Diagnosed with stage 1a ovarian cancer. Currently undergoing chemotherapy - carboplatin + paclitaxel.
Introduction: Diagnosed with stage 1a ovarian... - My Ovacome

Hi Melody. Welcome to the community, albeit under less than ideal circumstances.
Undergoing chemo even for stage 1a OC should put you on the safe side afterwards, and grant you the best possible outlook.
I've just finished 6x carboplatin/paclitaxel (+ Avastin) myself, and found it doable. We reduced the Taxol dosage somewhat after chemo #3, due to side effects (neuropathy on feet, and skin problems on my head). Everything else was manageable ... mostly fatigue. Thanks to solid anti-sickness meds, I did not suffer vomiting.. just some slight to moderate nausea on days 4-6.
Hope it is going well for you too. Maus
Hi Maus, thank you for your lovely, warm welcome and also for all the information. I’ve done 2 cycles so 4 to go - thanks for the info re your 3rd chemo - I had heard that 3 and 4 get tougher in general. Side effects I’ve had are insomnia (steroids!) and fatigue, little bit of a dicky tummy at times - not as bad as I had feared! Fingers crossed this little pest is long gone by now...wishing you a future that has no further ovca in it as well - hideous disease that no-one deserves.
Melody x
Hello Melody,
Welcome to our community. Sorry you had to find us in the first place, but we’re glad you have. It sounds like you are having the full belt and braces chemo. Good luck with it, and I hope the side effects are kind to you. Don’t be afraid to ask your medical team for help if they get too much - there’s lots of medication out there to help manage nausea and such like.
Hi Vicki, thank you for your lovely, warm welcome and thank you for your good wishes and advice. Yes, you’re quite right about belt and braces - lol! After everything I’ve read about ovca (a lot! Possibly too much!) I just want to kill it stone dead - if anything remains after TAH BSO + Omentectomy. My surgeon recommended chemo before the oncologist had spoken to me about it - that caused a bit of tension! - but that’s another story! With Very best wishes to you for your treatment - wishing you an ovca free future.
Melody x
Hi Melody, welcome to the most friendly and helpful group of people you could wish for.
You’ve been diagnosed nice and early and you’ve been given the good stuff so hopefully you should respond well and get positive results.
The chemo isn’t a barrel of laughs but it’s certainly doable, you should have had a written detailed document which explains the potential side effects to the the chemo, you may get some, you may get them all, you may get none if you’re really really lucky but I think it’s worth it, I’m 4 years on from a 1c3 diagnosis and am as well as I could hope to be. I hope you’re as well when you’re done as I am. You will get fatigue which needs time but it will gradually get less and you’ll be back to more like normal.
Good luck with the chemo, we’re here if you need anything, good luck ❤️Xx Jane
Hi Jane, thank you for your lovely, warm welcome and also for your reassurance re early diagnosis and that I’ve been given the good stuff - much appreciated. Re chemo not being a barrell of laughs - lol - I totally agree! For me the worst thing is the continually having to think about hygiene - not that I am normally filthy! But just having to be aware of what I’ve touched, etc, whilst cooking a meal or whatever - ugh...it’s exhausting! And thank you for the reassurance that doing chemo is worth it. Am really pleased to see that you are 4 years recurrence free from diagnosis - that’s really terrific - so pleased for you - may it continue forever. Again, thank you so much for your advice, support and encouragement - it really means a lot. I won’t hesitate to holler if I need anything!
Melody xx
Dear Melody
How are you doing
I have same diagnonosis as you
Undergoing chemo
Same my gynecologist suggested it
I guess to give us all our chances
Give me an update
I also was diagnosed with Ov Ca Stage1A Grade 1. In September 2018.No chemo offered. Was your grade different ? So I have had no treatment only surveillance (3monthly beginning Jan ‘19.).
Pains from toes to knees especially at night. RachelFaye
I thank you sincerely Melody6 for having replied. I am 64,very post-menopausal.
Was wondering if the feet & leg pin prick pains are due to hormones after my total hysterectomy 3-months today.
Shall mention it to GP.
I got no chemo. Wasn’t granted a consultation with oncologist so went privately to one in Cork to ask my questions and to get another opinion.
He agreed with the no-treatment plan for me.
Mel and anyone else:
Is there a hormonal situation after the debulking surgery even at my advanced age ?
Rachel Faye
Hi Melody I am getting carboplatin alone, going for my third one on Mon. Glad you are done.now enjoy life and pretend it was a bad dream
Hi Purplish, good luck for your third and also your subsequent chemos. Let us know how you are getting on 😀 . I am enjoying life, although I wish it was a bad dream 😮. All good wishes, Mel xx.
It’s scary that Jonich got the cancer back after 20 years even being a 1A.thoughi found practically no one with recurrence at 1 A as they say 90 per cent are cured by surgery alone
I’d be fairly happy with a 20 yr remission! Bearing in mind the generally pessimistic ovca stats. But can understand that it would be a shock after that length of time. Fingers crossed that u and I and all of the other stage 1a ladies on here are in the 90% ☘️
Yes let’s hope we are in the 90 percent.
I had a rough third chemo with nausea on the third day.but it’s expected. Did it get better or worse when going down hill??
The stats for OC is pessimistic cause about 85 percent of cases are diagnosed when it’s too late. We are in the 15 percent.phew. That close