I have been told the carboplatin I took for first recurrence has not worked so I need to take Taxol for 3 weeks on one week off. This will mean I will lose my hair. I feel very dismayed about this. Any advise on buying and wearing a wig please.
Buying a wig : I have been told the carboplatin... - My Ovacome
Buying a wig

Hi there Julia
So sorry to hear that your carbo treatment didn't work but many ladies on this site have had really good results on weekly taxol.
Thinking about wigs I would take someone brutally honest with you. Try lots of different ones on and get your friend to take photos of your head from all angles. When you've chosen your wig, take it to your hairdresser and let him/ her trim it for you so that it looks less set. Mine trimmed mine up into a choppy bob which looked a bit more me.
Good luck xxxx
So sorry your carbo didn’t do the job, hopefully the taxol will kick it for you.
I bought my wigs from an on line company called simply wigs, they’re great, the choice is outstanding and you do not pay VAT as a cancer patient. Many hospitals offer a wig service too, the choice is a wee bit limited but great if you’re on a tight budget.
I’d suggest getting a wig similar to your own colour and not too dissimilar is style so it’s not an obvious wig.
Hope you gave minimal side effects with the taxol. ❤️Xx Jane
I have needed wigs twice and on both occasions I got them from the hospital. I took them to my hairdresser who ‘funked’ them up a bit. At the same time he cut mine really short so it wasn’t so daunting! That said, I’m not a hair girl anyway and always have a short do.
We laughed because people would go bc and see him and ask for a cut like mine!
I took photos and sent them to him before I decided, my mum came with me, but he could be brutally honest with me.
I hope you get it sorted, and keep thinking if it’s killing your hair it’s killing everything else too x
Hi Julia
Sorry to hear the carboplatin didn't work for you, my mum wore headscarves during her taxol treatment as wigs didn't work for her. We ordered her some beautiful cotton ones from headscarves by ciara. They didn't irritate her skin as sometimes your skin can become sensitive with the chemotherapy. My mum is restarting her taxol treatment from next week too, the same regime as you- her hair did start to fall out after her first treatment last time so she's already got her headscarves ready. Thinking of you and hope thr treatment works better for you, take care vickie x
Hospital wig service,great service reasonable prices and could even be free depending on your income.
Hi Julia
Wig provision does vary wildly across the UK. In my trust you are referred to a really excellent wig shop where you have a one to one consultation with one of their experienced staff. You get to try on lots of wigs and choose your favourite all at no cost to you.
I have had a couple of wigs now. The first I was totally unprepared for the consultation. I took a crowd of people with me and ended up having a fun time choosing. I chose a wig very similar to my natural hair and got on reasonably well with it.
For my second wig I did lots of research and knew exactly which wigs I wanted to try. There are lots of excellent up to date wig reviews by real women on YouTube . Most are American but many of the wigs can be purchased here.
My second wig is my “Anthea Turner”! It’s a style I always admired but never could achieve with my own hair and I love her!
Happy wig hunting.
Love Juliax
PS Having become a little obsessive on the subject I now know lots and lots about wigs! So if there is anything I can help with let me know.
Many thanks for your reply. Do you wear a cotton cap under your wig?
I am going to the wig department of The Marsden, Sutton. Do you happen to know if they have a good stock?
Sorry do not know about The Marsden.
I have not come across wearing a cotton cap under a wig. To be honest I think it would be too bulky.
Most people wear either a wig cap which is like a stockingette fabric or something called a wig band. I like a wig band which is like a velvet hair band with a Velcro fastening. This holds the wig firmly in place and stops it slipping. It makes the wig feel very secure. The cheapest place I have found these and other wig accessories is eBay. A wig comb is another useful piece of kit.
By the way unless you are wearing your wig all day everyday wig shampoo and conditioner is something you can buy later if you need to.
PS in my option a good top brand synthetic wig is much more convenient, stylish and ethical than most human hair wigs.
Hi I just got a wig 2 days ago. Love it completely. I lost my hair to carb/taxel mix 17 months ago. It did grow bag & I chose then not to get a wig due to feeling unsure. I am about to loose my hair again but thought what the heck & went for it.the bonus of a wig is you can dare to be different & get a style you once only dreamt you could have. Be bold & go for gold. After all you only get to live once. That's my motto now anyway. Good luck.
Hi Julia, I have this problem. First of all STOP using any hairdryer or heated appliances on your hair, Secondly use a wide toothe comb and comb as little as possible, Thirdly wash as little as possible with a very mild shampoo, I find Johnsons Baby Shampoo works for me and stops the sensitive scalp but we are all different. Herbal Essences do a Bio range which is also good. Unfortunately I got this advice too late and now have extremely thin hair, but I hope it works for you. Also of course wear the cold cap and good luck xx
Where I’m treated, they give wigs free in their Maggies. I don’t know how they compare with wigs you can buy. Di
Hi Julia, I've lost my hair 4 times now over the nearly 9 years I've been diagnosed. This time wasn't nearly so traumatic and I've realised that my hair loss is as much about identity as vanity. Being bald is as much me as having hair is now so I took it in my stride.
I already have 6 wigs 🤣. Indulgent I know.
