Home at last. : I’m home. Came out of hospital... - My Ovacome

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Home at last.

Suzanne333 profile image
67 Replies

I’m home. Came out of hospital about 8pm last night. Got to go back for my meds today though.

The drain hurts a bit but hopefully that’ll settle.

I found out that the big lump in my tummy isn’t a hernia. I do have a hernia but it’s small and it’s not the hernia causing my sickness. The big lump is thickening on my small bowel in the peritoneum and it’s squashing my stomach. Hopefully the chemo Monday will reduce that and I can eat again. Although the drain has given some relief, I’m still being sick and have terrible acid. I do have meds but they don’t seem to help much.

Here’s looking forward and hoping things improve.

Not just for me but for all you lovely ladies living with this nasty disease.

Hugs to all. Xxxx

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Suzanne333 profile image
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67 Replies
Welshandproud profile image

So delighted you have escaped from the hospital. That is really good news. Interesting news about the hernia. At least you know what it is now and hopefully chemo will do the trick. So sorry you are still suffering with pain and sickness. Sending you a big and gentle virtual cwtch xxx

Kryssy profile image

Hi lovely lady. So pleased you have escaped although your photo looks rather sinister. Just take it easy, one day at a time and get well. My jolly away did me the power of good and I'm ready for the next battle. Bring it on xxxxxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toKryssy

Hi Kryssy.

That’s brilliant. I’m so glad you’re feeling up to the fight again. We do get down but we get up again. We are like weebles. We wobble but we don’t fall down. .

Keep strong and positive lovely lady.

Big hugs and lots of love xxxxxx

Jessica-DianeB profile image

So glad you are home, thinking of you xx

January-2016-UK profile image

So pleased for you you're back home. Hope the hospital have given you some advice how to obtain some nutrition to keep up your strength.

Good luck Monday!

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toJanuary-2016-UK


So glad to be home. They’ve advised me to try and drink my nutritional drinks. Three a day. I need to try and get strong.

Big hugs xxxxx

Salmon45 profile image

Sending you big hugs and hope things improve very soon 💖💖

Deesales profile image

Hope you begin to feel better very soon x

Coldethyl profile image

Get those drinks down you ready for next chemo - glad you’re home - you can get some decent rest now as hospitals least likely place for that! Thinking of you x

WoodyB profile image

Hello again Suzanne, great to hear that you've escaped. Just to let you know that my Suzanne also has thickening on the small bowel and, in her case, it caused a total bowel obstruction - hence she was being sick as there was no way for digested food to pass through the bowel so it came back up. You will need to stick to a low residue diet (basically, unhealthy food low in fibre like cakes, crisps and pies!!) so that the size of the pre-poo trying to pass through the small bowel is reduced. You also need to make sure the poo is soft. Docusate is good for this. Do not take any laxatives containing fibre, like fibogel or senna, as this will bulk up the size of your poo.

Suzanne was lucky in that the chemo worked pretty quickly (about 10 days) and the blockage cleared. Hope your new chemo regime sorts you out quickly. Be careful they don't give you any anti-nausea meds that cause constipation, like ondansetron.

The Christie do an excellent patient booklet on bowel obstruction - see link below.

Love from us both xx


Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toWoodyB

Hi woody and thank you for your message. I think that’s what I’ve got. Nothing is going down. It just back up again. I’m so glad your Suzanne’s chemo did the trick and the blockage cleared.

Thank you for the Christie link. I’m going to go into that now.

I hope your Suzanne is doing ok.

Love to you both xxx

WoodyB profile image
WoodyB in reply toSuzanne333

The chicken soup sounds really good! Just to let you know that Suzanne was lucky and her blockage cleared pretty quickly. The consultant said it can take up to 6 weeks, so just hoping that you Suzannes are all lucky together.

Consultant appointment on Thursday coming, with CA125 result. Last time it crept up from 12 to 13 (I know many would kill for that), so Suzanne is anxious that she has bottomed out. CT scan booked in for early Sept. She seems really well and still on max dose olaparib. I'm keeping positive.

Good luck with everything and love from us both xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toWoodyB

Good luck for Thursday with the consultant appointment and CA125 result. Please let us know how she gets on. I’m sure she will be ok. I think the numbers can go up and down a bit. I think they look for a trend in the rise.

I’ve heard olaparib is really good. If I can tolerate the cisplatin and my tumours shrink enough then I can have olaparib. I’m hoping I can. I’ve just eaten a few cold grapes. Probably not a good thing to eat but they quench my thirst.

Wishing your suzanne all the best for Thursday.

