The MDT have discussed my latest CT scan showing a lung nodule and I now have to have an urgent PET Scan. Not getting a good feeling about this
lung nodule: The MDT have discussed my latest CT... - My Ovacome
lung nodule

Better to check it out I guess, although I get why you are worried, Diane. It's hard to catch a break , isn't it. Still...
I hope for you that it is not 'active' and will simply pack up and leave at some point. Best of luck! Let us know how it's going. Xx. Maus
Hi, I had a module on my lung and was sent for a ct scan but was told that it was ok . Had a further ct three months later for my check up after my chemotherapy, no one mentioned it . Hard not to worry I know . Let us know how you get on xx
Hang in there. I've had several ground glass nodules in my lung and they were being monitored for growth. Luckily my body did what it was supposed to and I believe the term was calcified the nodules. They were basically encased and aren't growing.
Good that your doctors are treating this as urgent.
Keep us posted.
Hi, It's very unlikely to be a secondary cancer,they will still call it ovarian cancer.
I think it's good that your team is treating this in the best possible way.
You sound like you have a good team, I hope all goes well.. Take care Lorraine xx
Thank you. I am very shocked just didn’t expect it now ca 125 has dropped back to 11 it’s best since chemo finished last November
Sorry to read about this new worry, there always seems to be something lurking with this bloody disease but positive comments from others with similar experiences so do hope you can find plenty of distractions to take your mind of this until you know one way or another. Good that your Onc is on the case. Sending you a hug and best wishes Jo 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌹
Thank you - still very tearful today as thought with my ca125 being so good, I was clear for another few months. No doubt I’ll dust myself off in a couple of days and cope with the next worry, like all of us ladies do x x
Hi Diane
I just looked back at your profile and was reminded that we have PPC in common. I was diagnosed with stage 3c high grade serous PPC in 2011. Inoperable and treated with Carboplatin/Taxol which brought my Ca125 down from 8000 to normal . NED until 2016 when it recurred in my peri aortic lymph nodes . Treated with Carboplatin.
Was diagnosed with totally unrelated Lobular breast cancer last Dec. A mastectomy followed by radiation was the next step. This was completed in Apr and I thought this blooming disease will leave me alone for a while !
No such luck and this is the next thing we have in common. Last month the results of a CT scan showed a lung nodule and the same lymph nodes swollen again. I must admit this latest news left me reeling . Lung nodules are quite common and benign in many cases. However for someone with a previous history of cancer it can be assumed that it may be a secondary. My oncologist said I could start chemo immediately but her advice was to be rescanned in Oct and then decide the treatment plan. It will more than likely be Carboplatin/ Taxol . I have read that if the nodule doesn’t grow rapidly it could be benign . As for my lymph nodes they worry me more.
Diane , having read your profile you really have been through a far tougher time than me and have bravely come through it all. We must keep in touch and compare notes . Hopefully we will both see off this latest intruder . This forum is invaluable and will certainly help me to stop worrying about the long wait until Oct . Take care
Thank you so much for your reply and would definitely love to keep in touch. My last scan in January was clear and now there is this 1.4 cms nodule so I assume that is quite a quick growth. My ca 125 is 11 so low - what’s yours at the moment? I am going to have a PET scan and possible biopsies so am assuming that they think it’s something sinister. I hoped for a longer remission x x