A puzzle.: Hi ladies I have a question to ask... - My Ovacome

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Lmc52 profile image
54 Replies

Hi ladies I have a question to ask about new hair growth , How many of you when your hair came back has come back white or mixed nothing like your original colour or texture. Mine has come back white with dark badger streaks, and baby soft and a bit fluffy not unattractive but when l look in the mirror a different person looks back 😂 my daughters and husband like it in fact I have been told people pay to have it like that and it will save a fortune in hairdressers. Really glad it has come back but find it amazing the colour and texture, just wondered what other people feel like. We are all going through such changes and l have found it has changed me as a person, I don’t want to waste any time now and l do feel l have less tolerance with petty things and negative people. I suppose my new me allows these changes does any one else feel this and feel stronger for it. Love to hear from you. 🌈💚

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Lmc52 profile image
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54 Replies
Seasun36-uk profile image

Hi Lmc,

Yes I feel different, more appreciate, more aware of the preciousness of life, of family, friends, home etc. My hair came back as you describe. My hairdresser said it was normal. It felt odd! Now, although still short, it is growing nicely, is thicker & I’ve had it coloured back to my normal colour. I feel increasingly like me again!

Best wishes,

Linda x 🌻

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Seasun36-uk

Thanks for your reply, due to go for first cut in a week or so but think l might keep colour as is for a while just to see what happens.I find it quite empowering to be a different person at the moment.💪 and avoiding negative people lol. When it started to grow back my youngest daughter said l looked like a kiwi fruit ( How rude )🥝 I told her prickly on the outside but soft in the middle.

I am also a Linda. 🌈 xx

Kryssy profile image

Hi. My hair started to grow again just before Christmas last year. My original colour has gone and I've more white now in the front but it's curly. I was a dark auburn and straight before with just a few blondish highlights from being out in the sun. Now it's black and white but at nearly 70 I'm lucky to still have some colour. I love the curls though. Just have to wash and run my fingers through it and I'm done. Happy days. xx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Kryssy

I agree I am going to keep mine short ,wash and go , no more wasting time on it. Better things to do but can’t do without my mascara 🤗 lol.xx

My hair came back greyish and curly very tight curls first time around. I did use the loving care wash in wash out and then proceeded on to semi permanent and stayed at that level. I colour my own hair, I prefer to. Yes I looked totally different, for recurrence hair did thin and did curl very slightly when growing back. Yes we look a bit different but I also used Clarins beauty balm flash to brighten my face, at this stage I need more than that, But I am reasonably happy and I don't worry about it too much. What I would say is plenty of conditioner Boots with coconut oil is just fine

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to

I must be truthful and say l really like the body shop for their skin products , and l have just sent off for some shampoo designed for white platinum and blonde hair I was recommended to but haven’t tried it yet so time will tell. Regards Linda xx

BeeWild profile image

Hi mine has come back much darker and very curly!! I am back on weekly taxol and have used the cold cap and my hair has continued to grow through the chemo so I’m pleased with that!

I had long blonde hair that I always straightened previously and I find it really amusing nobody recognised me any more I could really have some fun with that one!!

Bev x

Lmc52 profile image

I was with my mother the other day and her friend asked how l was, she hadn’t recognised me.I had a smirk to myself. Xx

Juleswhee profile image

Hi , straight ginger hair with a lot of grey flecks before Taxol , now grown back dark and grey tight curls . I use Argan oil on them , my hair was always course , now it’s like baby hair . I have recurred since and am on Carbo/ Caelyx this time and no hair loss so far ( after three lots) . My eyelashes still haven’t made a full appearance though . Julia xx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Juleswhee

Hope you continue to keep your hair and your eyelashes stop being so shy.Take care Linda xx

Neona profile image

I have the most amazingly curly hair and I really quite like it- it was very straight before. Now I just wash it with baby shampoo and leave it to dry. Don't know how long it will stay like this but am wondering if it is the clinical trial drugs making the waves- it is 14 months since I finished frontline chemo and it seems to be getting curlier.

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Neona

I wondered that as l have never had curly hair, it will be interesting to see if once stop avastin it stays . We are like a scientist study aren’t we. Lol.

Katmal-UK profile image

Hi, before chemo I had dark thick hair (each strand was very thick). Now I have white hair, thick but each strand is fine and my hair is soooo soft, never was this soft before. The shine is intense. I do feel different, I have more of a live for today attitude. xx Kathy xx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Katmal-UK

It’s quite an eye opener isn’t it but somehow a powerful feeling. Xx

My hair came back grey arfter having red hair all my life, looking in the mirror was a stranger looking back, it's taken a while but I do see me there.

I totally understand your feelings, I think I will leave it now I'm 73 so it was bound to go grey ..take care Lorraine xx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to lorraine71-Australia

It really is the most weird feeling isn’t it, but like you l am going to live with it for a while to see if l like it. I only posted this for a bit of light hearted relief but have had some lovely replies so thank you all.

