Pleural effusion question. I have increased pleural effusion on both my lungs. I have a question. Do any of you know if there are any particular things I can do to reduce this side effect of chemotherapy? I I would prefer not to have to deal with the involvement of draining it if there are things I can do to keep it down or reduce it naturally by means of external effort like eating etcetera.
Question about pleural effusion: Pleural effusion... - My Ovacome
Question about pleural effusion

Dear Nats, this is not a side effect of Chemotherapy.
This is a side effect of progressing cancer.
Are you on Chemotherapy besides the maintenance drug Avastin?
If not, it is time to discuss treatment with your Oncologist.
When chemotherapy kicks in, such drugs as Taxol, or Carbo and Taxol, and starts destroying cancer cells, the pleural Effusion should resolve.
Best wishes,
Thank you for clarifying this. I actually didn't really know that even though I'm sure they've told me a hundred times. Chemo brain! I only just contacted my general practitioner about this. I had a CT scan about 2 months ago and then skipped one of my treatments to go on holiday. That's probably why it's progressing. As I never responded to traditional chemotherapy initially, there isn't really an option to put me back on so hopefully this will work once I started up again.
Hello Natsmb,
I completely agree with the response from Laura.
Pleural effusions are NOT as a a result of chemo. In fact chemo is the cure!!
Remember Avastin is not true chemo, as we understand it. It’s a good follow up drug, but it sounds as if the cancer is growing. If you’re medical team picked up on this, I am surprised you are not back on ‘traditional’ chemotherapy?
Please talk to your team/CNS/GP asap.
As a nurse, I can suggest deep breathing & activity (walking) to prevent chest infections, but treatment is the order of the day!
Wishing you a swift resolution to this.
(I have a R pleural effusion at the moment & am on Carbo/Caelyx).
Linda x
Okay. I really didn't understand how that worked and that makes sense. I took a break from my treatment to go on holiday and my numbers went up so it would make sense that the pleural effusion has gone up as well. I never responded to the Texaco carboplatin ever even from the beginning so there isn't a whole lot of options in that area. Avastin was kind of last ditch attempt to see if something would work and it has been so I hope it continues. I'm not interested in any drug trials at this time so keeping my prayers active and my hopes up. Anyway, thank you for the response. I appreciate understanding this better
Dear Natsmb,
It is not the chemo that causes the pleural effusion, it is the cancer that causes it and the only way to to stop it that I know of is through chemo.
I had this problem in one lung and I had a permanent drain put in so that I did not need to do the draining in hospital every time - I had the district nurse come and do it, also because it was at one point nearly every day.
Not nice my dear, but I survive it and the drain was eventually removed - but only because I needed a porta cath and they were worried about infection.
Take care my dear and if you need more info please contact me. A big hug my dear. Anne
Take Doxycycline the only MM9 inhibitor to regenerate the lung damage and swimming every week least 3 time to expand the lung!