I am on Taxotere - 3 weeks on, 1 off. I just finished my second round of three infusions last week. About 4 days ago I started having serious mouth issues. I am familiar with mouth sores and sensitivity and even slight changes in taste, but this is on a whole different level.
I can't taste food anymore, but that's not the worst of it. What I can taste is bitterness. Even my own saliva is bitter. The awful taste in my mouth doesn't go away with brushing, rinsing, flossing, or anything else.
Regardless of how bad things can get for me, I know that sitting down and relaxing with a nice cup of tea or good meal can always lift my spirits. Now I don't even have that. I can't cook, I don't want to eat, and the taste in my mouth keeps me slightly nauseous a lot of the time.
The doctors don't have any recommendations. If anyone has any experience with this (called dysgeusia or parageusia), I'd be grateful for your insights. I'm feeling a bit desperate right now.