Well here I am 5.00am and still wide awake, had to have extra large dose of steroids with my avastin yesterday as the last two doses I had an allergic reaction to it .This is was on my 10th and 11th but on my 5th and 6th of having it on it own. Rashes on both arms and around my lips 👄. So onc decided to give me more steroids and more piriton and GP gave me steroid cream and stronger anti histomene, I can’t help but feel that this lovely disease (please note the sarcasm there) sees you feel more “New Normal” and says no not yet have a nasty rash and pains in your joints just to remind you I’m still here. So my response it YES but l have friends who will fight you so take that.!!
So that explains no sleep and steroid head, I hate being awake in the night as the box l have in my head creaks open and all the why,what ifs and maybes try to creep out and as quick as you push them back and lock the box another one creeps out. So l got up and decided as l couldn’t talk my poor husband to death I would talk to you lovely ladies , oh and top of everything else my onc tells me the swelling on my side of my stomach by my bellybutton that l was worried about is a hernia (oh joy) quite common she says because of the big operation we have to have. Nothing if anything can be done until finished avastin in January 2019 so I have reverted to ordering big support pants ( how sexy is that, not that anyone is likely to see them,I’m very fussy who l show my pants to.lol😂 even hubby only gets a sneak preview.) as I said a very giving disease. He blames it on my incessant war on weeds in the garden and the bending and pulling , I m sure they laugh at me and pop up in another area with their tongues poking out 😜 unfortunately l think he may be right but one never tells ones husband he is right do you . Lol . Especially as he kept telling me not to again something I ignore 😆 to my own peril.
On a follow up on my hair puzzle I have been trying a shampoo I saw advertised on line called “White Hot” and I must saw very pleased with it for us new white/grey and platinum girls,really made my hair soft and shiny and went for my first haircut in 12 months and hairdresser said what good condition it was in.She cut all the sheep curls of and cut it very short but in a style so hopefully it will grow straighter now really pleased with it and actually quite like my new colour and it’s saving me money so win win 👍
Any way sorry for such a long post I have probably send most of you to sleep anyway who have bothered to read to the end ,so I am really doing a public service 😴😴
Take care all you lovely ladies and sleep tight. 💚🌈💚 xxxx