctor says. Thinking of you
You Are stronger than you feel right now !Ten years is amazing , raise a glass to another ten
years . Remember the words of Winston Churchhill , Never , never , never give in !!!
Sending you healing thoughts across the pond .
Gill , Mookie Fox 1234