I just wanted to share my good news. I am OC stage 4 inoperable and have been on Avastin since January my 3 month scan results from my consultant yesterday shows no progression of the disease so the Avastin is doing its job stopping the cancer forming new blood vessels. I hope it carries on doing this.
Avastin no disease progression: I just wanted to... - My Ovacome
Avastin no disease progression

Fantastic news:). Long may Avastin continue to work for you xx
Excellent news for you, sounds as though it’s doing what it should. I would love to know how it affects some and not others. Shows you what are bodies and this disease is like. I am so pleased it’s working for you.
Sending you lots of love 💕 hugs 🤗 and positivity xxxx
That is good news. Long may it continue.
Brilliant! I was never entirely sure if Avastin was doing anything but it clearly does!!! xx
Grats. Long may it continue! xx. Maus
Fab. Long may it continue. Xx
Great news!
Brilliant it’s been good for me too 💞
Thank you everyone for your replies😁
Brill news I can’t get avastin in Wales 🏴
Great news, very pleased for you.
Brilliant news. Long may it continue. I am stage 4 inoperable too. Taking Niraparib since August. Very slight progression on last scan but Consultant happy to continue as we are.
Best wishes
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Solange xx😊🤞
Fabulous news long may it continue this way. Thank you for sharing your good news with us, keep as well as possible lovely ❤️Xx Jane
Delighted to hear your good news, long may it last.
I've been on Avastin for more than 3 years and no progress yet. I'm also stage 4 and inoperabel.
Happy Easter!
That is wonderful, so happy this is working for you!
So happy to read this! Congrats and long may it continue! oxoxoxo
Great news 🤩. I was stage 1, high grade . 4 months post chemo, recurrence in lymph nodes & platinum resistant in October 2018. Incurable, 6-9 months outlook. Offered Avastin and Paclitaxel weekly In December 2018, to see if would slow it down. First 3 monthly scan end February of showed no evidence of disease and ca 125 consistently falling and been 16 for some weeks. Side effects harsh but managing although this month after discussions with drug company may need adjustment?? Next scan due May 2019 . Bit nervous but hope it still good news. I hope same continues for you. Good luck.
Hi Doodledays
ThAnk you for your reply mine was also in lymph nodes liver kidney and peritoneal as well. I was wondering what your harsh side effects were on Avastin as I have other issues that I think may be caused by the Avastin. I would be interested to hear.
Apart from no hair, no energy, spot breakouts, mouth ulcers, horrible taste in mouth and food/drink , constipation/ windy, bloated insides which I manage with regular laxido and plenty fluid, (I take extra sachets treatment day and next two days) it’s difficult to know which agent causes which side effect. I have constant numbness/neuropathy feeling in toes, under soles of feet and up calf’s . Main concerns at present are development of hole in rt nostril caused by continual sneezing , nose blowing due to constant presence of mucous/sinusitis and all finger and toenails going black and coming off. It’s more than I expected and not anything that can be done. Seen by ENT consultant and concern is that it will not heal due to Avastin so oncology pharmacist contacted company for advice . Not a lot of help at present except to withhold last weeks Avastin and hope that combined with my “ week off” it may give time for some healing to take place. So for three weeks I have had to train myself not to blow my nose and to sneeze through an open mouth.🥴. (Bit gross if you in my firing line🤢)
Still waiting for review at ENT clinic before oncologist can decide/prescribe next weekend treatment. No one said it was going to be easy🤪. Just keep on keeping on. Xx
Many common side effects to me hair loss wind bowel issues neuropathy trouble with nose sore and bleeding. Aching joints frozen shoulders both joints and now sore skin all around down below skin seems to be getting thinner and thinner and lastly fatigue so tired can do nothing apart from wobbling around. I wish you well keep fighting.
Awesome! So thankful! So far since my second treatment with avastin my numbers have either stabilized or even dropped. I'm now waiting to see the results of my last CAT scan. If they show up like my numbers, I should see a reduction in tumor growth. Blessings!
Wonderful news! Keep going!!!!!