10th Bowel Obstruction : Just wanted to post a... - My Ovacome

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10th Bowel Obstruction

DianesK profile image
36 Replies

Just wanted to post a fed up message. I came away for a little break with my daughter and grandchildren and have ended up in Bangor hospital miles away from home having my 10th bowel obstruction

These seem to get harder every time and this one doesn’t seem to be following on like my other episodes. I was coming out of it and it seems this morning I might be going back into it again. The pain is horrendous and to be honest I am getting so down about it. Seen a surgeon at the Marsden who has said it is so risky due to several obstructions they may put a permanent tube in my tummy, not seeing him again till June and with being so far away I can’t get access to him at the mo.

Sorry to moan, we have all got so much to put up with and I’m normally very positive but this is testing my patience.

Sending love to you all

Di xxx 🌻

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DianesK profile image
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36 Replies
Lindaura profile image

Dear Diane,

I am so sorry hat you are suffering these torments and indignities.

I hope, with whatever solution they can offer in Bangor, that your instruction will resolve soon.

Then it will be time to see your surgeon and you probably should go ahead with some kind of surgery that will at least clarify the situation inside your bowels.

It is terrifying, but you have few options and living with this must be torture.

With all this cancer, you must be BRCA positive. Have you had the genetics test yet?

Perhaps, when this current trauma is sorted, you can go on a PARP inhibitor.

Hope you get better soon,



DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toLindaura

Hi Laura

Thank you so much for your reply.

Yes I am BRCA and I have had all the PARPs I can have and because of the bowel I can’t go in a trial and only one chemo option left.... bit grim really.

It’s not good being so far from home, hopefully I will get patched up so that at least I can be near my surgeon so we can talk options.

Thanks again and hope you are keeping well xxx

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply toDianesK

Ouch! I hope you get this fixed ASAP and suddenly a great trial will open up!



sticky3006 profile image

I'm not surprised you're fed up. It seems so unfair for you to have these repeated problems when you've already had breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It certainly makes a lot of us question why we are given all this c.... to contend with when others sail through life with no problems (or that could just be me who thinks this way). When you say a tube in your stomach do you mean a stoma? If thats whats being considered then I'd go for it. As a nurse I've seen so many people with stomas who manage them brilliantly and so many advances have been made in stoma care in recent years.

Good luck and lets hope that things settle down for you,


DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply tosticky3006

Aww thanks for replying Sticky.

The tube is like a permanent NG tube in my tummy that I can bag myself if an episode starts. We had only talked briefly about it last week as an idea. I’m seeing him again soon with my oncologist to look at the best options, it just seems to have escalated recently and changed the way it happens and resolves, which is a worry. The aroma would be definitely the outcome if they decided to risk the surgery but there is a lot of other risks if it goes ahead.

I’m with you, all the good people seem to have to put up with this nonsense, I know I’m nearing the end of my journey, but I would like to be able to get things a bit better managed than it is at the mo.

Hope you are well, sending love xxx 🌻

Zena41 profile image
Zena41 in reply toDianesK

Hi I had four of these and the pain is immense I’ve started on low residue diet and found that starchy foods start me of.

Solange profile image

Oh, Di, what a big, frightening let down for you, this happening. Even worse when you're away from home for a break. It must be even more frightening -bad enough if you were home. Do hope your problem is resolved very soon. You must be yearning for your own bed, near your own medical people. Sending loads of love, 💐💐💐 😊 Solange xx

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toSolange

Awww thank you so much Solange xxx 🌻

Yoshbosh profile image

Oh no, Di, not what you needed on what should have been a lovely break away with family. I hope the hospital in Bangor is looking after you well.

Hoping you stabilise quickly and can hot-foot it back home and to the Marsden for a follow-up.

Vicki xxx

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toYoshbosh

Thank you so much Vicki. This hospital is so fab and looked after me so well. I just need to be near to people who know me and my treatment.