Love to you both xxxx

BeeWild profile image

Hi lovely very brave lady xx just a thought but if you could wear a tightish vest top or even support pants to hold the drain close to your abdomen so it cant wiggle around would that make the discomfort easier?

Sorry to hear about your bowel problems sweetie but hopefully the alien killers will start their work on Monday and you will start to feel better and be able to eat something x

Maybe as woody suggests try a low residue diet maybe things like cream of chicken soup with extra cream might be easier to digest for you and taste a bit better than the nutrition drinks x I had than for weeks post surgery and they weren’t the most tasty things to have!!

Hopefully in a week or so you will regain your appetite, stop feeling sick and the acid reflux will ease off too so you can have a bit of your favourite foods and start that road back to good health again xx

We are all here rooting for you sweetie and I truly hope Monday goes smoothly for you as I know you’ll be anxious x I’ll be thinking of you as I will be having my chemo on Monday too, we can be virtual chemo buddies xx

Sending much love and hugs

Bev xxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toBeeWild

Hi Bev.

Aww thank you.

The idea of the creamed chicken soup sounds really good. I’ll have to get some. It’ll be nice and thick and will keep the acid down. I’m eating ice pops quite a bit. I had a muesli bar earlier but brought it back up.

I did tuck the drain thing in my pants to sleep last night. It feels tender and sore so I didn’t move about much in bed. I guess I’ll get used to it.

Aww I do hope your chemo goes ok on Monday. What number chemo is it?

I will be thinking of you being plugged in while I’m plugged in.

Very big hugs Bev xxxxx

BeeWild profile image
BeeWild in reply toSuzanne333

I’m on number 13 on Monday just 5 more to do after that and I also get my Ca125 checked again too 😱 don’t know why I get so anxious about it but I do worry about it going up even though up to now I’ve been really lucky and it’s gone down and stayed down! Honestly this OC has turned me into an anxiety ball at times and I never used to be!

I so hope you have an easy time of things on Monday you deserve a break!

If I lived near you I’d go and get you some cream of chicken soup and extra cream as I’m sure it would do you good xx I hope you’ve got someone that can help you out whilst you’re feeling yuk?

Keep on keeping on lovely those beasts will be kicked up the derrière on Monday!!


Bev xx

ShropshireJo profile image

So glad to hear you’re home. Sending you very best wishes Jo 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌹

Petrolhead profile image

So glad you have got it sorted and have escaped home.

Hope all goes well.

Best wishes


Katmal-UK profile image

Great to see you are home! Hopefully you will feel more comfortable soon and things improve for you sooner rather than later. Take care and get loads of rest xx Big Hug xx Kathy

Jackie0 profile image

Echo all said! Good luck to you!!

Always great to be home!!

Much love JackieO xx

Emalou71 profile image

Yay great news, so glad your home 😀 I'm hoping you can get some food down to keep your strength up ready for Monday xxx

Alifit profile image

Hi Suzanne,

I’m so glad you’re home and hope you become more comfortable as you regain your strength.

Good luck for Monday, rest up now. Lots of love, Ali x

gmc920 profile image

Very glad that you are home and hope you are able to get some good rest. Best wishes that your upcoming treatment is very successful and especially that it resolves the stomach issues/acid so you can eat what you like and regain your strength 💕

xx Gina

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply togmc920

Thank you Gina.

Hugs xxx

Great to hear you are home, may you continue to improve. Peppermint tea works really well for me at relieving the acid as does Gaviscon. Good Luck Lyn x

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to

Thank you Lyn. I’ll try the peppermint tea.

Hope you are ok. Hugs xxx

Jane420 profile image

You can do this . I read your posts . You’ve got a lovely personality and are a fighter . Praying for you

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toJane420

Aww thank you Jane. I will keep fighting. This is the worst I’ve felt in two years of having this disease but I’ll keep fighting on.

I hope you are doing ok.

Hugs xxxxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toJane420

Aww thank you Jane. I will keep fighting. This is the worst I’ve felt in two years of having this disease but I’ll keep fighting on.

I hope you are doing ok.

Hugs xxxxx

Gosh you've had a rough time. Big gentle hugs and hope things improve, xxxx

HI Suzanne, Glad you are home now I hope things improve for you arfter the hard time you have had of late..Take care my friend Lorraine xx

Gleedy profile image

The acid will settle. I was vomiting what seemed like battery acid at one point. My permanent drain was in for 5 months. Ive just had a stay in hospital of 4 days as i got a terrible infection in the drain. The discomfort and fever was worse than debulking surgery. So watch it carefully and go straight to GP its sore or red. I did but she said it wasnt bad. 24hours later it was. It is reassuring to have it in though. Good luck and i hope you are much more comfortable now xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toGleedy

Hi Gleedy.