Linda xxx

IrishMollyO profile image

Hi there

My hair grew back curly and a silvery grey.colour with what looks like white highlights in the front. That was over seven years ago and I have never coloured it since. The curls lasted less than a year but I didn’t mind. Then texture remained soft and shiny . It saves me a fortune on hatrdressers but that is not the reason I left it . I think at 73 any lighter colour is better than dyed dark and it’s goodbye to the dreaded roots that always neeed retouching ! Plus most people liked it . And like the Loreal ad “ I’m worth it ! “ .

Next month my treatment will more than likely be Carbo/Taxol again so I will be choosing a wig in the same colour . My only worry will be the eyebrows so I’m thinking of getting eyebrow tattoos . Has anyone out there had them done ?

Meanwhile I want to wish you all the best . Remember that grey is an acceptable fashion statement and that even younger models are even dying their hair that lovely shade !



Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to IrishMollyO

I am sorry you will be back on Carbo/Taxol again is this your first reoccurrence.?. I haven’t tried eyebrow tattoos but have got quite expert at drawing them on and always use eyeliner which helps to disguise no lashes. It’s certainly a disease that keeps giving even when we don’t want it isn’t it. Keep 💪 strong and take care.

Regards Linda xx

IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to Lmc52

Hi Linda

My first recurrence was in my lymph nodes two years ago after 5years NED. I was only given Carboplatin the second time which upset me as the combination is usually given to someone with a long remission . Now it’s back in the same peri aortic lymph nodes with a lung nodule thrown in for good measure ! I’m not even counting the unrelated Breast cancer of last Dec with the mastectomy and radiation that followed and completed this Apr. But Hey. I’m not counting anymore. I’m just so happy to be treated that I never minded losing my hair . I didnt lose it two years ago with the Carbo only and I was able to skip chemo for my BC this year as I had the right score on my Oncotype test .. I have been lucky in many ways.

I think you are right going for the funky, short up to date grey ! You go girl !



Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to IrishMollyO

I have just read your previous posts and was so impressed with your strength of character and courage. I am only just in early remission after a year and have another 5 months of avastin to go but will accept anything offered and hope to keep the bugger at bay. I wish you all the luck in the world and you keep fighting girl cause as you say “ You’re worth it “ When you choose your wig take a photo and let us have a look I am sure you will look great.

Big hug

Linda xx 💐

IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to Lmc52

I’m sure you are just as brave Linda. We all somehow find a hidden strength we never knew we had when faced with this . Before I was diagnosed I would have called myself a wimp but suddenly I became Superwoman. Or maybe it was just the steroids 😋! As for the photo I will think about that one ! I never like myself in photos so it would have to be well photoshopped . To be continued ...



Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to IrishMollyO

I had my eyebrows microbladed and they are amazing . I would urge anyone thinking of having them done go for it . They shape your face and make me feel I can cope with the hair loss and loss of eyelashes .

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Coxsar

Did it hurt and how long does it last . Xx

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to Lmc52

It’s like a sharp scratch , I didn’t even bleed . 12-18 months . Well worth the money £200 .

Seasun36-uk profile image
Seasun36-uk in reply to Lmc52

Hi. It did hurt (a bit) - like a venflon! 😂

Mine cost £300! I am glad I had them done though.

Seasun36-uk profile image
Seasun36-uk in reply to Coxsar

I agree, I am pleased with my microbladed eyebrows!

IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to Coxsar

Sounds like the procedure someone described to me at my support centre today . She said it was quite painful but well worth it and her eyebrows were lovely . I have taken the number of the salon but it’s quite a distance from me so will try to find a nearer one. I will probably have to speed up with it as it may not be long before treatment begins after scan 4oct. Thanks for the tip. Take care



tara108 profile image

Hi. Yes, my hair came back white and grey and crazy curly, I used to call it! Waited 5 months to color it again, without ammnonia, back to dark blonde. My friends loved it short and white but I hated it for all the reasons you mention. It just wasn't me! Just got it back to the old length etc and now its all mostly gone again on 1st recurrence chemo!

So, I am concentrating on health, not looks! but won't wait 5 months again to dye it. I'm not a wig gal and am having a beanie Winter again in Australia and big hats when heat kicks in again soon! Big hugs.

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to tara108

Isn’t hair amazing ,what ever we do to it it still try’s to grow.Sorry to hear about your reoccurrence,put all your strength into getting well again. I didn’t mind wearing hats really and went a bit mad in buying them, hubby said l could supply them .I have most colours lol but Australia is just a bit far to come, so rock your beanie and take care and big hugs back to you.

