SCAN following raised CA125: Anybody had scan... - My Ovacome

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SCAN following raised CA125

linzilou78 profile image
13 Replies

Anybody had scan results on same day? x

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linzilou78 profile image
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13 Replies
Lindaura profile image

Normally, there is a 7 to 14 day wait for results, but in an emergency, they can come back in hours.

linzilou78 profile image
linzilou78 in reply to Lindaura

I had a raised CA125 result 10 days ago and had an urgent referral gynecology team from GP and they have decided from his report and bloods I'm in this Thursday.. scan.. TVS internal scan and straight into specialist... im literally a bag of nerves.. struggled so much this weekend feel like every minute has been an hour... im really worried x

linzilou78 profile image
linzilou78 in reply to linzilou78

WEDNESDAY 14th sorry NOT Thursday


I just wanted to share my story. I had lots of symptoms - bloating, constipation, irregular bleeding, abdo and severe back pain. I was fobbed off by my GP for two years and actually told not to come back with my symptoms. I preservered and saw a nurse at the practice who referred me for a scan. A large mass was found on my right ovary and I went into a complete panic. It was suspected to be benign but the surgeon was very non-commital. It did turn out to be a benign dermoid cyst. My ca125 was never raised but no one ever seemed to focus on that- maybe because it was low.

I do think your GP is on the ball although his speed is scaring you, it is best to get your results fast because waiting is the worst part. I’m assuming he is acting so fast because if your symptoms and family history? Until you get your results though - you don’t know if there is anything to worry about so try to stay positive, which I know is hard.

Recently, I had another ultrasound scan as I still had backache and the sonographer thought my ovary looked ‘bulky’, my surgeon called me back the same day so I think that the ultrasound results are very fast.

Good luck for Wednesday.

bamboo89 profile image

If you're booked to see a 'specialist' (what kind of specialist?) straight after your scan, that would suggest you may be told the result on the day. If the scan you refer to is an ultrasound, it's likely they will want to do a follow up CT scan at some point fairly quickly - that is the result you may have to wait for, but seeing a 'specialist' of some sort straight after your scan is not common, so it sounds like you've been lucky with that, although its not clear what you mean by 'specialist'. After my scans, I had to have a biopsy on a swollen lymph node before being told precisely what I'd got, so I didn't get a definite diagnosis for 3 months, though that is an unusually long time to have to wait.

The only thing I can say is, whether you worry about it or not, the result will be the same; it won't change the outcome, and you won't hear any quicker because you're worrying. Given that's the case, try not to worry, sit still and take some slow, deep breaths, and think along the lines of 'it is what it is, and I'll be grateful if its not OC, but if it is, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it'... A lot easier said than done, but worrying serves no useful purpose right now for you; there's a 'feedback loop' that happens which increases fear levels, as well as having a negative knock on effect on both your mood and your body - your adrenal glands will be working overtime! While you wait, there is life to be lived, so use distraction techniques and keep busy if you can, especially physically busy to use up all the adrenalin your body is producing from the anxiety you're feeling. Mindfulness meditation techniques help, but none of this waiting is easy for anybody...


linzilou78 profile image

Hi thanks for the replies and reassurance... basically.... My Go said he was gunna move fast and sent off for a scan as an urgent referral based on my symptoms and CA125 results. he then rang me back later in same day and said normally after a scan u would wait few weeks to see gyny team for follow up and results etc.. He then said.. he wasnt willing to wait that long and will be sending referral to Gyny team same day and they will contact me with appointment and will be likely days away from scan but that's for the best so I was ok with this.. THEN I got a letter through post to book a routine colcoscopy something that was non urgent.. when I went on line and accessed that there was a 2nd referral saying if not heard anything hy Monday 5th August then please contact us.. I couldnt work out what was what and driving meself mad all the weekend.. I rang up Monday as there was a number to do so and nothing came through the post.. Thankgully got through to a lovely understanding lady on the phone who let me explain everything as to why I was confused/worried and unsure as to exactly what was happening when etc..

She basically explained the doctors referral to the gyny team was from him examining me.. CA125 results Nd they had looked at everything and decided they want to see me in a specialist clinic ASAP for a ultrasound A TVS and straight into clinic to see specialist.. She didnt say what type of specialist.. that's all she explained.. that's what the gynacology team had decided they needed to do once they had received GP referral.. hence my appointment on Wednesday... I know it's good I dont have to wait.. but it's also making me even more concerned they see a need to act so fast.. I know I'll probs still need further tests etc based on their findings.. I did ask outright on the phone.. being a straight talking person.. Will I know there and then if I have anything to worry about and she said yes that's what straight into see specialist is for they will then know what they are dealing with and need to do as next steps.... I am a bag of nerves today.. feel sick and cant concentrate.

THANKYOU for all your kind words and support. I am so glad I found this forum xx

Di16 profile image

I normally have ct scans a week or so before appointments for the results. But last month my oncologists specified they wanted my ct to be the day before my appointment. When I went for my appointment, it was too soon to have the official report (I've had that sent to me since), but the dr I saw had looked at the scan, & told me what he saw. I wish I could always find out scan info so quickly! Di

Rlenesue profile image

I dont know where you live but in the USA scan results are available within 24 hours. Hope everything works out for you.

Mptelesca profile image

One time the tech took the liberty to say off the record that he could not see anything. Normally I get results within hours. Good thing because I am wildly impatient! Lol.

How long did they tell you?

Lizchips profile image

Yes I get my results always about an hour after blood draw

linzilou78 profile image

Hi all Jad my MRI yesterday... I also currently have a follow up in place with gynacology department for week Wednesday 28th... when I came out the scan I presume it was the scanner (person) asked me who sent me for the MRI was it a GP or SPECIALIST.. I said it was the specialist after findings on my ultrasound and vaginal scan (although I didnt say what findings) .. He went on to ask if I had a follow up in place.. and when I told him the 28th he said that seems a little too long.. I said surely if theres nothing to worry about 28th 10 days away would be fine... He said he couldn't tell me anything but that someone should be in touch within few days.. this did worry me a little but thought no just me being paranoid... This morning I've had a missed call off the hospital I had the scan done and were I've been having gyny appointments.. When I went they to gyny to see if was related She was like... uve got an appointment for 28th which I don't want to mess with.. i said I'm not asking u too.. I've had a call from hospital and I'm trying to find out who and y... she said it can take up to 2 weeks to review an MRI unless they find anything.. I said I'm not disputing that at all.. what I'm saying someone has tried to call me and I'm trying to get to bottom of it... O I'll pass your information to consultants secretary and if was them they will probs try again this afternoon... THANKS..NOT! x So now I feel like I'm left in limbo if I'm honest.. x

linzilou78 profile image

Hi all... Hope everyone ok... 2days to hopefully definitive results for me... not had a great week if I'm honest.. the worry and stress could be adding to that but I'm in agony with my back.. again hopefully that's only due to lack of sleep... but the right hand and side lower back has the most immense throbbing pain lately... I find out Wednesday what type of cyst I have that they found on ultrasound. all I know at min is that its between 7-8,cm and had suspicious areas but not enough for them to determine anything off the scan alone.. hence the MRI.. this has been the longest month of my life!! x

Good luck with results and the difficult wait! X

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