How do they take the drain out? Do they just pull it out? I will keep a close eye on it. It hurts at the moment so I hope it settles down.

I too felt like I was vomiting battery acid. It’s really horrible.

I’m hoping once I start gem and cisplatin tomorrow that things will improve in my abdomen.

I hope you are keeping ok.

Hugs xxxxx

Gleedy profile image

I have had very good results with gem and cisplatin where others failed. It is a case of pulling it out but with lical anaesthetic. Best done without severe infection pain!!!! My last scan showed shrinkage and some areas have disappeared so keep positive x

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toGleedy

Ahh that’s good to hear about the shrinkage and some bits disappearing. I’m glad you are doing ok.

Horrible disease this is. We must keep positive.

Sending you lots of love xxxx

Ossett profile image

So glad you’re home you will certainly sleep more lol.

Get strong now and the new chemo will kick ass.

I’m still in having lung drained hopefully will be home soon as well.

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toOssett

Aww I hope your draining is going ok? Is it painful? Hopefully you will be able to go home soon. Thinking of you. Keep strong xxxx

Eriksendi profile image

So pleased to see that you are home and I hope things soon improve with the eating. I had ascities when I was diagnosed and had problems eating... it’s horrible when you want to eat and know that you need to but just can’t. Hope the chemo goes well and that you will soon be back on track. Sending hugs and healing thoughts x x x

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toEriksendi

Thank you. I’m hoping the chemo goes ok tomorrow.

I hope everything is ok with you.

Sending big hugs xxxx

ZenaJ profile image

Glad you're home again. It's the start of the next journey. Does the op we all have cause hernias. It seems a lot of us have them, including me?

Let's hope that sickness wears off soon, there's nothing worse than feeling sick all the time.

Been thinking of you especially as I'm about to go out to lunch and I know you're not eating.

All my very best wishes, Zena xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toZenaJ

Hi Zena.

It does seem that a few of us do have hernias. Although they are quite common after 50.

I was sick loads yesterday but not been sick today. I have only eaten grapes though.

I hope you have a lovely lunch out.

When I can eat again I’m going to go out for a slap up meal.

Take care Zena. Big hugs xxxxx

CJR99 profile image

So pleased you are home Suzanne.

I do hope you are feeling much better very soon.Thinking of you xxx

Maxjor profile image

So glad you're home and hope you slept Suzanne. I like that others (or other's sig others) have been on your upcoming chemo and it got rid of the thickening. I am more than hopeful for you--I am optimistic it will work and the thickening will go away--allowing you full appetite and eating again, let alone put that beast away again. But DO drink those drinks and whatever low residual things you can get to pass through to keep up your strength. Thinking of you and hoping things improve quickly. oxoxox Judy

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toMaxjor

Hi Judy.

Aww thank you for your message. That has made me feel hopeful. I can’t wait to be able to eat again. I love my food. I even throw up water. I’ve been drinking the nutritional drinks. I seem to keep them down.

I hope everything is good with you.

Big hugs. Xxxxxx

Nstober profile image

Dear Suzanne praying for you here in the USA and hope things turn around soon for.



angeladale profile image

So pleased you are home and that a plan is in place . When I was horribly out of it and couldn't eat , my husband made me fresh chicken soup , clear , strained of all veggies and chicken , and had just that for a week . I too am on low residual diet , remarkably it works ! If you like plain yoghurt , Aryan is very refreshing and gives you calcium , salt and liquid . My very best wishes for comfort and energy ....xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toangeladale

Hi Angela.

I will try that soup and also plain yoghurt. I’ve eaten some grapes this morning. I love cold grapes as they quench my thirst.

I hope you are doing ok.

Hugs xxxxx

Cropcrop profile image

Glad you organised the escape committee, I hope your drain settles down a little, I suppose any tube sticking out of our tummy would be sore but I hope it’s not for long and I hope it does it’s job. Maybe the thickening in the peritoneum is aggravating your digestive system, hopefully chemo will settle things down? I do hope so. Have they given you anything for the acid and nausea? Hopefully you can start to get some nutrients to enable you to build up your strength ready for the chemo, maybe a chat with a specialist nutritionist could help?

Big gentle hugs lovely and lots of love as always ❤️Xx Jane

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toCropcrop

Hi Jane.

Yes the thickening is pushing my stomach so I just can’t eat much and because no food is going down, my body is making loads of acid. I have two types of tablets for the acid and an anti sickness tablet. I’m hoping the chemo will resolve the issue. I just so want to be able to eat normally. I’ve managed two of those nutritional drinks today.