Sending lots of love and hope you are ok xxxx 🌻

Lyndy profile image

Sending hugs 🤗...you have every right to sound off. Hope it resolves again soon xx

BeeWild profile image

Sending you a big hug and hope everything resolved soon and you can get back home xx


Cheryl4677 profile image

You’ve had such a rough ride. Such a shame that you have had this set back while you were away. I’ve only had one episode of obstruction early this year but it was horrendous. I’m sure we all do the ‘Why me?’ sometimes and you’ve every right to feel fed up. ( Although we’d never wish this on anyone else.) I hope you get some resolution soon and a plan of action. Wishing you all the best. Cheryl. X

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toCheryl4677

Thank you so much Cheryl.

I’m still in hospital but I’m hoping they will let me out tomorrow because things have settled now.

Hope you are keeping well.

Sending love xx 🌻

Neona profile image

I am sorry you are suffering with this. I have an iliostomy and don’t have any advice but hope you get sorted out quickly

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toNeona

Thank you so much Neona xxx 🌻

Chick44nzrn profile image

Dear Diane . You poor girl ! You must be so disappointed and I hope so much things look somewhat brighter as you have what I hope is excellent treatment though I can imagine how stressful things are right now. I’ve just dropped my 4 yr old granddaughter at school so only a short message to send you thoughts of. Improvement and best wishes . It’s sunny and bright in Bournemouth so hope you.

Get a glimpse of the rays today

Denise x

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toChick44nzrn

Aren’t grandchildren the best. They keep me going if I’m honest.

We all put up with so much from this horrid disease.

Hope you are keeping well Denise. Take care xx 🌻

Hi Di

This sh...disease! You try to make the best of things then wham another knock back.

So sorry and really hope this is sorted quickly.

Love and Best Wishes


DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply to

Thank you so much Janet xxx

Maxjor profile image

I fear these obstructions and cannot believe you have managed so many! I wish I had some help to offer but you are obviously quite familiar with what to do. Just a note of support, hope you're out of hospital soon and glad you have this space to vent as we all completely understand the fed-up feeling. Wishing you a quick recovery and an enjoyable time with your daughter and grand kids. And then home to be near the familiar healthcare team! oxoxxo Judy

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMaxjor

Thanks so much Judy for your kind words.

I love this forum so much, I don’t comment much but I read so much of what ever has to say... all the challenges, advice and fab positive results. It’s a safe place to air your thoughts.

I’m going home hopefully tomorrow as long as the soup stays down.

Sending love xxx 🌻

luluw profile image

It must be awful to be in hospital so far from home and the medical team you know and trust. I hope you are home tomorrrow and feeling better.

Sending hugs

Lou xxxx

Sending gentle hugs, I do hope the team can offer you at least a partial solution and help manage your pain. xx

Missmuffet32 profile image

Hi DianesK

I am so sorry to read of your obstruction and terrible pain again, especially when on holiday. I like you have High grade serous 4 peritoneal fallopian tube cancer, now on Niraparib for 5 months. I really feel for you. Had a really bad obstruction last year ( gave me four days to recover) or that was the end. Luckily it sorted itself out but being on a diamorphine syringe driver in so much pain and my family crying sitting beside me day and night was so scary. I have just been to New York for two weeks, and the pains started up and I was beside myself with worrying, just drunk water for 3 days and it passed, thank goodness. But now keep getting tummy pains when I take medication or eating. Has it come back or is the tumours pressing on the bowels. Like you I feel please do something better about this. I hope you got out of hospital and spent quality time with your daughter and grandchildren. Take care I really hope they sort your tummy out👍🙋 have a lovely bank holiday.

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMissmuffet32

Thank you so much for replying.

Bless you, you must have been so frightened being away from home because you know what the obstruction is like when it happens.

I hope what you are experiencing now will just go away, it’s so horrible when it happens.

I got out of hospital today and being looked after by my family up north till I feel well enough to travel home again.

