Well just going to see about my new wig today before treatment Wed not sure what to expect how did you who lost there hair find the nhs wigs xx
Wig day : Well just going to see about my new wig... - My Ovacome
Wig day

Found it good to be honest. In fact my husband and I had quite a laugh over choosing one as I tried on loads thinking 'I know I'll have a change' but in the end opted for something as close as possible to my own colour and style. On the other hand I rarely wore it finding it easier just to wear scarves or 'beanies'. Hope you find something you like. Hope you are doing ok. Kathy xx
Really good quality, these days they are supplied by the same people who supply to the main wig suppliers.
I didnt wear mine though as I was talked into buying a style that other people said suited me but in hindsight when I got it home I decided it was a bit too blond for me! I was very very happy with being bald in the house and garden and I wore a combat cap when I went out.
Take the time you need to try on styles and colours, they will order you some to try and you don't have to take one if you don't feel it's right, keep trying others.
I also had mine trimmed by a specialist wig hairdresser which made it even more natural and suited to my face...it was only me who felt it was too blond!!!!
Have fun
Clare x
I found the NHS wig to be of a really good quality. I had already bought one as my hair had gone by the time my appt arrived. I took my daughter with me to NHS fitting and was swayed by her and chose a long luscious wig miss piggy style. Never wore it. I can't do super glam. Anyway the point is you may feel more comfortable with a style you are used to. Good luck x
Yes the NHS does come up trumps here. I took my NHS voucher to the wig shop and after trying on a couple of styles, decided to buy one which was a bit too long but which could be effectively styled and trimmed just as you would do with your own hair. My usual hairdresser was more than happy to do this for me. I continued working throughout my treatment, and I attempted not to let any clients know about my cancer. I'm not sure to this day whether I managed to carry it off successfully - especially when I lost my eyelashes and eyebrows! - but it was much easier to look good in the mornings. I have naturally wavy unruly hair and without straighteners it's usually a nightmare. Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose...! x
I had a blonde wig same as my own hair and colour. I couldn't get on with it and preferred to use scarves and beanies. My hair is now coming back a lot darker and it doesn't seam like me. Can't wait till I can have highlights. Go for what u feel most comfortable with. U will know the one when you try them on. Good luck with everything. Xx
Here in the States we are not offered free wigs but must obtain a prescription for an Extra or Medical Cranial Prosthetic in order for insurance to cover it. I had had experience with wigs worn just for fun in my youth and remembered them to be not so much fun so I decided to forgo them and settled for all kinds of fun beanies. None were specifically for cancer hair loss, so I had fun shopping. Eventually, it got too warm for beanies and I ventured out bald as a babies butt. I admit, working from home meant I could do this but I actually miss my bald head. My hair is long enough now to need a trim and is very unruly.
American Cancer Society offers one free wig to anyone who has any type of cancer. Just bring in a Dr note and make an appointment. FYI for those people in the United States.
Like most people, I found the nhs wig to be very good quality and found one that was very close to my natural hair but I hardly wore it-I found it too scratchy as my scalp was very sensitive. I bought a wig liner off ebay that helped but I still preferred a hat or scarf. I was amazed how cold I felt without hair! I even slept in a hat.
Good luck with your treatment!
The wigs are really nice, choose one close to your own colour and style otherwise it really looks like a wig. They can be a bit itchy when you're warm but I loved wearing mine (I also bought some from Simply Wigs (on line) which are monofilament caps and so much more comfortable. I saved a fortune on hairdressers costs and shampoo and conditioner and getting waxing done and it only takes a short time to get yourself looking gorgeous in the mornings. Eyebrow makeup is important otherwise you look a bit odd and a fine eye pencil can make it look like you have eyelashes so appearance is one less thing to worry about. It is chilly without hair especially in bed but it's exciting when your new hair comes back and it's surprising too to discover what your natural air colour actually is, I've been 'blonde' for so many years and now I'm light brown with lots of grey but I quite like it. Good luck with the treatment it really can work and make you better xx