I’m hoping you are doing ok.

Sending you very big hugs xxxxx

ScardyCat40 profile image

I can see from your photo that you have the same type of rocket medical type of drain that I have in the right side of my chest

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toScardyCat40

Aww. I hope you’re getting on ok with yours. Thinking of you

Hugs xxxx

lizzie3bee profile image

Hugs to you Suzanne. Hope you start feeling better soon. Really good to hear you are out of hospital.


Seasun36-uk profile image

Hugs xoxo

Lily-Anne profile image

Pleased your home it’s better to sleep in your own bed. I have a tumour in my rectal stomach muscle that’s got bigger it’s easy to feel near my belly button

Good luck with chemo everything crossed for you

LA xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toLily-Anne

Hi Lily Anne.

Oh I’m sorry to hear you r got a tumour. Is it a new one? What will they do? Surgery?

My whole upper abdomen is hard due to the thickening. I’m sick every single day.

We don’t half go through it. I’m thinking of you m. Let us know how you get on.

Sending big hugs xxxxx

Lily-Anne profile image
Lily-Anne in reply toSuzanne333

I’ve had this tumour showing on scan since May 2017. It then nearly disappeared on its own it’s started growing again since I stopped the cannabis oil.

No surgery or anything for me now, I’m very much on end of life care. Palliative care doc wants me to have blood transfusion this week. Time is heavily against me but am pushing on to try and beat the clock. Last Friday they wanted to admit me but I still have some loose ends to tie up


jools53 profile image

For god sake! You poor Hun ! Can they not do surgery! So is it scar tissue? Let’s hope it all settles quickly 😘😘🙏🙏

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply tojools53

No they can’t operate. I asked. It’s cancer deposits which are causing thickening. I hope when I have chemo today that it might help shrink the thickening and I’ll be able to eat. I had a ham sandwich yesterday and couldn’t stop being sick.

My tummy really hurts and I’ve got cramp in my back.

I’ve got to keep positive

I hope you’re doing ok.

Hugs xxxxxx

jools53 profile image
jools53 in reply toSuzanne333

Not bad! Ca up! MRI showed small area around bowel! But consultant not concerned! Wish I could feel the same, always wondering if it’s scar tissue or cancer, seem to have a lot of chest discomfort! On hols bank holiday so hoping for a good week! All best Hun ! I’m being treated at Maidstone going over to genius as department close!

Stay strong 😘😘

ellseybellsey profile image

So pleased you have managed to get home, hopefully you’re new chemo will give you some relief, sending you virtual hugs.

Ellsey xx

Kakabud profile image

Best of luck Suzanne. Hope the drain works well for you. When doing the drain for my mum we just done a litre or so at a time every 2nd day . She didn't like to wait until the fluid slowed down as she said she felt a tug so we stopped before slow down. Any questions with the pleurix I am here to help. X. Also she found a v snap pillow really helpful to sleep with now drain in.

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toKakabud

Hi and thank you for that info. I do have one of those pillows. I’ll dig it out. The drain still hurts. The nurse came yesterday to drain it but nothing came out. It had only been a couple of days. I’m hoping chemo will stop the fluid building up. We shall see.

If I have any questions I will ask you if that’s ok.

Big hugs xxxxx

SCWI profile image

Hi Suzanne

So pleased you are out of that hospital and back home. I also had thickening of the bowel loops when I recurred and the chemo sorted it out quite quickly. Hope it is the same for you and you can eat properly again. Love to you, Sophia xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toSCWI

Hi Sophia.

Aww thank you for your message. I’m so hoping this is the case. I’m so frustrated at not being able to eat. I’ve lost a stone and a half. I need to keep strong for chemo.

How are you? I hope you are doing ok

Big hugs xxxxxx

SCWI profile image

Good luck with your chemo today Suzanne, I’ll be thinking of you. Maybe you’d be best off eating soups till your tummy feels a bit better. Chicken would be good and nourishing and digestible.

I have my last chemo of this course on Friday. Fingers crossed for us both 🤞🏻😊l

Love Sophia xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply toSCWI

Hi Sophia

I hope your last chemo goes ok on Friday. I will keep my fingers crossed. Xxxx hugs xxxx

Maus123 profile image

Ah Suzanne. Glad you are home but I bet you can't wait for the chemo to do its job and ease your stomach trouble soon.

Hang in there and you'll make it through the next few days. Hopefully your bowel and stomach will settle down by then, and you'll have some more success with eating, even if it's still a low residue diet. Wish I could abduct you into a pain free land of dreams until then, I really do. Many hugs and bring the chemo on. Maus

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