Regards Linda xx

CarolynA profile image

Hi Linda. I had bright red hair most of my life (think Fergie but redder!) but most of the red had gone by my late 50s, leaving a bright yellowy blonde before chemo. I hated having it cut so wore it in a long bob, baby fine and very straight. I was SO upset about losing it, and friends would say ‘but it might come back curly’ , something I’d always wanted. It came back just as fine and just as straight, but the most amazing silver/white/blonde and very shiny, and I loved it shorter! Yes, I look different and certainly feel it, but it is one change I am happy with! 😊 Carolyn xx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to CarolynA

So there are positives to be had 😀 between us we will put hairdressers out of business lol. We will be starting a new craze , strong silver/white /blonde superwomen 😇 Linda xx

Cropcrop profile image

Mine came back fluffy, white and really curly at first, it was just like baby hair. It changed back to more like my ‘normal’ hair in texture and the new dull grey really wasn’t right so back out came the peroxide. I need to use much more conditioner than I ever did (age may play quite a big part in that too + the peroxide 🤔) and my skin is so much drier than it ever was, lots of lotions and potions required.

I think having had cancer and all it’s delightful side kicks makes us much more aware how precious this life we’ve been given truly is. A friend of mine had breast cancer 8 years ago and her attitude these days is just one of ‘how bright the colours are and how beautiful life is’ . Amen to that ❤️Xx Jane

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Cropcrop

I agree completely ,every day l try and look for a positive, drives my mum mad as she is a half empty person where I am a half full type of person (thank god) . I also believe in the Tree of Life and long may it last. 🌈🦋xx

Numi profile image

Hi. Before chemo I had red hair fading to a sandy colour. It grew back jet black and white to give a steel grey sort of effect. As my eyebrows returned sandy and I've got the pale skin and freckles that go with red hair, it's a striking look. I've been having fun lately with wash out pastel colours as only the white hairs take the colour. I've tried turquoise, purple and blue, and am currently sporting a mixture of blue and purple. If I can't be frivolous now, when can I be? Enjoy your new look. x

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Numi

Go for it plenty more colours in the pallet. I would recognise you straight away then. Lol👩‍🎤

Lmc52 profile image

Sorry to hear that, hope it not to long before it try’s to grow again.Take care and big hug. Xx Linda

Maus123 profile image

Hi Linda. I'm not entirely sure yet as my hair is just now starting to regrow after chemo (I'm 49). Thus I'm still going through the baby elephant fluff stage (including the shape to go along with that analogy, uh oh).

Hm.. I think they might come back straight and light blonde, with some grey sprinkled in for good measure. If that holds true, my hair could potentially go back to the pre-chemo look. But this is truly an 'Ueberraschungs-Ei' phase.. just have to wait and see :). I'm pretty resolved though that I want achieve at least chin length and some colour, eventually.

It's never perfect until you look in the mirror and smile, right? So I hope you will get to a comfortable look again, in time. All the best. Maus.

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Maus123

I have gone through that stage my husband who loves me really used to call me “crash baldicoot” nice or what. I’m 65 so I think l will embrace the colour as no roots to worry about but keep it short if it’s good enough for Helen Miriam and Judy Dench then it’s good enough for me so bring it on. Take care . Linda xx

ZenaJ profile image

My hair came back grey and I've been told people pay to have it. It is very soft and came back thick but now it's much thinner. I haven't bothered to have it coloured. I did use the cold cap so maybe that made a difference.

The hair on the rest of my body took ages to grow back and when it did it was curly (it's not now) and there's still hardly any of it. I had lovely curly eyelashes and now straight spider's legs. Never mind the alternative would have been so much worse.

Best wishes, Zena xx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to ZenaJ

I’m hoping that hair on body doesn’t come back lol so much easier but do have eyelashes and thin eyebrows now so don’t look so scared rabbit now. I didn’t expect to have so many replies but it’s been lovely chatting to so many like minded people. Take care 🌈💚 Linda xx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Lmc52

The hair on my legs didn't come back for nearly a year. I thought yippee something good and then the curly little things started growing. I'm now at the stage I have a few normal hairs. Sometimes I just pluck them, there's so few. I consider that lucky.

Best wishes, Zena xx

Hi yes mine was more grey than dark brown which is my normal colour when it first came back but now back (more or less) to original colour. I must agree I love it short - it’s so easy and only put a spot of oil on it - takes much less time to get ready now - I had long curly hair before so I do feel different and very empowered 😀xxx

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to

And it really suits you, I think it’s unlikely mine will go back to original colour but I am definitely keeping it short.👍 xx

Annasp profile image

Hi, my hair came back mostly white with dark stripes, nothing like my original colour. I dont look like me anymor

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Annasp

Snap there seems to be a pattern forming , maybe we are all turning into badgers.lol which is what one of my daughters call me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But l am quite embracing looking different .

purfekt10 profile image

I just finished my last chemo 3 weeks ago but my hair had started regrowing about 2 months ago. It's coming in totally white and is about 1/2 inch long and kind of fluffy. So I don't know what to expect now that I'm no longer getting chemo.