Stay well, sending love xxx 🌻

Missmuffet32 profile image

Thank you for your kind words, you’ve been through the mill. I went out for lunch with my girlfriends yesterday only had grilled skate and ice creams but I paid for it last night. Still in some pain today. Have the hospital given you any medication. Do they think it’s IBS and what is the tube for? I’m at Addenbrookes but I’ve heard the Marsden is very good. Back on water and clear soup. Enjoy your rest with the grandchildren. Thinking of my family are fantastic but sometimes they don’t understand what the pains and fear all this brings. Thank you for listening 🌺🙋

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMissmuffet32

Aww bless you, it’s awful that you can’t enjoy time with your girlfriends without having all this worry of obstruction.

The tube would go directly into my tummy to drain off what would normally come out of the nasal gastric tube that I have in my nose.

It’s not IBS it is bowel obstruction every time and getting very frequent between episodes unfortunately. I can’t take anything for it, just stay on a low fibre, low residue diet

The Marsden has been great and the surgeon am seeing now is very caring.

Water and clear soup is rubbish but if it does the trick and keeps you out of obstruction it’s a must.

Hope you are clear of this soon and stay well. Sending love xxx 🌻

Missmuffet32 profile image

Hi lovely lady

Been back to bed. Still got some pains i meant me having IBS not you, I'm grasping at straws here. Scared in case this is a blockage. Been taking buscopan and pain killers. How are feeling. Are you still in pain? Thinking of you. Best wishes xx👍🏻🤢

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMissmuffet32

Hi sweetie

Oh sorry, see what you mean now.

You need to be careful, if you think you might be going jnto blockage, get some medical help, it might catch it early and they can deal with it and not be so traumatic. That’s what I always try to do, sometimes I succeed but then others I don’t and I end up passing out because of quick, severe fluid loss.

I’m feeling a lot better today, I have only had little bits to eat, mainly soup, tinned spaghetti and ensures, lots of water. I haven’t got much pain at the mo, just a bit of an ache from all the bowel action.

I’m starting my journey in the car back down south later on this morning. Need to get home and sort myself out, get back to normal.

Hope you can do everything you can to avoid a blockage and it settles down on its own.

Sending love xxx Di 🌻

Missmuffet32 profile image

Hi Diane

Sorry not been in touch, had a bad few days but blockage gone. Now on Complan and Just drinking. Got CT booked for the 4th at Addenbrookes just to see what’s wrong. Hope it’s clear and the tumours are not growing again. Nightmare all round. How are you feeling are you keeping things down. Take care big 🤗 hugs. XxMxx

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMissmuffet32

Thank goodness the blockage has gone, that’s great news. Fingers crossed your scan shows nothing to worry about.

I on the other hand are back in hospital with my 11th obstruction. I have reported it all to the Marsden, waiting to see what is next.

Just waiting for them to give me the gastrografin to try to get things moving.

I will have everything crossed you on the 4th. Sending cuddles xxx 🌻

Missmuffet32 profile image

Oh I’m so sorry Diane, this is a nightmare, are you in pain or are they giving you medication for it. Have you still got your tubes in? Oh I really feel for you, We put up with so much rubbish. Thinking of you keep positive things will get better. Big hugs to you. 🌺💐🙋😞

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMissmuffet32

Aww thank you.

Yes tubes are still in, the pain isn’t too bad at the mo. My cannula has tissued this afternoon so I can’t have the fluids because they can’t get another one in. I have a portacath fitted but no one can use it.

Still waiting for them to give me the gastrografin, this hospital is so so slow, I wish I could just get home and look after myself there.

I’m off to badger them again about were this stuff is... they are going to be sick of me by the end of today x 🌻

Missmuffet32 profile image

You must be frustrated by now. Is this your local hospital? CT department telephoned this morning Fromm Addenbrookes to say they were sending the Contast which you have to take 48 hours before to get the better picture. Even although they give you the other contrast intravenously at the time. But it’s all a waiting game. This was why I didn’t want to go to my local hospital in case they intervened. You can never tell some departments are so efficient and others are ‘tomorrow will do ‘ attitude. Still it could be worse. You take good care of yourself and just enjoy the rest. Best wishes M xx💐🌺

DianesK profile image
DianesK in reply toMissmuffet32

No, it’s not my local one thank goodness I won’t need to come back.

Good luck with it all, hope it goes well.

Sending hugs xxx 🌻

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