Has anyone had a pleurex catheter inserted for pleural effusion drainage? I have been drained three times and need it again and so they want to put in a permanent catheter so I can drain myself. Scares me but they said continued drainage in the back can leave scar tissue.
Pleural effusion drain : Has anyone had a pleurex... - My Ovacome
Pleural effusion drain

I have not ...i just wanted to say stay strong and your in my prayers ❤
I had a Pleurx catheter placed on the right side before I began frontline chemo. I’d say it’s worked out well overall, and not hard to manage at home once you get used to it. Wishing you all the best. xx Gina
I have one at the moment and the district nurses come round and drain it. I can shower but advised no baths or swimming. So much nicer and easier than waiting for the effusion to get bad and then be drained at the hospital each time. I would recommend having one of offered. Feel free to ask me any questions xx
Dear Pendle99, I agree with the comments above. I had one fitted and did not have to keep going every other day to the hospital to wait hours to have it drained off - could just call the district nurse when needed. Recently they have removed it. Much easier - not nice but the liquid soon goes after starting chemo. All the best my dear. Anne xx
Thank you for your comments. Is it painful when installed? Hurt when you move or sleep?
Not painfull when put in. If anything the local anaesthetic injections they give you are the most painful bit but you would be getting these when you get the effusions drained at the hospital anyway. Feels a little strange during the procedure - a little bit of tugging/ pulling but not painful. You are under a blue sterile theatre sheet thing to keep area sterile and the cons is in blue surgical scrubs. The cons who did mine was chatty and jokey throughout and made me feel incredibly relaxed and safe. He also drained a litre of fluid off at the same time. I then needed a chest xray to make sure all bits in correct place. You probably will.need someone else to drive you home. Hosp arranged all district nurse stuff. Mine was sore/ uncomfortable for abt 4 days afterwards so i needed the painkillers I was sent home with. But i promise you it is so much nicer having it done at home, you are in control. I quite often forget I have it in. I can't see it as it is all hidden away u der dressings which is a godsend for me as I am a little squeamish! We spend too much time at hospital! Good luck and keep us posted xxx Pen
Had the pleurex catheter inserted and it is much more painful than I had anticipated. Hurts in front and back. On pain meds. Oxygen level dropped and may need oxygen which I never have before. Home Health nurse came today but didn’t touch me due to pain. Will come Monday to drain.