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to purfekt10

Amazing another white hair, do you find that people are drawn to stroking your hair, I began to feel like a dog .lol 🐩 .

GNM1 profile image

HI ,

it's funny I was just talking about my hair today with my husband 😉. How long is it since you finished primary Chemo? I finished in Jan. My hair comeback a similar colour to what it had been. Hardly any grey which amazes neighbours & friends🤣. Yes, as you say soft, fluffy & wavy. It used be fine & quite flat. Also "chemo curl" seems to be a thing! Heard it lasts about a year.

I'm wondering what's the thinking on getting trims/cuts -how soon ? Also do most people return to using ordinary (chemically based) shampoo/conditioners, or go the "no-poo" route? So far I've stayed away from chemical -shop bout hair products. Made some with organic -kitchen cupboard stuff -the idea being that the chemicals from my hair wash down on my skin etc. I'm not a dedicated to the idea -just trying it out! Like someone else said - (since my lashes returned) I love my mascara😃 -so !! On the subject of lashes -I used organic castor oil to encourage them & eyebrows to return.

Here's to our rebirths 😘 -& an opportunity to reinvent ourselves -leaving behind negative people & toxins of all sorts 😘 -here's to health & strength in recovery ❤️ G🌹

Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to GNM1

I finished primary chemo end of May hair had started to try to grow,no eyebrows or lashes at that time. Now on Avastin until Jan 2019 but eyelashes just suddenly appeared and eye brows are visible now but both dark brown but hair is white with streaks, I have been using no chemicals shampoo but have been reccomended another shampoo purely for white/platinum and grey hair with no chemicals or the blue colour had to order it on line so just waiting for it to arrive to try. I will put a comment on once l tried it. Have never had curly hair and at the back it is going mad not sure about it, I have booked to go and have a trim in a couple of weeks but intend to keep it short.Be interesting to see if it still grows curly, I know when I had my daughters hair cut for the first time it went straight and new hair feels like baby hair. Could not do without my eyeliner and mascara makes the person looking back at me from the mirror feel a little more familiar.🤗. but doesn’t matter I intend to grow old disgraceful so Cancer needs to watch itself.

Here’s to Positive people and as many adventures as we can manage.

🌈💚 Linda x

Mptelesca profile image

Such a lovely way of putting what I am actually going through right now. I had a recurrence in January and finished with chemo in middle of June. My hair is coming back like salt and pepper (never had any grays). It's curly too. I, too, look in the mirror and have a different person staring back at me. I think how cool it is to just wash, oil and go! Seems to be pretty Bohemian (is that a word anyone still uses?) There is a certain amount of freedom and fun when one stops thinking about how people see you. I'm at that point. I have been getting compliments, but, if I didn't...it's just fine because this is who I am and it's fun to not spend so much time and money on a hair style which is overrated at times.

Thank you for posting. Wishing you continued health, positivity and fun!



Lmc52 profile image
Lmc52 in reply to Mptelesca

Thanks Marisa and you carry on being as Bohemian as you like, I am trying colours l never thought I could wear and learning to say No to people which l struggled to do before. Very satisfying seeing their faces . I have learned Life is to precious to waste so here’s to all us strong women🥂 Onwards and Upwards 🌈💚 xx Linda

Mptelesca profile image

Yes, we ARE strong women! I LOVE that I can now wear and experiment with new colors! I am wearing earrings I never would dare before! Best part about all this....and I'm so glad you mentioned...is being able to say NO to people without long explanations and guilt!

Stay well, Linda and keep having FUN!!!



ShropshireJo profile image

Hi Linda. When I had my first recurrence in 2016 (after 8 years NED!), I was already discussing with my hairdresser about not colouring my hair any more so once I was on chemo and lost my hair, I decided to have a grey wig to see if I felt ok with being grey. Had loads of compliments which gave me the courage to embrace grey. Yes, it was curly for a few months but I ended up with straighter hair than before. Now on third line and although most of my hair has gone, what’s left seems to be my original fair colour which is a mystery. By the way, when my eyebrows grew back after second line, they were frighteningly bushy for a few months. Strange stuff hair! Just glad to be alive🙂. All the best. Jo 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌹

Lmc52 profile image

Hi Jo Hope your third line has settled and things are easier for you. So what colour wig are you going for this time , or if like me have you got loads of hats . I haven’t had the bushy eyebrows yet but have found there are several small bald patches still so there is time yet I would probably end up to Dennis Healey 😂 It’s all a huge learning circle isn’t it and we learn a lot about ourselves as well and our inner strength . Surprising what we can cope with isn’t it. Anyway from a Staffordshire girl to a Shropshire girl keep fighting 👊 best wishes 🌈💚 Linda xx

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