Going radically different with my NHS wig to a chestnut bob from a wispy, fine, highlighted bob was a bit of a disaster but it was a show of bravado! My sister bought me a beautiful Ellen Willie wig in a similar style to mine when I was first diagnosed with a natural looking parting - by far my favourite and was fitted and styled by a professional wig shop but was £300. I've bought 3 more wigs, one from Wigs4u and the price I paid reflected the quality ☹️. I've bought 2 from Simply wigs online. They provided a great service with a little boxed chocolate as a treat. I bought another Ellen Willie wig which again is very comfortable but I went for an asymmetric design that was lovely but not me. I've had it restyled with an acceptable but not perfect end result. I also got a funky pinky, platinum bob from them (Billie) which is fun and was only £75. People compliment me on my 'hair'.
I also wore cotton caps and fringes when the weather was hot. I do find fringes quite itchy though.
However, back to identity and I'm wanting to replicate how I actually look these days, so I've booked an an appointment at Simply wigs HQ in Huddersfield to try 4 blonde/grey very cropped pixie wigs on and they can trim it up too if I choose to buy one.
Sorry you've found yourself having to have chemo again. I actually did really well on just Taxol (mine was weekly) and didn't lose all my hair 'til about week 10.
Good luck with your treatment and wig hunting.
Love and strength to you.
💐 😘 😘
Hello, sorry to hear this for you and I share the dismay you feel! I lost all my hair after my third ( of the usual 6) cycle. Its a very personal choice about a wig. I decided to go for a style ( funnily enough like the lady above- Anthea Turner ish!!) I always liked but couldn’t get my own hair to “do”. It was fine but then as my hair started to grow back in I didnt want the obvious transformation from shoulder length to pixie crop so swapped for a very short one. I finished chemo in Dec, totally bald but now have a very thick inch of curly grey hair. I was poker straight (dyed) blonde!
Hope all goes well for you xx
@baldmothertucker instagram.com/baldmothertuc... on Instagram does excellent uk wig reviews. She has total alopecia so deals with all aspects of wig wearing. I wish I had been able to use her when I bought mine 4 years ago... they are awful! 😫
I was given a voucher by the hospital for a wig from a local supplier. I put some extra money towards it as it's worth it to get one that suits you. Try on wigs before you lose your hair so the supplier can see what your current colour and style is, especially if you want one that looks similar. My supplier didn't have the right colour/style combination, but ordered one in the right colour and cut it to the right style. He also recommended not shaving my head once my hair started to fall out as I might not lose all my hair and any 'bristly' bits could irritate. I took his advice and in fact was left with thin wispy hair. I got so many compliments on my wig as people just thought I'd had a fancy salon highlight job. Hope all goes well with your treatment x
I’ve been on Taxol since July 2019 & lost my hair within weeks. I had a very costly wig from my last bout of Chemo in 2013. It was synthetic with hand sewn lace cap micro filament - very natural and could see my scalp depending upon how I parted it. Originally, I had it styled by a wig expert who did a fabulous job. This time I took it to my hairdresser, and she did a terrible job. Synthetic wigs are already styled so hairdressers have to trim them so as not to destroy the styling. So I decided to get a new one that would match my current hair style. I went to various wig boutiques, but they cost a fortune. I went to my hospital’s resource center & tried on a variety of wigs. I didn’t like any. They recommended tlcdirect.org by the American Cancer society and gave me a coupon for $70 towards one of their wigs. I bought JULIE wig (inexpensive) and the Raquel Welch WINNER (more expensive). They are wash and wear & very natural looking. I hope that this helps.
Sorry the Carbo alone didn’t work. I got two wigs but ended up wearing scarves more. I got them similar to my style anyway but got a colourful one! If you don’t see one you like at your hospital (if they provide the service) then ask them if they can order one you like and use your wig voucher towards it (I did as I’d seen a Raquel Welch one I would have bought anyway). Go for lace front if you can as it gives the most realistic hairline and means you can pin it back if you like. Also a bit of dry shampoo scuzzes them up a bit and makes the texture look more real. Good luck with the search xx
My wife Carol has a wig from the Marsden team. The lady there was great, and we found one that really suited her first time out. She alternated between that and a turban depending how she felt on any given day.
Hope you find something as quickly.
Wishing you all the best,
I previously posted - I have an extra unused wig we purchased for my mom. It is a mix of human and synthetic hair. I would be more then happy to ship it if it fits your style 🙂
Hi Julia, sorry you find yourself in this situation, the thought of losing your hair is very daunting. I went to the wig shop (willswigs.co.uk) rather than the hospital as they had more choice. They were really professional and very discreet. I quite enjoyed it and found one I really liked. I took it to my own hairdresser for a little trim. I did find it quite warm to wear as it was summer and they do feel quite firm on your head so I only wore the wig outdoors. I purchased a beanie hat from the shop too and what I found really useful was a mini Velcro fringe that attached to it. It did make it look like you had hair under the hat. It can feel chilly at night with no hair so I had a soft beanie hat for bed too. I purchased a wig stand and used simple shampoo to wash it with. Good luck with finding a wig you like and with the rest of your treatment. Jo xx
Cold cap xx
On my 4th round of weekly Taxol my hair has certainly gone thin but still have it. Best regards my dear. Anne XXX